When searching for evidence, he was always quick and accurate!

Kuroba Kuito stood aside, never speaking. Thinking about the few things Heiji took out in his mind, he slowly connected the cases.

"Mr. Heiji, wipe your hands."

At this moment, Nakamori Aoko, who was beside him, took out a handkerchief and handed it to Heiji.

Heiji smiled politely and took the handkerchief: "I'm sorry, Miss Qingzi."

"No trouble, I'm waiting for Mr. Heiji's wonderful reasoning."

Aoko Nakamori's eyes shone with a little bit of light, she was quite a little fan girl.

Kuroba snorted coldly, glanced at Shirao Renzhi not far away, then looked at Nakamori Aoko's expression, thought for a moment, and walked straight over.

"Senior Shirao, let's talk to the side."

Shirao Renzhi was stunned for a moment, glanced at Kuroba Kuito, thought about it, nodded, and followed Kuroha Kuito to the side of the road.

It's quiet all around!

"What's the matter with Junior Brother Kuidou?"

Shirao Renzhi looked at Kuroba Kaito.

Kuroba Kuito glanced at him with an indifferent expression: "Senpai Shirao, did you do the arson case this time?"

Shirao Renzhi's mind suddenly exploded, and he stared blankly at Kuroba Kuito.

Just in time, Officer Nakamori passed by. Hearing Kuroba's words, his expression changed and he glared at Shirao Renzhi, "Are you the murderer of this arson case?"

His voice was so loud that it traveled far in the dark.

"Is Whitetail the murderer?"

"No way, how could Shirao-senpai be the murderer?"

"White-tail can't be the murderer."

Tanaka Akira and the others rushed over, their faces were full of disbelief...

Aoko Nakamori was stunned, then turned to look at Heiji: "Mr. Heiji, is what Kuroto said true?"

Heiji wiped his hands clean and nodded lightly: "Well, the current situation seems that Mr. Shirao is very suspicious."

Aoko Nakamori - stunned, somewhat unbelievable.

Heiji casually put her handkerchief into his pocket: "After washing the handkerchief, return it to Miss Aoko. Now, let's go and have a look. Listen to the reasoning of classmate Kaito."

Aoko Nakamori came back to her senses and quickly followed behind, her eyes still shocked: "Impossible, Senior Whitetail has always liked Senior Sister Bingya, how could he want to kill Senior Sister Bingya."

Heiji smiled lightly: "Sometimes, killing doesn't need too many reasons, or it doesn't take too long to accumulate. Killing intentions may only be a moment."

Nakamori Qingzi listened quietly, shook her head, and frowned: "How is this possible. I heard Lan Qing say that Senior White-tailed has been chasing Senior Sister Bingya for more than a year, he should like her very much, and then No matter how angry you are, you don't want to kill."

Heiji smiled lightly: "Miss Qingzi, this is just my speculation. Besides, there is actually another reasoning."

Nakamori Aoko turned to look at Heiji.

Heiji's eyes flashed with light: "Perhaps, he just wanted to direct a scene where a hero saves beauty."

Aoko Nakamori's eyes widened instantly, and there was a hint of shock in her eyes: "Senior Baiwei deliberately set fire to the fire, and then rushed into the fire by himself to rescue Senior Sister Bingya?"

"But, isn't he worried that the fire will be out of control? Isn't he worried about any accident in the middle?"

Aoko Nakamori felt a surge of anger in her heart, very angry.

Heiji glanced at Aoko Nakamori in surprise, and smiled helplessly: "If he thought of Miss Aoko, he wouldn't do such an idiot thing. His eyes blinded by love can't see clearly."

Aoko Nakamori was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Heiji blankly.

Heiji ignored her and walked over.

"I'm not a murderer, why do you think I'm a murderer?"

Shirao Renzhi looked at Officer Nakamori angrily.

"Senior Shirao, I remember you went out halfway while we were singing, right?"

Kuroba Kuito looked at Shirao Renzhi confidently.

"That's right, but I'm going to the toilet."

Shirao Renzhi looked at Kuroba Kaito unhappy.

"Really? How many minutes did you go?"

"three minutes."

"Three minutes?" A smile appeared on Kuroba's face: "You don't even know when the fire broke out, but how many minutes do you know you've been there?"

Shirao Renzhi's face changed slightly, and then he snorted coldly: "Because I remember that when I went out, Mami just started to sing, and when I came back, she just finished singing, and I remember that the song was about three minutes long. "

Heiyu Kuaidou frowned, and then smiled lightly: "I remember that song for nearly four minutes, Senior White-tailed, you seem to have misremembered."

"Hmph, you sound like I am the murderer. What evidence do you have?"

Shirao Renzhi sneered and was impatient.

"Evidence?" Kuroba Kuito glanced at Heiji who had already come over, and the corners of his mouth raised a touch of confidence: "Beside the KTV, there is a convenience store. There is a fax machine there, as long as the uncle asks the clerk, there should be a Evidence that Shirao-senpai was faxing there."

"Fax?" Officer Zhong Sen frowned: "Kaidou boy, please be specific."

Kuroba Kaito smiled confidently: "Uncle, let's make sure first. When the time comes, I'll tell you everything about this case."

Officer Nakamori glanced at Kuiha Kuito suspiciously, and then called a policeman: "Go and check whether Shirao Renzhi has appeared at the convenience store next to the KTV tonight, and ask for the specific situation."

The policeman turned and drove away.

Convenience stores have surveillance, so Shirao's photo is not needed.

Kuroba Kuito stood quietly with a confident look on his face.

Heiji didn't speak, glanced at Shirao Renzhi, then looked at his car, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a flash of light.

The policeman is back.

"Report, the surveillance of the convenience store did not see Shirao Renzhi. According to the clerk's statement, no one used the fax machine in the store tonight."

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