The smile on Kuroba Kuito's face instantly solidified: "What? Impossible!"

Chapter 0624 Birthday party arson incident: keep slapping the face!

Kuroba Kuito's expression suddenly changed, and he was shocked.

Glancing at Kuroba Kaito, Officer Nakamori looked at the policeman with a serious expression.

"Yes, it has been confirmed. I checked the surveillance video three times, and Shirao Renzhi has never appeared in the convenience store."

The policeman looked serious.

Officer Nakamori nodded and looked at Kuroba Kaito: "Kaito boy, there seems to be a problem with your reasoning."

Kuroba Kuito quickly calmed down, looked at Shirao Renzhi, his eyes narrowed: "Shirao-senpai, although I don't know how you did it, but using a fax machine as an ignition switch to create a fire, this method only you can do. do it."

"Is the fax machine the ignition switch?"

The expressions of Officer Nakamori and his group changed, and shock flashed in their eyes.

"That's right." A look of confidence appeared on Kuroba's face: "Although I wasn't there at the time, I heard from Lan Qing that the last person to leave the wooden house was Senior Shirao. Sister Jiangye, you didn't say when you left. , did you put the cake on the table?"

"Well, that's right." Yumi Jiangye nodded.

"Is it close to the fax machine?"

"Of course not. I was just afraid that someone would send a fax and be lit by the candles on the cake, so I moved the table farther away."

Kuroba Kuito nodded with satisfaction: "Now the fire has been put out, Jiangye-senpai, please take a look, the table should have been moved."

Jiang Ye Yumei frowned and was about to go to the wooden house to check it out.

Heiji walked out: "I have already photographed the scene, and the location of the table has also been photographed, Miss Jiangye, please confirm."

Kuroba glanced at Heiji angrily.

Eno Yumi stared at Heiji's phone for a while, frowned, and shook her head: "The position of the table has not changed."

The smile on Kuroba Kuito's face solidified again, and he couldn't help but shout, "How is that possible!"

Saying that, he hurried to the wooden house.

"Quick fight~~"

Aoko Nakamori cried out worriedly.

Kuroba Kuito ignored it, ran out of the wooden house, and jumped in from the window.

Shirao Renzhi stood there confidently, without the slightest panic.

Heiyu Kuito came out, his brows furrowed, his eyes filled with a hint of deep doubt: The murderer must be Shirao Renzhi, but what method did he use?

[Could it be that my reasoning has always been wrong? 】

[The ignition device is not a fax machine? 】

[Could it be that he had already created a fire when he left the wooden house? 】

【impossible. We stayed in the KTV for almost two hours. If so, Ikeda Bingya would have been burned to death. 】

[It should be that my reasoning is wrong. 】

"Quick fight, are you alright?"

Nakamori Aoko looked at Kuroba Kaito worriedly.

Kuroba Kaito smiled at Nakamori Aoko and shook his head: "It seems that my reasoning is wrong. However, I still insist on my point of view, this arson case, the ignition device must be a fax machine, and the suspect Shirao Senior, you are still the first."

Shirao Renzhi shrugged: "It's normal. After all, I was the last to leave the wooden house. It's normal to be suspected."

At this time, he was very confident.

Heiyu Kuidou narrowed his eyes: It's definitely him, but, what exactly is his technique?

A policeman came by with several reports in his hand.

"Report, the test results are out."

Officer Nakamori's eyes lit up, he took the report and read it, his face gradually became solemn, and handed the report to Heiji.

"Brother Heiji, it seems that what you brought back is very important to this case."

Heiji took the report and looked down.

"The ashes have been tested to be paper, and they are paper commonly used in fax machines; the sticky mass is the residue of a birthday candle; and the nail, which is the same type as the one in the wooden house."

Heiji closed the report, looked at Shirao Renzhi and smiled lightly: "Mr. Shirao, if you confess, the judge will give you a lighter sentence based on your surrender."

In an instant, all eyes converged on Shirao Renzhi, with a shocked expression on his face.

The reaction of the others made Kuroba Kuito's face darken: It was just a word from Heiji Hattori, and it was such a big reaction. Why didn't my reasoning just see them like this.

"Mr. Whitetail, what else do you have to say?"

Officer Nakamori looked serious.

A trace of panic flashed in Shirao Renzhi's heart, but he quickly calmed down and stared at Heiji with a serious face: "Mr. Heiji, you are my idol. However, if you damage my innocence like this, I will still appeal."

Heiji smiled lightly: "Mr. Baiwei, that's why I advise you. I hope you don't disappoint my good intentions."

"Good intentions?" Shiroi Renzhi sneered: "Mr. Heiji, I'm not the murderer, but you asked me to surrender? Are you kind?"

Pingji smiled lightly, then looked at Officer Nakamori and handed him the mobile phone in his hand: "From the first photo to the fifth, it was taken when a fire broke out. It can be seen from these photos that the wooden house's The fire was not as big as the bamboo forest."

Officer Nakamori kept flipping through the photos and his face became more and more serious.

"Comparing the sixth and seventh pictures, one is the burning degree of the outer wall of the wooden house, and the other is the burning degree of the inner wall of the wooden house. It is obvious that the burning degree of the outer wall is much higher than that of the inner wall. This shows that the fire is actually from the outside. It spreads to the inside, that is to say, the first crime scene is not inside the house, but the bamboo forest outside the house."

Heiji's words were like a blockbuster, exploding directly in everyone's mind.

The first crime scene turned out to be a bamboo forest, how is this possible!

"Impossible. If that's the case, if that's the case, then it's impossible for White-tail to be the murderer at all. He could have been with us at the time, and it was impossible for him to set fire to it."

Takemura Asami said anxiously from the side.

"That's right, I just went to the toilet once, and it didn't take more than 4 minutes. From here to KTV, even if I drive, it takes 5 minutes. If I run in a straight line, it takes 3 minutes at the fastest, and a round trip takes 6 minutes. , can I fly?"

Shirao Renzhi yelled angrily.

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