"Detective, haven't you found the problem yet?"

Kuroba Kuito came over and glanced at Heiji.

Heiji smiled lightly: "I think Kuidou-kun seems to have found the problem. But, why didn't you say it?"

"Why do I say that, it's not my responsibility."

"Oh, it seems that your classmate Kuaidou is very open to life, and your classmate's sister almost died in the fire. You can say such a thing, and you are very enlightened."

Heiji glanced at Kuroba Kuito, his face slightly gloomy.

"Whatever, I'm not a great detective, and of course my consciousness is not as high as yours."

Kuroba Kaito didn't seem to care at all.

"Kaidou, how can you talk like that?"

Aoko Nakamori's voice suddenly sounded behind him, staring at him with a hint of anger.

Kuroba Kuito's expression changed, and he quickly turned around to please Nakamori Aoko. He was very unhappy with Heiji: That guy must have known that Aoko was behind me, and he actually took my word for it, **** it.

Heiji didn't have that leisurely attitude to set him up, the fire gradually went out, and a stream of heat flowed in.

"Miss Qingzi, can you get me some evidence bags?"

Aoko Nakamori was stunned for a moment, then nodded, turned and walked towards Officer Nakamori.

She handed some evidence to Heiji.

Heiji raised his foot and walked towards the fire.

"Brother Heiji, there is still little spark that hasn't been extinguished. It's too hot in the fire, so don't go there."

"Mr. Heiji, be careful."

"Idol, don't go there."

Several people's voices came from behind.

Heiji paused, turned his head and smiled lightly: "The fire is under control, I'll go take a look."

After speaking, he walked towards the fire again.

He didn't go inside the wooden house, but came to a window to check carefully...

The structure of the wooden house is still good. It was burned by fire for more than half an hour, but it didn't collapse.

Squeak~~~! ! !

Stepping on the still smoking charcoal, Heiji frowned slightly, covered his mouth with his clothes, and looked into the wooden house from the window, his eyes lit up.

The fax machine was right under the window, and most importantly, the cake stand was not far away.

A gleam of light flashed in Heiji's eyes, he propped his hands on the smoky window edge, and slammed into it.

"Brother Heiji~~"


Seeing that Heiji actually turned into the wooden house where the sparks were still exposed, Officer Nakamori's expressions changed.

Too dangerous!

If the wooden house collapses, the consequences will be serious.

They don't know Heiji, how could he do such a stupid thing if he didn't have full confidence.

After turning in, he picked up a charcoal stick next to him and pushed aside the charcoal shavings on the floor, looking for something.

He stopped moving.

Under the fax machine, there was a pile of ashes that was completely different from charcoal, and under the ashes, there was a hole the size of a nail, there was a strange sticky pool next to it, and a nail was scattered beside it.

He took out his mobile phone to take a picture of the place, then took out an evidence bag, put the ashes and nails in it, and used the evidence bag to put the sticky object in it.

Heiji stood up, glanced at the cake stand that had turned into charcoal, then turned to look out the window, his eyes twinkling: If my reasoning is correct, there should be the same sticky substance outside.

At this time, Officer Nakamori had already run over.

Seeing Heiji coming out of the window, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Heiji, you can't do such a dangerous thing anymore. If something happens, I will be hunted down by the entire Japanese police."

Heiji smiled politely, did not answer, and looked directly at the bamboos around him.

All were burnt.

However, it did not break, and still stood there.


Heiji's mouth curled into a confident smile: "Officer Nakamori, take these things for testing."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Officer Nakamori left immediately.

Heiji glanced at Shirao Renzhi from a distance and shook his head: What an idiot!

Chapter 0623 Birthday party arson incident: Kuroba Kaito's reasoning!

Everyone was anxiously waiting. Heiji's every move had already shown that he had clues in his heart, or that the whole case had already progressed.

Officer Nakamori walked past them with those items, all eyes focused on the bags.



Also, what is that goo?

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

[What's the use of Mr. Heiji finding these things? 】

Akira Tanaka frowned and felt a little inexplicable. Aren't these things very common in the fire scene?

Ikeda Bingya didn't have the slightest difference, her eyes were fixed on Heiji. She had studied many cases that Heiji solved. Many times, Heiji solved cases from things that they didn't understand or thought were irrelevant.

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