A group of people stood on the side of the road, quietly watching the burning bamboo forest.

"It seems that this bamboo forest will not exist in the future."

Kuroba Kuito sighed.

Heiji didn't speak, looking at the bamboo forest with a calm expression.

Soon, the police and fire brigade came.

After a while, the water column spewed and the mist filled the air.

Heiji and his party were also called aside by Officer Nakamori for questioning.

"Dad, why are you here? You shouldn't be in charge of this kind of case, right?"

Aoko Nakamori looked at Officer Nakamori strangely.

"During this period of time, there is no trace of Kaitou Kidd. I will come to help when I have time. What's more, I am a policeman."

Officer Nakamori said seriously.

"Uncle, are you here for Hattori Heiji?"

Kuroba glanced at Officer Nakamori unhappily: This old man has never left Hattori Heiji from the very beginning, he is just a detective, is it necessary to take this seriously?

"Haha, there is an unspoken rule in our police circle. It's not a waste of police career to be able to solve a case together with brother Heiji."

Officer Nakamori laughed.

"Cut." Hei Yu Kuito pouted, with a look of disdain.

Aoko Nakamori pursed his lips and smiled: "Mr. Heiji is indeed a big helper for the police. Today I can finally open my eyes."

Pingji smiled lightly and didn't answer.

"Isn't this an accident?"

Ikeda Bingya had woken up and came over with a puzzled face.

"It wasn't an accident. It was an arson attack!"

Chapter 0622 Birthday party arson incident: fire evidence!

"Arson case?"

Nakamori Aoko and the others looked at Heiji in unison.

"Brother Heiji, do you have a clue?"

Officer Nakamori's eyes lit up, looking at Heiji expectantly.

Heiji shook his head: "Now it can only be determined that this is a case of deliberate arson, and it is suspected of murder. There are insufficient other clues, and there is not much conclusion for the time being."

"Intentional arson and murder?"

Officer Nakamori's expression changed, and his eyes instantly became awe-inspiring.

"If you really tell Brother Heiji, then all of you will be suspect. After all, murder usually only happens between acquaintances."

The expressions of Shirao Renzhi and the others changed.

"Officer Nakamori, how could we want to murder Bingya, are we crazy?"

Takemura Mami's expression was full of tension, and she quickly explained.

"That's right, we are all Bingya's good friends, why would you want to hurt her?"

Eno Yumi echoed the road.

"Sergeant Nakamori, you may be mistaken. We are members of the University of Tokyo Detective Agency. I can't guarantee whether we have any conflicts, but they definitely won't want to hurt me."

Ikeda Bingya gently explained that she had just inhaled too much smoke, and now her head is still a little dizzy.

"Miss Bingya, sometimes, the absence of conflicts does not mean that there is no hatred. Sometimes, the victims of many cases don't even know how they died."

Officer Nakamori said lightly.

"Dad, don't talk nonsense without evidence."

Aoko Nakamori reminded softly.

"I didn't say nonsense. Brother Heiji must have evidence, right?"

Officer Nakamori looked at Heiji with a confident expression.

Heiji shook his head helplessly: "Officer Nakamori, I just said that I was suspected of murder, and I didn't say that it must be a murder case. Maybe it was just arson, but the situation exceeded the suspect's expectations, and there was no way to recover."

Officer Nakamori was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly.

Aoko Nakamori rolled her eyes at Officer Nakamori and smiled apologetically at Ikeda Bingya and the others.

Kuroba Kuito glanced at Heiji and walked out: "Uncle, you can ask Shirao-senpai for the details. He was the first to arrive at the scene."

Shirao Renzhi was stunned for a moment, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared quickly.

"Mr. Shirao, when did you discover the fire?"

Officer Nakamori came over and looked at Shirao Renzhi seriously.

"I... I'm probably around ten o'clock."

Shirao Renzhi thought for a while, and said hesitantly.


Officer Nakamori frowned.

"I didn't pay attention to the time at that time. When this happens, who will watch the time."

A flash of anger flashed on Shirao Renzhi's face, and he looked at Officer Nakamori angrily: "When you encounter something, do you deliberately check the time?"

Officer Nakamori smiled solemnly: "Mr. Shirao don't need to be excited, I'm just asking casually."

"Hmph, I see your tone of voice, a bit like the tone of a prisoner's interrogation."

Shirao Renzhi's tone became more and more calm.

Heiji glanced at him, smiled faintly, turned to look at the fire that was gradually being extinguished, and fell into deep thought.

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