"What's the matter? What does Mr. Heiji want us to prepare these things for?"

"What can a quilt and a bucket of water do?"

In the car, a group of people looked anxious and full of doubts.

"Mr. Heiji is just in case, get the quilt wet and put it on your body. If the fire is not big, rushing in can rescue Bingya-senpai in time."

Aoko Nakamori explained.

The others were stunned for a moment, then reacted instantly, and the car became quiet.

The flames are still burning fiercely.

When Heiji and Kuroba Kuito arrived, the outside of the wooden house was already enveloped in flames.

Shirao Renzhi stood there dumbfounded, his eyes full of disbelief.

Heiji glanced around and frowned deeply.

The surrounding bamboo forest is already a sea of ​​fire, and the fire spreads all around.

Kuroba Kuito glanced at Shirao Renzhi, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. However, he did not speak, glanced at Heiji, and stood quietly by the side.

"How long have you been here?"

Heiji walked up to Shirao Renzhi and asked seriously.

"Three minutes, I've been here for three minutes."

Shirao Renzhi's expression was a little dull, and there was a strong firelight in his eyes.

"three minutes?"

Heiji frowned, looked at the fire, and a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes.

However, if this fire was not protected, he would not dare to rush in.

At this time, Nakamori Aoko and the others also arrived.

"Mr. Heiji, the quilt is already wet."

Aoko Nakamori handed Heiji a wet quilt.

Heiji nodded: "I'm sorry to trouble Miss Qingzi."

He took the quilt, glanced at the hut, hurriedly covered his body with the wet quilt, and rushed in.

Squeak~~~! ! !

The flames are burning brightly.

The temperature in the house is not too high, and the fire is not too big. This phenomenon has directly verified the conjecture in Heiji's heart.

Ikeda Bingya was lying on the sofa, and there was no sign of waking up...

Heiji walked over, wrapped her in a quilt, hugged her horizontally, glanced at the flames around him, his eyes narrowed, and he rushed out.

A burning door was kicked open directly.

"Bingya came out."

"Great, Bingya is saved."


Ikeda Lanqing and his group rushed over and surrounded Heiji and Ikeda Bingya.

Heiji put Ikeda Bingya down: "She's fine, she just inhaled too much smoke, just put it aside and rest for a while."

"Really? Thank you so much, Mr. Heiji."

Ikeda Lanqing is very grateful to Heiji.

"It's great, but who could cause a fire so carelessly?"

"That's right, I almost killed Bingya."

"I remember that the cake was not finished yet, and there were candles on it. Could it be that the candle fell on the ground and caused the fire?"

"Jian Ye, I remember that you were in charge of the cake, right?"

"It was me, but I put the cake on the table at the time, how could it possibly cause a fire."

Jiang Ye Yumei frowned, her face pale.

You can't take responsibility for this kind of thing.

The flame was still burning, making a sizzling sound.

"Leave here first and wait for the fire truck to come."

Shirao Renzhi glanced at Ikeda Bingya on the ground, took a deep breath, and told everyone to leave.

Heiji ignored him, took out his phone and started taking pictures.

"Mr. Heiji, there is such a big fire now, let's leave first. In case of an explosion, it will be dangerous."

Aoko Nakamori walked over and reminded.

"Aoko, don't worry about him, there are no explosive objects in it. Hattori Heiji also knows this, that's why he is so unscrupulous."

Kuroba Kuito explained from the side.

Heiji smiled lightly and put away his phone: "It's true, Kuito-kun is right. However, you still have to leave here. After all, those charred bamboos will fall down."

As if to verify his words, a burning bamboo fell straight down not far from the group.

"Then let's go and wait for the fire brigade to come."

Shirao Renzhi urged again.

"Mr. Heiji, please help me carry my sister out."

Ikeda Lanqing asked for help.

Shirao Renzhi wanted to recommend himself, but Ikeda Lanqing ignored him at all, looking straight at Heiji.

Heiji nodded, walked over and hugged Ikeda Bingya.

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