"Don't worry, I will. You go first, I'll drive by myself later."

Ikeda Lanqing nodded and left with Akira Tanaka and his party.

From start to finish!

Heiji didn't speak the whole time, sitting in the car with a calm expression.

Of course, among this group of people, he is still the focus. From time to time, people will come over to ask him about things, but he will not be left out anyway.

"Mr. Heiji, are you familiar with Aoko?"

Ikeda Lanqing looked at Heiji curiously.

Pingji smiled lightly: "I just met today."

"Just met today?" Ikeda Lanqing was taken aback: "Although Aoko is a detective fan, she rarely makes friends with strangers. It seems that in her heart, Mr. Heiji is really an idol."

Heiji smiled lightly: "Actually, Miss Aoko doesn't worship me. It's just that she was influenced by her father, Officer Nakamori, and hated the phantom thief Kidd. And I happened to cause some trouble for the phantom thief Kidd. My attitude will naturally be better."

"That's right, Aoko's father is very helpless to Kaito Kid. However, this also proves that Mr. Heiji is really powerful."

The mysterious thief Kidd still has some influence in the hearts of these teenagers and girls. If it wasn't for the positive character Heiji, there would definitely be a lot of people fans of Kaito Kidd.

The group came to KTV, Nakamori Aoko and Kuroba Kuito were already waiting in the box.

"Mr. Heiji, I'm very sorry."

Heiji was invited by her, but she left in the middle of it. This is not a very polite thing.

Looking at Nakamori Aoko who was bowing to him, Heiji smiled slightly: "Miss Aoko, I had a good time today, just to relax. I would like to thank you for your hospitality."

"Che, don't be polite here, let's sing."

Kuroba said unhappily from the side.

"Yes, sing."

"Go and sing."

Five minutes passed!

Shirao Renzhi drove over: "It's starting, fortunately I didn't miss it, let's start."

There was already a lot of noise in the box.

Everyone is playing.

Heiji sat in the corner with a calm expression and did not participate in singing.

Nakamori Aoko came over, sat next to him, looked at him and called out loudly, "Mr. Heiji, what song do you want to sing?"

"No, let's sing."

Heiji didn't come to this party for entertainment at all, he just wanted to try his luck to see if he could verify a conjecture in his heart.

"Qingzi, leave him alone, let's sing together."

Kuroba Kuito shouted while holding the wheat.

Aoko Nakamori gave Heiyu a quick glance: "If you don't sing, I will wait for Senior Sister Bingya to come and sing together."

"makes sense."

"It's been half an hour, it's time to call Bingya."

Shirao Renzhi glanced at her watch and stood up, ready to pick up Ikeda Bingya.

"Alright, Shiro-senpai, hurry up and come back."

"Go, it's time to show hospitality to Bingya."

"Whitetail, come on."

Those few people laughed wickedly and coaxed.

Baiwei Renzhi smiled confidently, glanced at Heiji, and then looked at Ikeda Lanqing: "Lanqing, come back with me. Otherwise, Bingya will see me and think I'm taking advantage of her. "

Ikeda Lanqing nodded, stood up and followed behind.

The two left the box!

"Come on, let's continue."

"When Bingya comes over, the stage will be handed over to her."

"Now, be happy."

The box was boiling again.

Aoko Nakamori handed a microphone to Heiji: "Mr. Heiji, let's have a song."

Heiji smiled helplessly and didn't take the microphone: "Miss Qingzi, don't make it difficult for me, I'm not good at singing."

Aoko Nakamori wants to persuade.

The door of the box was suddenly opened, and Ikeda Lanqing's face turned pale: "The cabin is on fire."

The box went quiet.

Chapter 0621 Birthday party arson incident: fire!

Although this KTV is about ten minutes away from the chalet, if we only measure the distance, the distance between the two points is about two or three kilometers.

A group of people hurried to the door, in the direction of the cabin, where there was red and bright light.

Ikeda Lanqing's face instantly turned pale: "Sister~~"

Heiji frowned: "Find someone to call the police immediately, others, borrow a quilt and a bucket of water nearby, and deliver it in five minutes at the latest."

After speaking, he rushed straight towards the fire.

At this time, running is the fastest.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him, and Kuroba Kaito followed behind.

Heiji glanced at him, but did not speak.

Nakamori Aoko glanced at the two of them, and quickly organized others to prepare what Heiji requested.

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