Heiji was stunned for a moment, glanced at Ikeda Bingya, and smiled lightly: "Don't get me wrong, Miss Bingya should mean that she likes boys with delicate minds and strong logic, right? I am a template."

Takemura Asami looked at Ikeda Bingya in surprise.

Ikeda Bingya glanced at Shirao Renzhi helplessly: "Look, idols can see what I mean at a glance. You work and play with me for so long, but you still can't understand what I mean. So, you really is not suitable for me."

Shirao Renzhi glanced at Heiji, and then smiled bitterly: "How can I compare to Mr. Heiji, let alone me, there are a few young people in Japan who can compare."

Heiji was a little speechless and shook his head unconsciously.

"Look, the idol shook his head again. Shirao, we really don't fit."

Ikeda Bingya's expression became indifferent.

Shirao Renzhi looked at Heiji and frowned, "Mr. Heiji, why are you shaking your head?"

The atmosphere in the wooden house became a little weird.

Heiji frowned and glanced at Shirao Renzhi: "Mr. Shirao, isn't Miss Bingya's meaning obvious enough? What she means is that you want boys to have delicate minds or strong analytical skills."

This guy actually transferred his resentment to him now.

Ikeda Bingya frowned and glanced at Baiwei Renzhi unhappily: "Whitewei, don't put your anger on idols. There is another reason why I don't like you, because your temper is too aggressive, always inexplicable. get angry."

Shirao Renzhi was stunned for a moment, his emotions slowly calmed down, he stood up and bowed to Heiji: "Mr. Heiji, I'm sorry for the rudeness just now."

Ikeda Bingya nodded with satisfaction: "Of course, you also have advantages, and being brave is your advantage."

Heiji smiled politely: "It's okay, I shouldn't have gotten involved in this matter."


[This product is clearly different from the outside, too hypocritical. 】

Of course, this has nothing to do with him.

Just a passerby!

"Alright, alright, eat cake."

Yamamoto Shou is a peacemaker by the side.

"Yes, yes, this coffee is cold, I'm going to warm it up."

Shirao Renzhi picked up the pot of coffee and returned to the kitchen.

Came out after a while.

"Okay, Bingya can cut the cake."

"Well, idol, you don't mind, right?"

Ikeda Bingya held the knife in both hands, waiting for Heiji.

Heiji smiled slightly, held Ikeda Bingya's hand, and cut it towards the middle of the cake.

Chapter 0620 Birthday party arson incident: KTV singing!

After Heiji helped Ikeda Bingya cut the cake, he sat aside.

In today's party, these people are just passersby to him. Even if these people are his fans, even iron fans...

Passers-by are passers-by after all, and there may not be any connection in the future.

"Idol, eat cake."

Ikeda Bingya obviously has a little bit of interest in Heiji, but she is very rational.

Heiji is not someone she can stand up to.

This is not to belittle herself, she just has self-knowledge.

So, Ikeda Bingya doesn't think too much, it's enough to leave a memory with her idol.

Heiji smiled politely and took the cake: "Thank you. However, it seems that Miss Qingzi and Kaito-san haven't come back yet."

"The two of them, my sister said they were enemies, don't worry."

Ikeda Bingya is also not familiar with the two of them. She is a good friend of her sister Ikeda Lanqing, so she invites them over by the way.

Heiji stopped talking and ate the cake quietly.

Ikeda Bingya is the protagonist of this party. Naturally, she won't have much free time to accompany Pingji. She was forced by several other people to perform several shows, which were full of laughter and excitement.

Every now and then, I feel a tinge of gloomy chills.

Between laughter and laughter, conspiracy is fermenting.

At this moment, Ikeda Lanqing's cell phone rang.

"Qingzi? What? You've already opened a box at KTV? Well, we'll go there right away."

Ikeda Lanqing put down the phone and looked at the group happily: "Qingzi and Kuito have already prepared the box, let's go sing."

"Sing? Good."

"I just don't know what to do next, so I sing all night tonight."

"Walk around and sing."

There was a chorus of voices in the house.

Ikeda Bingya yawned, looking a little tired.

"You guys go first, I'll sleep, and I'll be there later."

"But, sister..."

"Okay, okay, let Bingya sleep, let's go first, then I'll come back and call Bingya."

Shirao Renzhi interrupted Ikeda Lanqing.

Heiji glanced at Ikeda Bingya, who was already sleeping on the sofa, frowning slightly, but she didn't stop her.

Ikeda Lanqing glanced at Ikeda Bingya and nodded.

The group left the wooden house.

"Senior Shirao, be sure to lock the door."

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