The princess and the queen, one on the left and one on the right, are the blessings of everyone.

Chapter 0609 This is my promise to you!

Heiji opened his eyes, glanced at the two women in his arms, and smiled slightly.

Yukiko opened her starry eyes, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and a hint of sleepiness appeared in her eyes: "Heiji, why are you up so early?"

Heiji put on his clothes and smiled slightly: "I'll make breakfast later, you can eat it when you wake up."

Yuxizi frowned, glanced at Fei Yingri, who was still sleeping, carefully sat up, helped her cover the quilt, and her knee-length nightdress revealed her fair calf, and walked gently to Heiji's side.

"I'll help you."

He took the coat and put it on gently for him.

Heiji glanced at Yukiko strangely: "What's wrong?"

Usually, this woman is not so gentle.

Youxizi rolled his eyes at him: "It's nothing, just help you get dressed."

This is her second day as a Heiji woman, and of course she has to show a role as a wife.

Heiji wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled her into his arms, and lowered his head to kiss those sweet, ruddy thin lips.

Sweet dew!

Yukiko closed her beautiful eyes slightly, wrapped her arms around his neck, and stood on tiptoe to respond enthusiastically.

Heiji let go of Yukiko, whose face was already flushed, and smiled slightly: "Okay, let's go wash up, breakfast will be ready soon."

Yuxizi calmed down, gave him a blank look, turned around and returned to the bed, sleepy eyes: "I'll sleep for a while."

Pingji smiled lightly, turned and walked out.

After washing up, make breakfast.

Kacha~~~! ! !

Close the door and go straight to the underground parking lot.

Rice Flower Hotel.

Belmod's long eyelashes trembled slightly, opened his sleepy eyes, and a cold light flashed suddenly.

"Time to wake up."

Heiji's casual voice came over the phone.

Belmod frowned slightly and sat up, revealing his exquisite figure in thin pajamas.

"What's the matter with me?"

"Open the door."

"Open the door?" Belmod narrowed his eyes slightly: "What are you doing here?"

That's what he asked, but he still got out of bed and opened the door.

Heiji was standing outside with a takeaway in his hand.

Belmod glanced at him, turned and walked into the shower, followed by the sound of water.

Heiji shook his head: This woman has such a big heart, she doesn't close the shower door when she takes a shower.

Close the door casually.

As for the shower door, she didn't close it, so naturally he couldn't.

The room was filled with a faint and elegant fragrance, which was very pleasant.

Heiji couldn't figure out why the room where his woman stayed, even if he didn't spray perfume, could leave a faint fragrance behind. This phenomenon has always existed.

Lying on the bed, he glanced sideways at the transparent glass in the shower, that tall body was curvy and attractive, full of hazy beauty.

Heiji was a little drowsy.

Belmod walked out of the shower, the towel couldn't completely wrap her body, her slender legs and fair and **** shoulders were completely exposed to Heiji's sight.

She didn't care at all.

He glanced at Heiji who was lying on the bed with a calm expression. He sat at the table with his long legs crossed gracefully, and opened the bag of breakfast...

This is what she often eats when she loses her memory, and it is also her favorite food.

Without much hesitation, he bowed his head and ate gracefully.

It's been a long time!

"What are you looking for me for?"

Belmod's icy voice sounded.

In a daze, Heiji opened his eyes, Belmod wrapped in a bath towel, his arms crossed his chest, sitting on a chair and looking at him indifferently.

Sitting up slowly.

"Have you finished breakfast?"

Belmod glanced at Pingji and frowned: "You just trust me? Are you afraid that I will kill you with a knife while you are sleeping?"

Pingji smiled lightly: "You won't."

"First of all, a person who hates me deeply will not open the door in pajamas. He will not take a shower without closing the door, and wrap a bath towel after washing; these actions may be suspected of numbing me. However, after you come out, come straight over After breakfast, you didn't even know if I fell asleep. From this point of view, you don't have any intentions against me at all."

Heiji glanced at Belmod with a confident smile on his lips: "Of course, the most important point is that you always wear the pendant I gave you."

On Belmod's delicate neck, a pendant was buried in that deep ravine.

The pendant cannot be seen, but the chain that matches the pendant is easy to recognize.

Belmod frowned and looked down at the broken pendant in the gully with a calm expression: "I admit that I have been affected by the memory after amnesia. However, if I don't kill you, it doesn't mean I will let go. You'd better not look wrong."

Pingji smiled lightly: "Okay, stop being angry. I'm looking for you today for a very simple purpose. I want to help you solve the trouble and see who dares to bully my woman."

Speaking of the back, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a dangerous aura.

My woman!

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