"Don't believe it?" Belmod crossed his long legs and looked at Heiji lightly: "Why are you so sure that I will not betray the Black Organization?"

Heiji took a sip of coffee and smiled lightly: "You don't have enough reasons to betray the Black Organization."

The corners of Belmod's mouth twitched, and he smiled slightly: "Do you want me to leave that organization?"

Heiji shrugged: "I think, but, for the time being, you can't leave."

"Why?" Belmod narrowed his eyes slightly, exuding a dangerous aura: "Do you still want to get more information about the Black Organization from me?"

"I was thinking about it, but unfortunately, you won't help me."

Heiji didn't lie. If Belmod could help him, the information on the Black Organization would not be so scarce. It's a pity that this woman's character, even if she betrays the Black Organization, won't reveal too much.

Otherwise, she would not be Belmod.

"You're right, I won't help you."

Belmod leaned back on the chair again, picked up the coffee and drank it.

When the two left the shooting range, it was already night.

"Where are you going?"

Heiji looked at Belmod.

Belmod turned to look at Heiji with a calm expression: "Open the room."

"Opening a room?" Heiji was stunned for a moment, then looked at Belmod in surprise: "Are you sure you want to open a room?"

After restoring memory, became so open?

Belmod glanced at Heiji lightly: "Do you dare to go?"

"Are you provoking me?"

Heiji narrowed his eyes, exuding a trace of undeniable aura.

Belmod turned his head away, looked out the window, and stopped talking.

The momentum has weakened!

When the car stopped, Belmod directly opened the door and walked out, walking straight into the hotel.

Heiji glanced at it, shook his head, stepped on the accelerator and left.

He was also rushing home for dinner.

As for Belmod, now it's a closed door to follow.

[From the look of the woman, she should be looking for me for something. In this case, let her live here first and come back tomorrow. 】

Hearing the sound of the engine gradually receding behind him, Belmod's expression remained unchanged, and he walked to the front desk with a thousand postures and opened his room to sleep.

"Why didn't Heiji come back?"

Yukiko was lying on the sofa with a depressed look on her face.

"Hold on."

Feiyingri quietly watched the TV screen.

Parenting Channel!

Yukiko sat up and leaned carefully beside Fei Yingri: "Eri, you don't have to look at it this way all the time. Heiji's genes and your genes are still incredible for this little guy."

Feiyingli stroked her stomach and pursed her lips with a smile: "I only need her to be healthy."

"Eri, I really envy you."

Yukiko leaned on her shoulder with a look of envy.

"What? You want to have one too?"

Feiyingli was stunned for a moment, then smiled gracefully: "Okay, let Heiji continue to work hard tonight."

Yukiko's pretty face turned pale, and she shook her head repeatedly: "No, definitely not today. Let Heiji sleep with you, it still hurts there."

That kind of taste, although the rotten bones and hearts made her fascinated, but now she doesn't dare to do it again.

At this time, Heiji came back from outside.

"Why haven't you eaten yet?"

The table was full of dishes, but the two women were sitting on the sofa, not planning to eat.

"Wait for some late guy."

Yukiko pouted and said.

Feiyingli smiled softly: "When you're back, let's eat."

Heiji nodded to the two women and glanced at the food on the table. Suddenly, a flash of vigilance flashed in his heart: "Eri, you made this?"

Feiyingli pursed her lips and smiled.

Heiji's face darkened: "No problem, I'll try it first."

If it was a normal day, no matter how unpalatable what Fei Yingri made, he would still eat it. But now, it doesn't matter what he eats, Fei Yingli absolutely can't eat it, it's not good for the fetus.

Feiyingri and Yukiko looked at each other and pursed their lips and smiled.

Heiji took a piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth.


I was a little surprised that the taste was not bad.

Yukiko came over, put his arm around him and made him sit down: "Okay, this is indeed what Eri did, but I'll help by the side."

Although her cooking skills are not as good as Xiao Lan's, at least she can eat.

Feiying gave Heiji a blank look: "Hmph, next time I make it myself, you have to finish it."

Heiji shrugged: "Next time I'll watch from the side."

Immediately, two pairs of white eyes came over.

The three slept in the same bed.

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