These four words made Belmod's eyes flash with a trace of fluctuations, and they disappeared instantly.

"How do you know I'm in trouble?"

"Women, when they are in trouble, their first reaction is to seek dependence. Especially when there is someone in their hearts, that sense of dependence is uncontrollable."

"You mean, I'm very dependent on you?"

Heiji shrugged: "Don't look at me like that, in your heart, your words and deeds have betrayed you. Perhaps, it's just that you refuse to admit it."

"Shut up." Belmod suddenly burst out with murderous aura, Mei Mu stared at Heiji, gritted her teeth: "Don't think you know me well after you get my body, I'm not as simple as you think. Besides, you Who do you think you are? You're just the son of the Osaka prefectural police chief, how capable you are."

There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Heiji didn't speak, stood up and walked straight to Belmod's side, meeting her gaze, reaching out and directly taking out the pendant.

Spring light leaks out.

However, he didn't care.

Quietly looking at the pendant in his hand, a touch of tenderness suddenly appeared on his face, and he gently stretched out his hand and took her into his arms.

"I once said that if you were a witch, I would be the Demon King."

"This is not a joke, this is a promise I made to you."

The voice was not loud, but it carried an awe-inspiring aura, like a sea of ​​blood on a mountain of corpses.

Belmod quietly leaned against Heiji's arms, his eyes a little dull.

Unparalleled shock.

Chapter 0610 Become Belmod's gun friend!

The suite was very quiet.

Heiji put his arms around Belmod without any other thought.

Belmod broke free from Heiji's embrace, moved his slender legs gently, sat beside the bed, and looked at him quietly: "You say I'm your woman?"

Heiji shrugged: "This is an indisputable fact."

"You should know that I lost my memory at that time, and that kind of thing doesn't count at all."

Her tone was no longer so cold.

"Isn't it?" Pingji smiled lightly: "Unfortunately, you can't run away."

Belmod sneered: "What do you like about me? Before that happened, did you have feelings for me?"

"Since not, what qualifications do you have to say that you like me?"

Belmod smiled indifferently.

"Are you qualified?" Heiji shrugged, "It doesn't seem to be."

"Then get out, don't dangle in front of me."

Belmod seemed to be a little angry. He didn't care about Heiji's presence. He wrapped in a bath towel and fell asleep. The perfect curve made his blood boil.

Heiji smiled slightly, walked over, and lay beside her: "Your mood has changed, this is not absinthe in the black organization. If it was before, you would even ignore me directly."

Belmod squinted at Pingji, his eyes were indifferent: "I don't even know which one is me. Don't think you know me very well."

Pingji smiled lightly: "You ask me why I'm responsible. It's actually very simple. Only I can make you happy, and only you can make me find myself."

Among so many women, other women just make him feel at home here. Of course, he also relatively suppressed the dark side of his body.

Kazuya, Sonoko, Fei Eri, Yukiko, Sato Mikazu... He believed that if he knew his other two identities, these women would not leave him. However, he didn't want to expose these women to the darkness.

Darkness, he can bear it alone.

However, Belmod is different. This woman originally came from the darkness, her character, her way of doing things, gave him a very kind feeling.

He really doesn't love her, but since she has become his woman, he won't give up.

Emotions can be cultivated!

Besides, from Belmod's current reaction, there is no hatred in her heart, only resentment.

Of course, Xiao Ai is also a person in the dark, but she is different.

That girl, he has nothing but pity!

Belmod frowned slightly: "Find yourself?"

Pingji nodded lightly: "Well, my ego has a lot to do with you."

The look in his eyes made Belmod's heart tremble.

Boundless loneliness!

Like a green tree in the desert, a boat in the sea, a star in the starry sky...

There was nothing around, only the feeling of loneliness.

Belmod was stunned, shocked.

In his mind, it was even more blank.

When she came to her senses, Heiji was already in her arms, and the towel wrapped around her had slipped off.

Belmod didn't resist, looked at Heiji quietly, and let him move.

Accompanied by a soft cry of contentment.

A war broke out!

until noon.

Heiji put his arms around Belmod and smiled lightly: "Now, you have no excuses."

Belmod was lying in Heiji's arms, her pretty face was a little rosy, but her expression was very indifferent: "Our current relationship is at most a friend of the opposite **** who has sexual relations. Do you think I will be the kind of submissive when I get **** once. woman?"

Heiji's face darkened: "You mean, we are gun buddies now?"

"friends with benefits?"

Belmod frowned.

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