"If you didn't agree, would those girls really go after listening to you like this?" Hattori Jinghua gave Pingji a white glance and changed her posture, her beautiful eyes flashing with a hint of helplessness: "I don't know why you are To let Xiaoya and the others go on an adventure, but for mothers like Yingri, they are indeed frightened, what is your purpose?"

Heiji looked at Shizuka Hattori and smiled lightly: "It's nothing, I just want a few girls to understand that when I'm not around, they have the ability to protect themselves..."

"Shut up." Hattori Shizuka suddenly glared at Heiji, and a trace of fear flashed in her beautiful eyes: "Don't say these words."

Heiji was stunned for a moment, then smiled, walked to the opposite side and sat down directly, hugging Hattori Shizuka into his embrace, feeling a little helpless: "I just felt it suddenly, don't be so fierce."

Hattori Shizuka quietly leaned against Heiji's rib cage, his jade hand held his big hand gently, clasped the cross tightly, without a trace of concealment: "Anyway, these words can't be said nonsense, there are a large group of women behind you, you are ours backbone."

Heiji smiled and lowered his head to cover Shizuka Hattori's thin lips.

Hattori Shizuka opened her mouth and let Heiji ask for it.

dinner time.

Heiji sat helplessly in the living room, while Feiyingli and the other women sat in front of him, her beautiful eyes staring at him, her face serious.

"It's over. Dad is going to be bullied by moms."

"Should we help Dad?"

"How can you help, mothers are very fierce."

"But Dad loves us so much. If we don't help, will it hurt Dad's heart too much?"

"But if we help, the mothers will make us face the wall."

"Otherwise, when Dad is finished being scolded, we are comforting Dad?"

Ilya and a few girls got together and whispered, they couldn't help Heiji's situation.

Sakura sat quietly by the side, looking at Heiji's helpless expression, her face flushed red, she suddenly liked Heiji like this, she was inexplicably happy.

Leah and Kumiko didn't dare to be naughty at this time, they snuggled up in the arms of Xiaolan and Sato Miwako, and looked at Heiji pitifully, tears flashing.

"Dad is so pitiful."

"Poor Dad, I really want to cry."

Of course, it was just the two little girls who felt pitiful, and Heiji was just innocent. Facing the majestic gazes of the girls, he just lowered his head and hugged his daughter Lilian with Qingzi, teasing the little girl.

Fei Yingri and Yukiko looked at each other, a little helpless.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with this villain, everyone should go to sleep, and don't let him in."

"Okay, this method is good."

Yukiko glared at Heiji, her mouth pouted, this rascal made them nervous.

"I agree."

Xiao Ai glanced at Heiji and was really frightened when she saw a few girls fighting monsters. Others thought it was cool, but for them, a few girls are their treasures.

"I agree."

"Count me in."

"I won't help Pingji this time."

Now that's all right, the living room is empty all of a sudden, Heiji stared blankly at this scene, not to mention Feiyingli and the others, even a few daughters were taken away.

At this time, Curacao came back from the outside and was stunned when he saw Heiji.

"Why are you the only one?"

Heiji fully understood what Feiyingri and the others meant, and immediately smiled at Curacao.

Chapter 1123 Eight years later! (for a reward and automatic subscription)


In Tokyo, a huge monster is raging.

Not far away, countless people are praying, their eyes are full of piety.

At this time, a figure flew over from the sky. The fiery red sailor suit wrapped the graceful and tall figure. The long hair was scattered, and the face could not be seen under the mask, but it could be seen from the figure that he should be seventeen or eighteen years old. girl.

"It's the Fire Goddess Warrior, the Fire Goddess Warrior is here."

There was a shout from the crowd, and everyone looked at the slender figure in the air, and the women even began to bow their heads and pray devoutly.

"Hmph, it's such a low-level reptile again."

The cold voice of the goddess warrior above his head came with deep disdain.

Very arrogant.

However, it sounds like an angel to the ears of the people below.


The monster "473" opened its **** mouth towards the goddess warrior, and a dark green liquid shot out like an arrow, pointing directly at the goddess warrior.

"It's been these disgusting attacks all day long. It's been eight years. Why hasn't there been any progress."

A flame suddenly appeared out of thin air on the goddess warrior, forming the shape of a dragon. With the dragon's mouth open, it roared towards the dark green liquid.


The two attacks collided, the liquid was evaporated by the hot flame, and the air was filled with a thick stench.

The goddess warrior has long been experienced, and the body is covered with a layer of flames, stirring the air, and the temperature difference is huge, forming an air current to disperse the stench.

"Hmph, I don't have time to play with you anymore."

The goddess warrior raised her jade hand with long white gloves, facing the monster in the palm. A mass of flames condensed in front of the palm, the flames flickered, and the space was distorted, enough to see how high the temperature was.

"bye Bye."


The flame turned into a ball, with a long tail like a meteor, pierced through the void, and directly submerged into the monster's body.

The monster's body was glowing with fire, its eyes were wide, and there was no room for resistance.

"Fire Goddess Warrior!!!"

A huge noise suddenly erupted from below, and gradually, it became louder and louder, and soon it became a tumultuous situation.

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