Looking at Tomoyo's expectant gaze, Heiji nodded helplessly: "Don't destroy the experience of the sisters."

Tomoyo kissed Heiji's lips through the mask, and flew towards Illya excitedly: "Sister Ya, Dad asked me to come over to accompany you."

Heiji shook his head helplessly, hugged the two little girls on his shoulders, and kissed their little mouths: "Okay, don't think about it both of you."

These two little girls actually wanted to sneak past.

Liya pouted: "Dad, Sister Yiyi asked us to wear masks, so we can't even kiss Daddy's mouth."

"That's right, that is, Sister Nana helped me put it on too, saying that it shouldn't be seen, otherwise my father and mother would be in danger."

Kumiko also pouted and said.

Heiji pinched the faces of his two little daughters helplessly, and said angrily, "You two little girls, don't try to divert the topic."

"Oops, I can't deceive Dad."

"It's okay, just let mom coax dad at night."

The two little girls hid in Heiji's ears and whispered, and they looked very serious.

Heiji didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he could only gently stroke the hair of the two little girls.

At this time, the camera was right on Heiji, and everyone was stunned when they saw his actions.

Seeing this scene, Feiyingli and the others couldn't help laughing. Whenever Heiji felt helpless, he would touch his daughter's hair. This action has become his standard.

"Looks like someone was beaten by Leah and Kumiko again."

"That's right, only the daughters can beat him."

"No way, who made him lawless in front of us."

Sonoko's words made the girls' faces turn red. Someone was indeed lawless, and it was very absurd to let them hold a banquet together.

Hattori Shizuka was sitting on the sofa, looking at these women's faces flushing red, no one knew that the last piece of her body was taken by Heiji.

Of course, the girls must be too, but this kind of thing is not mentioned by everyone. After all, it is too shy.

"Xiaoya and the others seem to be winning."

Xiaolan said suddenly.

The eyes of the girls focused on the screen again. The monster's back was blown to pieces, its back was split open, and a bone-deep wound spread down. From time to time, lightning and flames slammed down, causing the monster to roar in pain.

However, the monster's roar is obviously not as strong as before, and the struggle is not too strong.

Heiji glanced at a few daughters, and these girls were sweating profusely. Because it was the first time, they were inexperienced, so a lot of energy was wasted, so now some energy can't be sustained.

However, he was satisfied.

"Xiaoya, just concentrate all your strength and bombard the monster's back three inches."

Chapter 1122 The Judgment Assembly of the Women

The multicolored light beams converged and bombarded the monster heavily. With a thunderclap, the multicolored light beams exploded, bursting into colorful rays of light, and then a flame exploded from it, illuminating half of the sky.

Ilya and the girls flew back to Heiji, looking down at the monster shrouded in flames, with excitement flashing in their big eyes.

"Dad, is it dead?"

Yui flew over, her big eyes full of anticipation.

Heiji quietly looked at the firelight without answering Yui~.

Yui blinked her big eyes, still staring at Heiji, her mouth pouted slightly, but she didn't speak.

Heiji came back to his senses, looked at Yui's aggrieved eyes, smiled apologetically, flew to his daughter, lowered his head and licked her little mouth that was covered by the mask.

"Dead, Yiyi is so powerful, of course it won't be an accident."

In fact, the monster didn't die just now, but Heiji's goal of training his daughters was also achieved. He directly used his strength to obscurely cut off the monster's vitality, so Yui didn't respond in time.

Of course, the truth is that the monster won't have any chance of surviving under the joint attack of several girls, but in the final stage, Fujitaka Kinomoto actually blessed the monster with a magic shield, which caused the monster to not die.

Yuyi immediately smiled and looked proud: "Hum, I'm very good."

As he said that, lightning flashed on his body.

"Sister Yiyi, don't discharge electricity beside us."

Kumiko pouted and said.

"That's right, we don't like women."

Leah agreed seriously.

Yui was stunned for a moment, then glared at her two younger sisters: "You two are itchy, right? Go back and teach you a lesson. How dare you molest my sister."

Leah and Kumiko hugged Heiji tightly, their small faces pressed against Heiji's face, with a proud look on their faces.

"I'm not afraid of Sister Yiyi."

Yuyi pouted and pinched the little faces of her two younger sisters: "Don't think that you will get carried away with your father's protection. Hmph, elder sister has a lot of tricks."

Leah pouted: "Hmph, I won't leave my father and mother's hug, let's see how you bully us."

Kumiko nodded sharply from the side.

Illya flew over, pinched the faces of Leah and Kumiko, then looked at Heiji, full of attachment: "Dad, what should we do next?"

Pingji lowered his head and glanced at the people gathered in the distance below, with a calm expression: "Go back, these people have to pay a little price to watch the fun."

When Heiji and his party went away, the monster suddenly swelled by the rays of light. With a loud explosion, the flames shot into the sky, and Yu Wei rolled up the things on the ruins and smashed them all around.

The onlookers in the distance were smashed and shouted loudly. If it wasn't because they were too far away, I'm afraid it wasn't because the small stone smashed their heads into blood, but they directly turned into meat patties.

However, all of this is not about Heiji.

Heiji had already brought his daughters back to the manor, and was then ignored.

Looking at the daughters who were surrounded by all the daughters and cared about, he felt a chill in his heart. He had forgotten his husband after having a daughter.

The sound of footsteps came, Hattori Shizuka was wearing short shorts and a white T-shirt, sitting gracefully opposite Heiji, his long legs crossed, and pursed his lips and looked at him.

"Do you know what's wrong? Eri and the others have a little resentment for taking their daughters to do such a dangerous thing."

Heiji shrugged helplessly, glanced at the well-behaved daughters in their respective mothers' homes, and felt a little helpless: "It seems that they asked for it themselves."

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