The Fire Goddess Warrior looked down at the crowd, his thin lips under the mask pursed slightly, and shook his head: "boring."

"Sister Ya, why are there always monsters in the area I manage?"

In the ear of this fire goddess warrior is a delicate headset, obviously chatting with people.

"There's no way, I'll be responsible for the area I've chosen, even with tears in my eyes."

An elegant and pleasant voice came from the headset.

"Hmph, I'm going to appeal to my father."

The Fire Goddess Warrior said with a small mouth.

"Dad can't control it either."

"No, I'm going to tell Dad."

"Okay, come back quickly, or you won't have anything to eat."

"No, wait for me."

The figure of the fire goddess warrior flashed and galloped away in the air.

The people below also knew very well about these goddess warriors. Seeing her leaving and starting to do their own thing, they were still a little sad in their hearts.

Since the monster invasion eight years ago, they don't know how many new houses they have built, and the family members have been reduced again and again, and they are all numb.

If it weren't for the goddess warrior, the whole country would not exist.

The goddess warrior first appeared eight years ago, and it lasted for eight years. The people also discovered that the savior who saved them seemed to be growing up, which meant that the previous goddess warrior was still very young.

In eight years, if it was Sailor Moon before, then now it is naturally the Goddess Warrior.

The fire goddess warrior was flying high in the sky, and suddenly, his body was full of fire, and he instantly escaped the satellite's tracking and disappeared without a trace.

Parent-child play center!

The Fire Goddess Warrior stood on the cliff, looked up at the sky, and pouted his lips in disdain: "It's been eight years, and you still haven't given up on tracing our identities. What a bunch of pigs."

Saying that, he took off the mask, revealing that delicate and beautiful face.

Although there is less greenness and more maturity, but the face shape has not changed, you can tell at a glance that it is Erina.

It's just that Erina, who is eighteen years old, has a taller and softer figure, with bumps and bumps, reaching the ultimate beauty that a woman can have.

Now, she is completely a mature woman, with a charm that is unique to adult women.

In the manor, Feiyingli and the other women have not changed in any way, their bodies are still like girls, their skin is like jade, and they are beautiful. They are doing their own things, but they are looking at the living room from time to time. 0.

In the living room, there were several great beauties, even more beautiful than Fei Yingli and the others, because they were younger and taller.

Illya is already twenty years old and has successfully taken over the positions of Fei Yingli and Li Shanlu, becoming a super nova lawyer in the legal world. With her beautiful and delicate face, attractive and perfect figure, and slender and straight beautiful legs, she has directly become all of them. The perfect goddess in the hearts of people.

Yui also became a policeman at the age of 20. She has super efficiency in solving cases, a beautiful and flawless face, and a tall and slender figure. She is the flower of the new Metropolitan Police Department.

Twenty-year-old Qiuyue is a pianist, violinist, painter, and dancer. With her graceful and gentle ladylike temperament and dreamlike beauty, she has directly become a famous superstar all over the world, with fans of all ages.

Erina succeeded Sonoko and became the new chairman of the Suzuki Foundation. Of course, someone was assisting her, so Sonoko would come to guide her from time to time.

Eighteen-year-old Vivio became a singer and dancer. Like Qiuyue, she was very famous all over the world. Of course, Qiu Ting Lianzi would follow her many times. She completely became Qiuyue and Vivio's manager.

These girls are adults, even taller than their mother, and they are among the best in their respective fields, but they are sitting very quietly, with beautiful eyes staring at the figure sitting in the middle. Full of 0.9 love.

Heiji was sitting on the sofa, and was occupied by Aoko's daughter Lilian and Elena's daughter Ellie.

Kumiko and Leia, who were already eight years old, naturally wanted to let their sister sit aside, pouting at Heiji.

"Dad, Nana is back."

Ilya walked behind Heiji and put her slender hand on his shoulder, massaging her beloved father.

"Xiaoya, isn't there a big case today? Why are you back?"

Illya bent down her waist, her long hair was scattered, she leaned in front of Heiji, her thin rosy lips kissed Heiji's lips, her beautiful eyes full of attachment.

"Because today is Dad's birthday, of course I have to come back."

Even as an adult, she still likes to kiss Heiji without any intention of avoiding suspicion.


Chapter 1124 has become the daughter of the goddess! (for automatic subscription)

Although Heiji felt good about the eldest daughters' kissing, but when they grew up, there was always something strange in their hearts.


The daughters don't care, and he doesn't care anymore.

In the eyes of outsiders, her daughter is a goddess, and she still relies on him so much. This is the highest pride of a father.

"Dad, Daddy,"

Erina ran in from the outside in a hurry, with a tall figure, a concave and convex curve, an ups and downs in her heart, and a perfect arc.


Holding Heiji's head directly, with a faint fragrance, her thin lips directly touched Heiji's lips, and her beautiful eyes were full of attachment.

For a while.

Erina only let go of Heiji, her thin lips were already shining, she pursed her lips, and sat on the side carelessly, with her slender legs up.

"You girl, don't be ashamed at all."

Yukiko came over and glared at Erina, her beautiful eyes full of helplessness.

"Mom, isn't this something I learned from you? You often play fresh with your father."

Erina stood up and hugged Yukiko's arm, smiling sweetly.

When Yukiko and Erina stand together, no one will ever see that they are 02 mother and daughter, but think they are a pair of beautiful sisters. After all, the years have left no trace on Yukiko's body.

Yuxizi reluctantly clicked her daughter's nose, she has become the chairman of a large group, and she is so naughty.

Of course, this kind of naughty daughter will only appear in front of her family. In the group, she is the chairman of Jagged Blood, which made Yuanzi tease for a while.

Erina smiled smugly, and kissed Yukiko's thin lips suddenly: "Hehe, this is for my father and mother."

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