Pink Chuan took the camera over and said with a smile: "Everyone ~ let's take a picture of the finished chocolate together." "

Good~" Morilan and Sonoko Suzuki readily agreed.

Outside the villa, Tuchuan shouted: "Ke ~ Nan ~ Don't play Lai lying on the ground ~ Hurry up!" Conan

, lying in the snow, was doubting life, worthy of being single for fifteen years, and he had no way to fight back.

Rabbit Chuan whispered: "Bah, who is not a single dog yet." Suddenly

feeling a cool on his face, Rabbit Chuan looked up at the sky, and a large area of snowflakes swirled and fell from the sky, like an angel's feather falling into the world.

"It's snowing." Rabbit Chuan stretched out his hand to catch the snowflakes, no, it should be said that it was a snow mass, and the snowflakes were all clustered together, "It looks like it's still a big blizzard." "

Woooo Saburo suddenly burst out from a distance, ran to Conan's side, and licked Conan's cheek with his tongue.

"Haha, it's so itchy!" Conan sat up from the snow and rubbed the dog's head, which was bigger than his head.

Little Corgi and Daisaburo sticker.

Saburo is a large Shikoku dog who looks taller than Conan when sitting on the ground, and has no problem being a mount.

And San Lang's personality is still very docile, allowing the little corgi to purr his hair, up and down his hands, rubbing and kneading round.

Shikoku dog, also known as Tosa dog, is a native quite famous hunting dog, with no excess meat on the body, full of wildness, small eyes, slightly oblique tail of the eye, triangular ears, looking intelligent.

It looks like a coyote on the outside, but it's a world away from someone who also looks like a wolf, in some places.

"San Lang, stop playing, go inside quickly." Old lady Yuasa walked back slowly with her hands on her back, "And you two brats also hurry into the house, there will be a snowstorm here soon."

"I see, Mother-in-law Yuasa." Conan replied obediently, patting his butt and standing up, "Let's go, brother Rabbitikawa, San Lang."

Rabbit Chuan shook the snow that fell on his body, led Conan, walked San Lang, and walked back.

Isn't it the Blizzard Mountain Villa mode, this he is familiar with.

The wind was blowing and the windows were rattling.

Gan Liazi looked at the heavy snow outside the window with some concern: "It seems that there is going to be a blizzard outside."

Fankawa Shiguo was also a little worried: "Yes, why hasn't Eryuan-kun come back yet?" The

two looked out the window worriedly, but they didn't see Eryuan Jiagui's figure.

Fankawa Shigoko couldn't wait any longer, so he turned to Maori Lan and Suzuki Sonoko who cleaned up the kitchen and said, "Xiaolan, Yuanzi, I'm sorry, we both want to go and see the situation in Ergaki."

Mao Lilan looked up and said, "Oh, it's okay, just let us clean up." "

Shikawa and Ganriko change their clothes and open the door, just in time to bump into Rabbit Chuan, who is about to enter the house, and Conan, who is leading the dog.

Looking at the posture of the two, Conan asked in surprise: "Huh? Big sister, where are you going? "

It's about to blow a snowstorm in the mountains, you guys..." Before Mrs. Yuasa finished speaking, Pink Fruit and Ganriko had already run away against the wind and snow, leaving only one sentence, "We'll be right back!"

Looking at their backs that gradually disappeared in the wind and snow, Rabbit Chuan said: "That bearded uncle and Mr. Futagaki have not returned yet, they probably went to find Mr. Futagaki."

As soon as Rabbit Chuan's voice fell, he heard a familiar scream from the room.


"It's Sister Xiaolan!"

Conan immediately rushed into the house with Saburo, and saw Maori Kogoro lying on the ground, his face flushed, bruised, and tearful, pinching his neck with one hand and holding half a chocolate bar in the other.

"Did you say..." Conan immediately thought of what happened last Valentine's Day... Wait a minute! Where did the last Valentine's Day come from?

Conan shook his head, he couldn't care so much, now the important thing was Uncle Maory: "Could it be that someone poisoned chocolate?"

Maori Kogoro's hand twitched and stretched forward: "Uh...

"Uncle Maori, what did you say?" Conan pressed his ear to Maori Kogoro's mouth, "Mi? mizu? Water? Water what?

Rabbit Chuan turned around and went to the kitchen to get a cup of cold water, and poured it into Maori Kogoro's mouth: "It's okay, it's not a big problem, it's probably spicy." "

Ahem! Oh, spicy puppet! Maori Kogoro had a big tongue and felt incomprehensible, so he ran to the kitchen to pour a glass of cold water, "Oh, it's saved!"

Conan's whole person was stupid, picked up half of the chocolate that had fallen on the ground, and a familiar spicy and umami smell rushed straight to his nose.

"It's really the taste of mapo tofu!!" Conan rounded his eyes and stared straight at the name on the wrapper, "Sweet Honey Chocolate? Obviously there is sweetness in the name, why is this chocolate not sweet at all? Isn't this consumer fraud?

"What are you talking about, how can chocolate not be sweet?" Rabbit Chuan grabbed the chocolate in Conan's hand, "It's just that this piece is more spicy... I mean more enthusiastic, because only Uncle Maori's chocolate is a special wine heart chocolate~"

Conan subconsciously asked: "What wine heart?"

Rabbit Chuan: "Two pot heads." "

The wine selected for the heart of chocolate is generally a high-ranking spirit, the first choice is rum, followed by whiskey and brandy, of course, liquor is also available.

Because the sweetness and aroma of rum are the strongest of distilled spirits, not only can extend the shelf life well, but also the rich aroma of rum can be distinguished from the taste of chocolate.

However, Rabbit Chuan was afraid of Conan's nervous breakdown, so he only took the front page of the second pot, and did not even take the old white dry version.

Conan choked, the second pot head is 56 degrees of white wine, accompanied by Sichuan's spicy Mapo tofu, this is spicy and unbelievable!!

No, in order to make this chocolate, Teruki Kume and Akane Kubo Momo both fought.

No, how can a cook's be said to be a fight?

It should be called a halberd!

There is Rabbit River, and the result is, of course, that Teruki Kume won.

However, it is not a spicy version of Sichuan medium spicy chocolate with mapo tofu wind two-pot head wine heart, but taro mud milk tea super sweet chocolate.

The bitter sweet Valentine's Day chocolate and the thick and fragrant sweet taro mud milk tea, whether it is taste or meaning, it is simply full of buffs!

In fact, if the theme of halberd is not Valentine's Day chocolate, Akane Kubo Momo is unlikely to lose at all.

Because Akane Kubo Momo did not lose to chocolate, did not lose to taro puree, did not lose to milk tea, but lost to Oh, damn it !!

No way, a little loli, know what Valentine's Day, of course Valentine's Day has to be a joke!

Rabbit Chuan himself eats taro mud milk tea chocolate, but what is given to Maori Lan is mapo tofu chocolate.

After all, these are people who have objects, and Rabbit Chuan can't send them casually.

He has a point, right?

Maori Kogoro was dizzy, pressed his forehead, and grinned and walked out of the kitchen: "Oh, this chocolate is really spicy and topless!"

Mao Lilan said worriedly: "Dad, are you all right?" Maori

Kogoro waved his hand: "It's okay, I'm just a little hungry, I just happened to have a piece of chocolate in my pocket, so I picked it up and ate it." "

Really, really all right?" Mao Lilan didn't look like he was okay with his old father.

"It's okay!" Maori Kogoro patted his stomach and said, "My Maori Kogoro is not drunk in a thousand cups, and it is nothing!" "

This is drinking high, right? Rabbit Chuan's eyes drifted, this is definitely not chocolate's fault, it is the uncle's bad amount of alcohol.

Mao Lilan relaxed her heart a little, after all, there is no wine heart in the chocolate that Rabbit Chuan gave her, so she should still be able to eat it... Right?

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