Maori Kogoro would eat the suspicious chocolate, and Xiao Half didn't take the chocolate seriously, but most of them were still hungry.

Alas, who let his little padded jacket only care about making chocolate for his lover, completely forgetting that she drove hundreds of kilometers on a cold day and escorted them to this place where birds do not poop to make chocolate, and now the hungry old father.

Mao Lilan was so embarrassed that he picked the ground with his toes, and he wanted to pick out another Blowing Mountain Villa, and turned his head to get into the kitchen.

At this time, Ganliazi and Fanchuan Shiguo, who were servants of the dust, came back from outside, and their faces were embarrassed: "It's not good, we can't find Mr. Eryuan everywhere?"

"What did you say?!" Maori Kogoro looked stunned, "Mr. Futagaki is gone?"

Fankawa Shiguo frowned: "We just went to look for each other, and we looked for all the places where Eryuan might go, but there was no trace of him."

"And now it's snowing heavier, and it's getting darker." Ganliazi's face was full of anxiety.

That's over, Rabbit Chuan looked at the ghost weather outside the window, if nothing else, Eryuan Jiagui should have had an accident.

"I know!" Maori Kogoro immediately understood what they meant, and it was incumbent on him to put on his coat, "In short, while there is still sight, we must quickly find him." "

I'll go too!" Mao Lilan also knew that now was not the time to eat, and also put on his coat and rushed out of the house with everyone.

Before leaving, Mao Lilan did not forget to turn back and instructed Rabbit Chuan and Conan: "You two are obediently waiting for us to come back in the house!" "

Oh." Conan promised well, but when Rabbit Chuan turned back from the kitchen, Conan was gone.

Conan and San Lang next to him looked at each other and smiled: "Let's go, San Lang!" "

Wang!" San Lang nodded in agreement immediately, and there was no obstacle to communication between the two sides.

In the kitchen, Rabbit Chuan is confronting the suspicious heart-shaped chocolate.

As we all know, the raw material of chocolate is chocolate, this sentence Rabbit Chuan is tired of saying, but I never expected that someone really melted other people's chocolate and made their own chocolate!

Rabbit Chuan simply eliminated it through the elimination method, but you can see that the piece of chocolate is actually Miss Xiaolan's?!

Even the chocolate that the dog didn't even sniff and ran around was actually made by his little sister Lan?

Awesome, my sister!

Come on, my brother, my brother will make an appointment for you a gastric lavage package.

Rabbit Chuan calmly looked at San Lang, who was running wildly into the depths of the snowy night, and turned his head back to the room.

Forget it, he can't catch up with four legs on this leg.

Moreover, now this ghost weather, that Eryuan one-time equation, must have been solved.

Rabbit Chuan went back to the bedroom and rummaged through his backpack, took out milk, bread, small sausages, beef jerky and multigrain pancakes, some of them stayed up tonight, or eat enough first.

Then again, when he was alone in the room, Rabbit Chuan was really a little afraid, mainly because he was afraid that he didn't have an alibi.

Turning his head to look out the window, Rabbit Chuan pondered, should he go outside to find someone to accompany him?

Well, and the key must be a "person", that snow woman or something, don't!

Snow Girl: ... Thanks for the invitation, she didn't want to go in.

In the dark night, the wind blew the blizzard, and everyone walked step by step, wading through the snow that did not reach their calves, flashlights, and constantly shouting in the mountains.

"Mr. Nigaki!"

"Where are you!"

"Nigaki~ Where are you?

Everyone kept shouting Eryuan Jiagui's name, but no one answered, seeing that it was late, everyone's hearts gradually fell to the bottom.

On the night of wind and snow, looking up is the dark sky, looking down is a white expanse, the visibility is less than five meters, everyone walks one by one, for fear of being accidentally blown away by the wind, Eryuan Jiagui is probably less fierce.

On the ground, there was a loud noise not far away, and everyone was shocked.

"It's gunfire!" Maori Kogoro reacted immediately.

Looking back in the direction of the sound source, the light of a flashlight flickered, and Maori Kogoro narrowed his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a long-faced man with a rifle on his back appeared in front of everyone, chanting in his mouth: "Was it preempted by that man?" Maori

Kogoro frowned: "I'm sorry, who are you?"

Itakura said unhurriedly: "I am a tenant living in a log cabin called Buyudo Mountain Villa. At

this time, on the other side, Conan and Saburo teamed up, also looking for the missing Yoshiki Futagaki, and really let it be found.

It was it, not him, it was Saburo who found the body, and as Rabbit Chuan expected, the person was already cold.

"Mr. Nigaki!" Conan ran to the corpse.

Yoshiki Nigaki, who was dead, was sitting in the snow under a tree, he was killed, the blood on his head had solidified, and the blood on his cheeks had been wiped.

Because it was a snowy day, Conan could not judge the time of death of the deceased according to common sense.

What was even more strange was that Yoshitaka Futagaki still had a heart-shaped chocolate on his leg, and Conan immediately thought of the legend that Old Lady Yuasa said.

San Lang kept shouting, and Maori Kogoro and his group not far away also heard the shout.

The old lady Asami thought that she had misheard, after all, San Lang should be accompanying the child in the villa now.

But as soon as Mao Lilan heard it, he knew that San Lang was now nine out of nine times in the snow with his children.

Mao Lilan ran in the direction of the dog barking, and sure enough, she saw the disobedient bear child in her house, followed by the familiar corpse.

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