In the kitchen, Pink Fruit said while preparing tools for making chocolate: "Originally, the old lady should have taught everyone, but in order to thank the old lady for taking care of us, we are now teaching us."

Suzuki Sonoko rolled up her sleeves, tied her apron, and was full of energy: "Yo Xi, there are three days to go until Valentine's Day, we need to work harder!" "

As we all know, the raw material for making handmade chocolate is chocolate.

In fact, this view is wrong, the regular handmade chocolate is made from the fruit of tropical plant cocoa, cocoa beans, ground into powder, and then added sugar and spices.


While carefully cutting the chocolate in his hand, Mao Lilan chatted with his sisters: "Hey? It turned out that the husband of the old lady was unfortunately killed during the avalanche.

Powdered Fruit, who was pouring sugar on the side, replied, "Yes, on February 14, four years ago, when I heard that San Lang found him, he had been buried in the snow for nearly a week. "

This way." Maori Lan deeply regretted it.

At this time, Fanchuan Shiguo said again: "Unfortunately, there is still no one who has not been heard from.

"Hey? And one more person? Suzuki Sonoko stopped stirring his hand.

With the knife in his hand, Ganliazi said, "It's my brother, and his whereabouts have been unknown since that day." "

Hey?" Maori Lan and Suzuki Sonoko also stopped their movements.

"The police said he might have been buried in the snow, but I always felt as if he was still alive, so I came here every year, and by the way, I also wanted to put a grave on my previous boss." Gan Liazi found that the surrounding atmosphere was a little cold, and said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry to talk about this kind of disappointment at this time."

"It's okay." Maori Land is still so understanding.

Suddenly there was a "click", and as soon as everyone turned their heads, they saw Maori Kogoro and Conan pushing the door and standing in the doorway.

Maori Kogoro said politely: "So, do you need my help?"

Fanchuan Migo unceremoniously refused: "No, no, no!" Men can't go into the kitchen, or you'll be hurt just as Eryuan-kun!" But

her expression is full, stinky man, don't make a mess for the old lady!

"Sorry for the interruption!" Maori Kogoro closed the door and left, wow, what a fierce girl.

"Scolded out, right?" Rabbit Chuan had an expression that he expected, "How can any girl want her old father to stare at her to make natal chocolate?" "I'm not afraid of chocolate being poisoned.

"But we haven't eaten since the morning!" Maori Kogoro collapsed weakly on the sofa, "What kind of chocolate at this time, alas, what a big deal!" "

As a mother-in-law family, Rabbit Chuan doesn't want to listen to Maori Kogoro's daughter Sutra, it's rare snow outside, of course, go out to have a big game~ Rabbit Chuan

pulled little Conan out to have a snowball fight, he will never bully the small with the big, he generously let him have one leg well."

Conan buried his head in the snowball, thinking about how to put the water for a while, but he couldn't play with the old brother.


Conan hit the ball in the head and fell to the ground.

Tuchuan held a handful of snowballs, and there was a pile at his feet, shouting happily: "Ke~Nan~Are you ready?" Conan

had a frightened expression, the old brother rubbed the snowball so fast!

However, thinking that every snowy day, the piles of small snow rabbits in the yard seem to be quite reasonable.

Rabbit Chuan is not fighting alone, because none of his side are human!

The snow boys who ambush in the snow hide their skills and fame, and they also work hard to avoid being thrown out as snowballs by Lord Rabbitchuan.

There is a strange phenomenon in the snow, that is, it is cold to stand outside, but you don't know the cold while playing.

And in the warm kitchen, Maori Lan exclaimed: "Oops! "

What's wrong?" Shikawa looked up at her.

Mao Lilan didn't want to cause trouble for everyone, and said, "It's okay, it's okay." Seeing

that Mao Lilan did not cut his hand and did not get hurt anywhere, he lowered his head and did his own thing with confidence.

Suzuki Sonoko held the basin, rubbed to the little sister's side, and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong, Xiaolan?" Mao

Lilan smiled bitterly: "I just accidentally cut the chocolate into it."

Sonoko Suzuki blinked, confused.

Mao Lilan pointed to the chocolate wrapper, and Suzuki Sonoko's mouth pouted like a screaming chicken: "Ma Ma Ma..."

Pink fruit looked up again.

"It's okay!" Mao Lilan hurriedly held down the garden.

"Oh." Pink Chuan Shiguo lowered his head again, and the thoughts of the little girls now are really difficult to guess.

Again, it is well known that the raw material for making handmade chocolate is chocolate.

Suzuki Sonoko anxiously hugged Xiaolan's arm and muttered, "What should I do?" You won't cut it all in, will you? Or do you do a new one?

"That's too troublesome, it's not early, I don't think it's better." Maori Lan didn't want to cause trouble for everyone, "And..."

Sonoko Suzuki was puzzled.

"Nothing." Mao Lilan quickly shook his head and poured the chocolate into the basin to heat it with water.

Moreover, she doesn't know where Shinichi is now, and this chocolate may not be delivered.

Mao Lilan stirred the chocolate absentmindedly, and Suzuki Sonoko sprinkled five or six spoonfuls of granulated sugar.

"Garden?" Maori Land was frightened.

"I think it's better to neutralize it with sweetness." After saying that, Suzuki Sonoko nodded, and she tried her best.

"It makes sense." Mao Lilan nodded blankly, totaled, and poured half a jar of sugar, "This should be about the same, right?" "

So be it, no one will eat it anyway.

Next, just quickly pour the melted chocolate into the mold, and then put the mold in the refrigerator for an hour, and when the chocolate is solidified, you can get a handmade chocolate.

Because it is the original chocolate of Valentine's Day, everyone chose the heart-shaped mold.

Sonoko Suzuki framed the chocolate with hard cream, then wrote the words "to makoto", and drew a bandage on the side very graphically, so you can tell who it was given to.

"Fantastic! It's really good, it's really good! Suzuki Sonoko praised the chocolate she made, "I wrote so clearly this time, Ah Jin's elm head will definitely be able to open up."

"That's right." Mao Lilan smiled slightly and looked back at his chocolate.

Well...... Let's not talk about what to write, in short... Alas, it's hard to say enough!

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