Rabbit Chuan thought to himself, this Eryuan Jiagui is really bold, actually daring to show affection in front of the God of Death, it seems that the saying is right.

"The snow girl is out, return home early." It is a popular folk saying.

Most of the legendary snow women live deep in the mountains and are similar in appearance to humans, with a stunningly beautiful appearance.

Often wearing a white kimono, he lured the man who entered the snowy mountains to a place where no one was and kissed him, freezing him completely and eating his soul.

Now there is another legend of the snow woman, who will lure men with chocolate and then eat it frozen.

Rabbit Chuan is shocked, it's really outrageous, how can men have chocolate delicious.

The snow girl couldn't stop nodding, that is, ah, isn't it a man, hook her fingers to eat something full, she has eaten for hundreds of years, she has eaten enough!

How delicious is chocolate, and it is so expensive, can't she keep it for herself?

Conan's curiosity came again, and he raised a cute smile and asked Ganliazi: "What is the job that big brother said?"

Gan Liazi bent down and smiled gently: "He, ah, he is a journalist, and in order to confirm what he tracked down five years ago, he would go to the forest at this time of year with his camera and camera to see if he could capture anything." "

Oh." Conan nodded blankly, instinctively thinking that something else had happened to this mountain villa?

Seeing Conan's cuteness, the crisp Pink Fruit couldn't help but interject: "In fact, at the beginning, I, the photographer, would also accompany him, because he said that he promised to see it in the forest..."

Difficult, is it a snow woman?! Maori Lan stammered.

"Haha, isn't it!" The hearty Pink Chuan Shigo laughed, "He is looking for an animal that has appeared in the mountains in legend, but it is only a legend, which is no different from the snow girl." "

Legend?" Mao Lilan's heart was raised again, hugging his girlfriend, shouldn't it be some strange monster?

"That's right!" At this time, an uncle with a beard came out of the villa, "Since they were hunted in 1905, no one has seen them for a hundred years, and it is now listed as an endangered legendary mammal, that is, the Japanese wolf."

"What, it turned out to be a wolf." Suzuki Sonoko is inexplicably a little lost, and the more afraid he is, the more he likes to listen.

Mao Lilan was relieved, if it was a wolf, then she would not be afraid.

However, if it is an endangered wolf... Maori Lan's activities seem to be a bit difficult.

Rabbit Chuan leisurely continued: "If you avoid danger urgently, it is no problem." "

Hmm." Mao Lilan nodded silently, saying something reasonable.

Wolf: .

. First of all, I didn't mess with any of you.

"That said, that's not good, right? Such a precious animal, how can you kill it? "Maori Kogoro is talking about the rifle carried by the beard, definitely not his own little padded jacket and other people's unlucky children.

"Oh, did you say this gun?" The bearded uncle, Yuzo Jiumi, turned his head to look at the gun on his shoulder.

Uncle Jiumi laughed out loud without care: "Haha, it's okay, it's okay, I'm just going to scare it with a gun and drive it into a trap." "

Rabbit Chuan is the first time to see such an arrogant person, carrying a gun to swagger through the city, and saying it so naturally.

Yuzo Sasumi asked Mrs. Yuasa to remember to greet his friend who was coming later, and then walked into the deep forest without looking back.

Looking at Yuzo Jiumi's figure walking away, Old Lady Yuasa snorted lightly: "Hmph, these guys are all fascinated by that wolf."

"Okay, I have something to go out for, and when that guy's friend comes, you can take him to the empty room." Mrs. Yuasa also walked towards the forest with her hands on her back.

Maori Kogoro was dumbfounded, they haven't moved in yet, how can this old lady throw them aside, and hurriedly stop the old lady: "Old woman, where are you going?"

Chiyoko Yuasa stopped: "I'm going to go to the forest to go to the grave of the one who died for me." "

Are you going alone?" Maori Land was a little worried.

This icy and snowy, the old lady is alone, what if she falls well?

The old lady was not convinced at all: "This mountain is my courtyard, and besides, there is San Lang to accompany me." "

Saburo?" The name sounded a little familiar, and Rabbit Chuan glanced at Kogoro beside him.

Maori Kogoro stared at the two with a sense of foreboding.

The old lady raised her hand and whistled, and there was a "woof" cry not far away, and a gray-haired dog clicked and ran over through the snow.

"So good, so good!" The old lady rubbed the dog affectionately.

The dog barks and wags its tail happily.

"Oh, it's a dog." Maori Kogoro cut off, "I said that reporter just now, shouldn't it be that the dog you raised is a wolf?" As

if she hadn't heard it, Mrs. Yuasa walked away with Saburo without looking back.

Rabbit Chuan suddenly remembered that Concubine Yingli's family also had a cat named "Goro", heck, this really confirmed the sentence: "Jun Jun Qing ~ Uncle Maori." "

Huh?" Although he didn't understand, Maori Kogoro felt that there was absolutely nothing good to say in this kid's mouth.

Mitsuki Fankawa said truthfully: "That is absolutely impossible, because he said that he saw it at night, and at night the old lady would put Saburo in a cage." Maori

Kogoro was even more embarrassed.

The gentle Ganliazi stood up and changed the topic: "Okay, let's all go into the house, and today the two of us will teach you how to make chocolate." "

Yay!" Finally speaking of chocolate, Maori Lan and Suzuki Sonoko cheered in unison.

But little Conan has a lot of question marks: "Huh? Isn't the old lady in charge of teaching people to make chocolate? As

soon as Gan Liazi wanted to explain, Rabbit Chuan slapped Conan's back: "Don't be blind, it's cold outside, let's go in quickly." "

Oh." Conan turned his back and gasped, hiss~ Today's brother's little hand is quite strong.

Fankawa Shigo and Ganliko did not regard themselves as outsiders at all, first arranged accommodation for Rabbitchuan, and then took the girls to the kitchen to do today's highlight - the legendary Valentine's Day chocolate with a 100% success rate of Blowing Mountain Villa.

The girls rolled up their sleeves and worked hot in the kitchen.

Rabbit Chuan held hot milk tea, stood in front of the window, and looked at the vast snow outside, "I heard that the snow murder case and chocolate are more compatible~"

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