Rabbit Chuan flickered around a long circle and didn't make Suzuki Sonoko lame, but it did make her little bit of sorrow disappear.

"You're right, Ah Zhen is in love with Ah Qiang, I mean he is challenging the strong all over the world, we may always get together less and leave more in the future, and my parents may also beat Mandarin Duck, but at least now, I just want to answer him, I like him!"

Rabbit Chuan was really shocked: "Sister Yuanzi, you... I've really grown up.

"That is!" Suzuki Sonoko puffed up her chest proudly, "Wait, you little ghost, what do you know!"

Rabbit Chuan turned around and interrupted her: "Shh, small noise, too loud will cause an avalanche."

Suzuki Sonoko immediately covered her mouth in fright.

Conan looked down and snickered, this garden really doesn't have the majesty of being a sister at all.

But in the next second, Conan couldn't laugh.

Suzuki Sonoko lowered his hand, looked at Mao Lilan, who smiled and bent his eyes beside him, and suddenly said: "Xiaolan, you are so strong." "

Hey?" Mao Lilan was stunned.

Yuanzi looked down and said, "I haven't spoken to Ah Zhen for a week, and I can't stand it anymore, but haven't you talked to Shinichi for a long time?" "

Mao Lilan is really stunned this time, Shinichi?

Speaking of which, she also saw Shinichi at the Osaka gymnasium a few days ago, but she didn't say anything.

Bastard Shinichi! Actually ignored her!!

Thinking of this, Mao Lilan was angry and forced a smile and said: "You said Shinichi, I thought he was dead, hmph, even if that guy is not there, I am doing well alone."

As soon as these words came out, Conan, who was still immersed in the sadness of not knowing his beloved, was suddenly shocked, finished, and angry.

Rabbit Chuan crunched his fingers and calculated, pretending to say lightly: "It's okay, my brother just disappeared, I mean it's just a month off from school."

"And he also came back for a school festival, the diplomat also came back that time, the time when the strange thief Kidd stole the egg also returned, and I saw him in Osaka the other day."

"On average, isn't Miss Xiaolan also seeing the new brother once a week?"

Mao Lilan was stunned, and silently calculated: "It seems to be oh, it doesn't take long to calculate like this."

"Four times a month, indeed once a week, is it that diligent?" Sonoko Suzuki thought about knotting her brain.

Conan was also confused, it seemed that it really didn't take long, but it felt that many years had passed, could this be the legendary day that was not seen like three autumns?

Rabbit Chuan nodded, not bad, very learned!

Before their minds were clouded, they finally arrived at their destination, the silver-clad Blowing Mountain Villa.

Fukido Mountain Villa is actually a wooden villa deep in the mountains, and the owner of the villa, Chiyoko Yuasa, is standing at the door to greet them.

Maori Kogoro stepped forward, blocked the girl behind him, and said dissatisfied: "It's you, the old woman, who tricked those ignorant young girls into doing chocolate in this barren mountain?"

"Daddy!" Mao Lilan quickly pulled his father aside, and Suzuki Sonoko stepped forward to apologize.

Mrs. Yuasa's face was as usual: "I didn't lie, about ten years ago, a couple of men and women finally became dependents because they made chocolate with us, and newspapers, magazines and TV reported on this matter, so this became a love destination for girls." "

A mecca in love?" Maori Kogoro looked disgusted, "There don't seem to be many people here."

Mrs. Yuasa said faintly, "That's because there are ghosts here." "

Ghosts, ghosts?!" Mao Lilan pursed his mouth and swallowed.

Rabbit River looking at the sky, Blizzard Mountain Villa + ghost legend, ah ~ this familiar routine.

"My husband is the former boss here, and since his death four years ago, there have been constant haunts and fewer tourists." The old woman suddenly turned her head to look at the two girls, "By the way, if you don't want to receive gifts from the ghosts that live in this mountain, it's best not to wander out alone when it snows." Maori

Lan and Suzuki Sonoko looked at each other: "Strange gift?

"It's chocolate." A young man in a storm jacket, a baseball cap, a large backpack and a camera around his neck came out of the villa, and said to them, "The road of this mountain is winding and rugged, and people are often killed here, but strangely every time this season, chocolate suddenly appears." "

What's wrong with chocolate?" Maori Kogoro asked.

"The problem is that the chocolates are placed next to the corpse." "Local residents think that it may be that the girls who came to make chocolate lost their lives on the way, but some people say that it is the work of the snow woman." "

Snow... Snow Girl?! Moriland and Sonoko Suzuki hugged each other in fear.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the vast snow, the snow woman is really miserable, there is it everywhere, and the pot is everywhere.

Rabbit Chuan turned around and said, "How could it be some snow girl, I think it should have been taken by some small animal, right?" After all, everyone will bring a few pieces of chocolate at this time, and the specialty of Blowing Mountain Resort is also chocolate! Morilan

and Suzuki Sonoko breathed a sigh of relief.

Eryuan Jiagui also smiled and said: "Yes, the police also said that the animals that spent the winter in the mountains were hungry and rummaged through the victims' backpacks, so the chocolate would fall out."

After saying that, Eryuan Jiagui turned his head and said goodbye to the two girls standing at the door of the villa, and went to work in the mountains.

Ganliazi, who had short black hair, smiled, gently watched Futagaki Jiagui leave, and told him to be careful on the way.

Nigaki Yoshiki took two steps, and another girl, Shikawa Shigo, suddenly spoke: "Futagaki-kun, it's a good thing that you are eager to track down, but remember not to get too fascinated, be careful of being confused by the snow girl and get lost in the forest."

"Don't worry, if the snow girl gives me chocolate, I will definitely tell her that I already have a woman named Yako." Yoshiki Futagaki pulled over Ganriko and dropped a kiss on her cheek.

Rabbit Chuan took a breath of cold air, cold, sour and toothache.

The snow girl has good eyes, so she won't look at this kind of man!

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