Walking out of the courtroom, Mao Lilan said unconvinced: "Really, it's all to blame Dad, how did he become a witness to the alibi for the murderer again!" "

Uncle Maori doesn't want to either, let him..." Rabbikawa Yumitsu saw Maori Kogoro hurrying and walked straight out of the courthouse, completely ignoring them, "That's it."

Conan said curiously, "Huh? Where is the uncle going?

"Leave him alone!" Morilan pulled Rabbit River to leave, "Go, let's go and tell my mother the truth of the case, Masaharu Usami, him..."

Wait a minute! Rabbit Chuan quickly interrupted Mao Lilan's words, "Shh, quietly, I think now is a good opportunity." "

Huh? What other good opportunities? Mao Lilan's face was expressionless.

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said: "Of course, Uncle Maori heroically saved the beauty, no, it should be said that it is a good opportunity to make up for it~

" "You said dad?" Mao Lilan thought of his father's hurried steps just now, could it be that his father went to investigate the case?

Mao Lilan looked expectant: "That's right, no matter how Dad is also a detective, as long as Dad finds the truth, everything will be solved." "

Uh-huh." Rabbit Chuan felt that it was better to leave the case to Maori Kogoro to handle.

Uncle Maori has his own pot, of course, he has to carry it himself.

Conan died speechlessly, although the idea is good, but uncle is he reliable?

In the end, it is not for him to be named Detective Kudo Shinichi.

Out of the courthouse, Maori Kogoro went straight to the Metropolitan Police Department, found the good old man Takagi Wataru, and got the search report of the police station about the Pyeongtaek incident.

"Oops, thank you so much, Officer Takagi." Maori Kogoro picked up the search report and turned to leave.

"Where, where, has been bothering you... Huh? Takagi suddenly reacted, "Wait, wait!" I can't take this out! Maori

Kogoro shouted, "Thank you, please drink another day!" "

Takagi wants to cry without tears, but the case that has been sent for trial, if he doesn't say it, no one knows, right?

"Officer Takagi, what are you doing?!"

"Huh?!" Takagi was full of excitement and turned his head to look, "It turned out to be Officer Sato, it scared me to death."

Miwako Sato smiled wickedly: "Officer Takagi, you shouldn't have made a mistake, right?"

"No, no, no!" Takagi quickly denied it.

Miwako Sato pressed forward step by step, and Takagi retreated again and again until there was no way to retreat.

The distance between the two was only 0.01 centimeters, but after a quarter of incense, the man was sent completely to the interrogation room.

Miwako Sato's highest line of defense is dispatched!

You boy, you actually dare to move Miwako!!

Wataru Takagi: No, don't dare to move, don't dare to move!

In the end, it was a phone call that saved Wataru Takagi.

"Hey, Officer Takagi, it's me, Mori Kogoro."

Takagi Wataru wept bitterly, benefactor! Māori detective!

Maori Kogoro said: "That Officer Takagi, can you help me find the address of the suspect Usami Shinji?"

"No problem." Takagi took a bite.

Maori Kogoro was overjoyed: "Oh, thank you so much!"

On the other hand, Eiri came to the Tokyo detention center again to find Shinji Usami and asked whether Masako Kameda's testimony in court was true.

Shinji Usami still looked that dejected, did not speak, but nodded slightly.

Concubine Yingli leaned back in the chair and sighed helplessly: "Alas, I really don't understand, since you asked her to create an alibi, then when you were arrested, why didn't you use this to get rid of it?" Therefore

, Fei Yingli thought that there must be something hidden in this.

Usami tilted her head to the side, as if expressing silent protest.

Concubine Yingli persuaded bitterly: "I am your defense lawyer and completely trust me. If you don't believe me and tell me the truth about everything, how do you want me to defend you?

But Shinji Usami was completely unappreciative and said stubbornly: "I don't need any defense at all." "

What do you mean by that?" Concubine Yingli frowned.

"The one who killed Pyeongtaek was me! It's me! Usami suddenly resisted, slamming the table and roaring, "In short, you just need to send me to prison as soon as possible!" "

Concubine Eiri is also convinced, Usami Shinji is really not in oil, it seems that she can only find a breakthrough from other places."

After hearing Rabbit Chuan's words, Mao Lilan carefully observed and found that his father had stopped gambling on horses recently, nor did he drink small wine, and he didn't even watch Miss Yoko's show.

Moreover, he is always alone at his desk, seriously flipping through the file.

Although as soon as she passed, Dad immediately closed the file and pretended to be stupid.

"Alas, it's true, Dad is so hard-mouthed that he can't chase his mother back." Mao Lilan complained, but in fact, he was already overwhelmed.

Great, as long as Dad can make up for it and help Mom defeat the enemy in court, Mom will definitely be very moved, when the time comes... Hehehe~ Which lock to buy is good?

Seeing Maori Lan full of smiles, Conan decided to help the uncle, no way, who let the Maori uncle be a parallel product!

Conan quietly follows Maori Kogoro, ready to help the future husband recover his mother-in-law.

However, Rabbit Chuan is not worried at all, not all of them say, if it comes to the matter of Concubine Eiri, Maori Kogoro's IQ is still online... Right?

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