While peeking at the autopsy report, Conan discovers a food called rice moth in the stomach residue of the deceased.

Rice moth is a small octopus that is generally used to make sashimi and is rarely used for oden.

However, the specialty of Miju Oden happens to be rice moth, and in other than Miji cuisine, other izakaya in that area do not use rice moth.

Some witnesses said that the time when Shinji Usami and the murdered Hirasawa just met and quarreled was 8:30 that night, and the estimated time of death of the deceased was 9:30~10:00 that night, which means that there was a blank time of nearly an hour during this period.

Conan thought of what his brother said in court, could it be that in this hour, Shinji Usami took Hirasawa to Mikawa Restaurant to meet Masako Kameda?

Uncle Maori said he had been dozing off from half past eight until he was woken up by the hostess, during which time he slept.

Assuming that during that time, Shinji Usami really took Hirasawa to Mikaku and ate rice at Mika, Uncle Mori would not have known.

The proprietress suddenly saw the murderer, and hatred carried away her mind.

After Hirasawa left, Kameda Masako secretly followed Hirasawa and killed him when passing by an unoccupied construction site.

Conan also found Mikachi's matchbox at Shinji Usami's house, which confirmed his guess.

THE ROMANIZED PRONUNCIATION OF "MIMASU" IS "MIMASU", AND THE REVERSE IS "USAMI. M", the English abbreviation of their dead son Masaki.

The former husband and wife of Shinji Usami and Masako Kameda have not yet ended their old relationship, and it was Masako Kameda who killed him, and Shinji Usami probably saw this scene, deliberately left his key at the scene, and negatively defended himself in court, in order to apologize for his ex-wife.

Conan thinks he has opened the door to the truth, but Rabbit River has found another dot.

To Rabbit Chuan said that Conan's vision of the couple's relationship problems is too bad.

Whose couple with a good relationship will divorce!

Now is not the era when divorce is as simple as drinking water, persuade and do not persuade to leave, such as Concubine Eiri and Maori Kogoro, but if they have a little feelings, they will not divorce.

And, anyway, in terms of Concubine Yingli's ability, she really can't tell, is the couple really at odds?

Can't you? Don't underestimate a woman's sixth sense, it is still very accurate in emotional matters.

Therefore, Concubine Yingli is right, the relationship between the couple is really bad, once the sea was difficult to water, at least now it is really not good.

Therefore, it is unlikely that these two people will murder people together, but is it possible that the mantis catcher yellow finch is behind?

For example, after Masako Kameda killed Tsuyoshi Hirasawa with a mallet, Shinji Usami made up another mallet.

Everything is possible, the modus operandi of this case is too simple, but the simpler the case, the more difficult it is to investigate.

Therefore, Rabbit Chuan didn't guess anymore, and decided to directly grab a little monster to ask what happened that night.

However, such a small thought actually made Rabbit Chuan a little clueless.

As we all know, in Yonehana Town, apart from Hakura and Hanako-kun, no little youkai dares to roam the streets.

Similarly, the same is true of Cupocho, which is often frequented by Conan.

Therefore, in the middle of the night, Rabbit River walked around the construction site in Cupto Town, not to mention witnessing the demon, and did not even see the shadow of a small monster.

Alas, it's so hard.

As a last resort, Rabbikawa had to ask Kenji Hagiwara to go to Kabukicho to inquire and see if there were any lucky little youkai who happened to pass by that day.

Kenji Hagiwara's speed is quite fast, and he is a regular visitor to Kabukicho, and he really brought back a little youkai.

This little monster drank too much with his friends that night, and lost the Truth or Dare game, so he chose the big adventure.

I don't know who is so damaged, but actually proposed to let it go to Cupto Town for a walk, probably because the wine was strong and courageous, this little monster really went to wander around, just happened to encounter a murder, scared soul gone.

"Oh! Adults, you don't know, that old lady she is old, smack, the big stick according to the man's brain is a slash, like a sledgehammer, that place, blood red hula, oh mother!

"At that time, there was still a man shrunk in the corner, that was called a sluggish, and the instigator did not dare to look at the woman."

The little monster said, stirred the spirit, obviously frightened, and shook his head repeatedly, no wonder he said that Mihua Street walked, Yan Wang praised my life, according to it, this next door Cupdo Town is also comparable.

Gee, no wonder the current monsters are shrunk in Kabukicho and dare not go out, it is really too ruthless for humans, together with the class, they dare to start, if they encounter youkai, they must not be crushed to ashes?

The little monster couldn't stop trembling, and the current human beings were really scared.

Rabbit Chuan was speechless, what is this?

Humans scare monsters? Are youkai afraid of people?

Well, they are not afraid of people, but death.

Rabbit Chuan waved his hand: "Okay, don't shake it first." "

The little youkai doesn't dare to shake, but it can't help it, this is Yonekacho!

He actually came to Yonehanamachi in his lifetime, and he also met Lord Rabbawa, and I don't know if he can see the sun tomorrow.

Rabbitikawa: ... Am I that scary?

Little Goblin: You're not scary, you're scared!

After grinding for a long time, Rabbit River finally learned from the little youkai's mouth what had happened in the construction site of Cupto Town that night.

Hirasawa was indeed killed by Masako Kameda, who killed in anger at the construction site, and by the time she came back to her senses, Hirasawa had already collapsed in a pool of blood.

Seeing that she had killed someone, Masako Kameda threw the murder weapon in place, turned around and ran back to her shop, and after seeing Kogoro who had been sleeping in the store, she thought of the method of creating an alibi.

And Shinji Usami was in the corner of the construction site and secretly witnessed the scene of his ex-wife killing his enemy.

But Shinji Usami did not call the police, but watched the enemy take his last breath, and then left his keys in place, and finally returned to his ex-wife's tavern, just in time to pass by Maori Kogoro.

That's right, Shinji Usami didn't kill anyone, he just saw death and couldn't save it.

And according to the little youkai, Shinji Usami muttered in front of the deceased for a long time before Hirasawa swallowed, and finally shouted: "Masaki! Dad has avenged you!

Rabbit Chuan shouted, "Good fellow! "

It turns out that Shinji Usami is not apologizing for his ex-wife, but is crazy!

Shinji Usami has always been worried about his son's death, and when he met Hirasawa Tsuyoshi, he had a big fight with him.

But in addition to quarrelling, Shinji Usami didn't know what to do, so he took the murderer to meet his ex-wife.

The ex-wife looked at it, you are a sluggish, a cub-killing enemy still talk to him, keep it for the New Year?

When Hirasawa had just left Mikaku, Masako Kameda chased him straight out despite Maori Kogoro who was sleeping in the store, and slaughtered the enemy without even spending the night.

Shinji Usami went and returned, just witnessed this scene, and suddenly became excited.

He just hesitated, and the killing enemy was gone, so what should he do? What face did he have to meet his son under the Nine Springs?

Because he did not dare to face reality, when he saw the dying Hirasawa Tsuyoshi, Shinji Usami chose to escape reality and constantly hypnotize himself.

He was the one who killed Tsuyoshi Pyeongtaek!

He is also the one who avenged his son!

He is not a coward, he is a hero who guards his family!

So Shinji Usami deliberately left the key at the crime scene, and then returned to Mikaku to meet his ex-wife and wanted to tell her about it.

But when Shinji Usami came to Mikaku, he bumped head-on into Detective Mori Kogoro.

And Masako Kameda repeatedly and enthusiastically retained Maori Kogoro in order to prove her alibi, so that Shinji Usami did not dare to speak easily, and finally could only leave Mikachi, thinking of waiting for her to come to her the next day.

The next day, Shinji Usami was arrested as a suspect.

Shinji Usami became the murderer as he wished, but he was afraid that if he told the itinerary that day, he would provoke Maori Kogoro who met in Mika.

Moreover, as the saying goes, there are many mistakes, so Shinji Usami acquiesced to the last moment, and ended up killing Maori Kogoro halfway.

Rabbit Chuan sighed: "It's really time and fate." "

In Yonakacho, uh... Cup Tocho is too, revenge should be taken early, maybe in the blink of an eye, the enemy will be gone.

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