Maori Kogoro answered truthfully: "Of course, it is in the inner pocket of my trench coat, and the coat is hung on the hanger next to the counter."

Concubine Yingli's pupils shrank, and she immediately understood the purpose of Kujo Reiko, who was waiting for her here.

Kujo Reiko paced to Maori Kogoro: "In other words, when you are sleeping on your stomach, no matter who you are, you can easily adjust the time on your phone, such as the boss lady..."

Kujo Reiko meant something, Maori Kogoro instantly sobered up: "How is this possible?!" "

The situation in court has been reversed, and now the strongest alibi for the defender has become the deadliest blow.

For the trick of adjusting the time of the mobile phone, Rabbit Chuan is too familiar.

Now the time on the mobile phone is adjusted by yourself, if there is no physical strength when playing the game, then adjust the mobile phone back for a day, enter the game after the physical strength is immediately full, after playing the game, and then adjust the mobile phone time back, perfect!

The same goes for call logs.

The time on the call log is recorded according to the time displayed on the mobile phone at that time, and even if the time is adjusted back afterwards, the time displayed on the call log will not change.

Moreover, as the defendant's lawyer, only the lawyer Fei Yingli did not have the right to ask the communication company for call records.

In addition, now that the case has been transferred to the procuratorate and entered into legal proceedings, the police have no right to continue the investigation, unless the prosecution provides evidence, but how can the prosecution provide evidence that is clearly against itself?

Concubine Yingli immediately stood up: "Protest! The accusations just made by the Prosecutor are entirely based on her speculation. The

legal person believes that the world is composed of "legal facts", legal facts are inferred facts based on evidence that has not been excluded, and objectivity is the primary feature of legal facts and cannot be subjectively judged.

The presiding judge approved Princess Yingli's protest: "In the future, the prosecutor is requested to make a statement based on the facts."

"I see." Kujo Reiko humbly accepted, but died unrepentant, "Chief Judge, the prosecution now requests that the defendant's ex-wife, that is, Masako Kameda, the proprietor of Mikaze, be summoned as the latest witness of the prosecution. Shinji

Usami, who had been silent, suddenly raised his head, and his face changed slightly.

Concubine Yingli also had a bad face: "I thought that the victory was in hand, so I thought of leaving Kameda Masako as a hole card, but I didn't expect to be placed by her." After

all, Masako Kameda is the defendant's ex-wife, and the credibility of her testimony is not as high as that of a stranger's Maori Kogoro.

Mao Lilan asked anxiously, "So how is the situation now?" Her

mind is messed up now, and she still doesn't understand why her father clearly said the evidence that is beneficial to her mother, but why it has brought a blow to her mother.

Rabbit Chuan explained: "The Kujo prosecutor means that during the time when the uncle is sleeping, anyone can adjust the time on the mobile phone, enter the desired time, and then wake up the uncle and let him testify for the time." After that, just adjust the time back while the uncle is not paying attention to the phone. "

This method is also feasible now, wait a few years, everyone changes the smart phone, not to mention the network time, even the screen lock is a problem."

However, as technology advances, so does the modus operandi.

Conan nodded and said, "So, as long as that phone is not on my uncle's body, Mr. Usami's alibi cannot be established."

Rabbit Chuan continued, "I think the most likely person to do this is Mikayo's hostess, who woke up and handed her phone to her uncle, and she deliberately left her uncle behind when her uncle wanted to leave."

"How is this possible?!" Mao Lilan's eyes widened.

"I think Aunt Maori must be the same as Sister Xiaolan, who preconceived that their husband and wife had a bad relationship, so naturally she didn't expect that the boss lady would shield her ex-husband." Conan frowned, but was it really just that?

"No, there is another possibility." Rabbit Chuan suddenly spoke, and Maori Lan and Conan turned their heads together.

Rabbit Chuan said indifferently: "Maybe their husband and wife relationship is really bad, then the boss lady has no reason to shield her ex-husband, so who is the person she is shielding?" You must know that the people who have been suffering from the loss of their children are not only the father of the child, and even the mother is often more harmful.

Conan lifted the clouds and mist, and his eyes lit up: "Do you say..." "

The real murderer is the boss lady?!" Mao Lilan covered his mouth.

"Shh!" Rabbit Chuan told them to keep quiet, but they couldn't let others hear.

Kujo Reiko has not yet discovered that the evidence and witnesses she used to attack Concubine Yingri are actually beneficial to Concubine Yingri.

In fact, defense lawyers can also use the evidence provided by the prosecution, but once the prosecution finds that the evidence provided by the prosecution is unfavorable to its own situation, the prosecution may withdraw the evidence.

Now, they are one needle away from the truth, as long as Conan's small needle is a dozen, they will all live.

Tuchuan wanted to go out in person, but during the trial, the observers could not speak, and even the procuratorial personnel and litigation participants needed to speak or ask questions, which required the permission of the presiding judge or the sole judge.

Conan wanted to get an injection, but Maori Kogoro had already stepped down, so do you want a sleeping concubine Eiri?

Hey? It doesn't seem to be impossible.

However, Conan is still short of a decisive evidence, the court only looks at the evidence and facts, does not look at reasoning, there is no evidence, even if he pushes out the flowers, it is useless.

In court, Reiko Kujo began to ask, "Miss Masako Kameda, did you adjust the time on Mr. Mori's mobile phone on the night of the crime?"

Masako Kameda sat on the witness stand and kept staring at Shinji Usami, who just kept her head down, completely ignoring her.

Kujo Reiko walked to the witness stand, stared at Masako Kameda, and said word by word: "You must know that if you give perjury, the criminal liability is equivalent to fraud."

Kameda Masako lowered her head and said nothing, and Kujo Reiko suddenly raised her voice: "What is the truth?" Miss Changko! "

Now everyone's attention is focused on the silent Masako Kameda.

Kameda Masako couldn't bear to look directly, closed her eyes and said, "That's right, what the prosecutor said is right." The

atmosphere of the court changed instantly, Mao Lilan frowned, and Concubine Yingli, who had always remained calm, finally changed her face.

Kujo Reiko was relieved: "That is, you admit that you have adjusted the time on your phone?"

Kameda Masako nodded silently.

Reiko Kujo showed a confident expression: "Then please tell me, when is the right time for Shinji Usami to pass by Mr. Mori and enter the store?"

Changzi closed her eyes and confessed, "I set the time forward by 30 minutes, so it should have been 9:55."

Kujo Reiko received a satisfactory answer, and confidently turned to the presiding judge and said, "The presiding judge, according to the investigation, it only takes 10 minutes to walk from the scene of the crime to the witness's izakaya , so the prosecution believes that the defendant has enough time to go to the construction site to kill the victim."

The presiding judge nodded and looked at Concubine Yingli: "Is there anything wrong with the defense lawyer?"

"There is only one." Concubine Eiri stood up and looked at Kameda Masako, "Miss Masako, when I went to visit you before the trial, you once said that you hated the defendant to the bone, since you hated him, why did you create an alibi for his crime?"

Kameda Masako turned her head to the other side, her face was complicated, and she only said: "I don't know."

"Presiding Judge, I'm done asking." Concubine Yingli sat down, this couple is really... Alas, tired heart.

Because the prosecutor presented new evidence in court, and the defender believed that time was needed to prepare, Fei Yingli requested an adjournment to ensure that the prosecution and defense enjoyed equal rights.

The presiding judge found the defence counsel's request reasonable and declared: "The trial is now adjourned. Then knock on the gavel.

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