"I'm not, I don't." Daimon Lianglang vehemently denied it, but now he was the only one left dead in the family, and his rebuttal seemed a little pale and weak.

Mrs. Ryuko blocked in front of her son: "No, there are no footprints of Liang Lang going to the box room on the snow, it won't be Liang Lang, this must be the curse of General Hideto!"

"Mother-in-law, when is this, father-in-law and Yishu are dead, why are you still like this!"

"I saw General Xiuyou with my own eyes, it's all retribution, retribution."

"You, you old woman!"

"Mom... Sister-in-law..." The gate was in a dilemma.

The two newly baked widows were about to tear up, and Rabbit Chuan quietly moved to her Xiaolan sister's side, careful of accidental injury.

The fearless Conan took the opportunity to come in and ask: "Mother-in-law Ryuko, you said that you saw General Hideto, so did he have a knife at that time?"

Mrs. Ryuko recalled, "I remember that his left hand was empty, and if he was holding a knife, it should be a knife in his right hand, right?" Maori

Kogoro said, "In other words, the murderer is usually using his right hand, so Mr. Ryolang's suspicion is very low."

Rabbit Chuan retorted: "Not necessarily, if the murderer was not holding a knife in his right hand, but hanging the knife on the right side, then the murderer should have been left-handed." "

Left-handed?" Everyone was stunned, and they all looked at the gate Lianglang.

Daimon Lianglang subconsciously took a step back.

Daimon Kayoko saw it, thought he was weak-hearted, and shouted: "Okay, Ryo Lang, it's really you!"

"No, it's not, it's really not me!"

"I said it all, not Lianglang."

Maori Kogoro quickly pulled them away: "Okay, okay, in short, let's call the police first, Xiaolan, Xiaolan?" "

Dad." Mao Lilan held up his phone, "There is no signal here.

Daimon Lianglang raised his hand: "That, or I'll go, we have a landline at home."

"Then I'll go with you." Maori Kogoro said worriedly, "The others will go to the living room and wait, until the police arrive, it is better for us to stay together."

Hojo Hatsuho, who was the backdrop, said, "In that case, I'll go and prepare coffee for everyone." "

Miss Hatsui, I'll help." Mao Lilan was just about to leave, when Tu Chuan suddenly stopped her, "Sister Xiaolan, it's better if you are still here."

Tuchuan signaled Mao Lilan with his eyes, the pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law next to him who did not have a good relationship, in case of a fight, he couldn't stop it!

Mao Lilan felt the same, and said embarrassedly: "That, Miss Hatsui..." "

It's okay, I'll go alone." Hojo Hatsuho smiled and turned and walked into the kitchen.

Mao Lilan followed the pair of shockingly worried mothers-in-law, afraid that if one did not pay attention, it would be another tragedy.

Conan took the opportunity to slip away, and the quick-eyed Rabbit River took it down.

"Brother Rabbitchuan..."

Rabbit Chuan hinted to Conan not to make a sound, then caught up with Mao Lilan, tugged on Mao Lilan's sleeve, and pulled the person back.



The three of them lay on their stomachs in the doorway of the kitchen and saw Hojo Hatsuho squatting by the stove, ready to make a fire.

Conan doesn't feel quite right, just make a coffee, do you need to use the stove to make a fire?

Seeing that Hojo Hatsuho was on fire, Rabbit River gestured, and Morilan immediately rushed in and grabbed Hojo Hatsuho's hand.

Rabbit Chuan walked in and asked, "Miss Hatsui, what are you doing?"

"I, I'm making a fire?" Hojo Hatsuho is unknown.

"But Miss Hatsui." Rabbit Chuan pulled the stove, "A set of bloody clothes, a pair of white socks with blood, your fire materials are rare!"

Conan's eyes lit up and he found the white socks that Madame Ryuko enshrined in front of the armor, but why was it stained with blood?

"I..." broke out in a cold sweat from Hojo Hatsuho, "I didn't notice that either."

Hojo Hatsuho firmly refused to admit it, although even she didn't believe it when she said it.

Rabbit River walked up to Hojo Hatsuho and said, "People are stolen and captured, so Miss Hatsuho, you are the murderer, right?"

Hojo Hatsuho broke away from Mori Lan and said, "What are you kidding, why should I kill the old master and the eldest young master?"

Rabbit Chuan did not answer this question, but talked about the case.

"I have already explained the problem of the secret room of the eldest young master Mr. Kazuki, Mr. Kazuki's room has almost no traces of struggle, I think he was probably given sleeping pills by you.

"There is a coffee cup in the room, you should put sleeping pills in the coffee, Mr. Kazuki drank the coffee without noticing, and after stunning him, you left the room and went to the wing room, killing the president of the gate."

Hojo Hatsuho immediately asked: "This is impossible, there is only a row of footprints on the snow from the wing room to the back door of the main house, how can I go to the wing room?"

Rabbit River replied, "Just cover the footprints when you go, and use the large footprints of the armored samurai so that only a row of footprints is left on the snow." "

You know that Mrs. Ryuko is very superstitious about the curse of General Hidetomo, and she will stay in the Buddhist hall until midnight during the Hidetomo Requiem Festival, so you deliberately passed by her window in armor and let her see it with her own eyes, believing that Mr. Kazuki was cursed, killed the president of the gate, and then committed suicide to apologize."

Speaking of this, Rabbit Chuan was speechless.

"Miss Hatsui, what age is it now, except for the rookie in Gunma Prefecture, cough, I mean where any police officer would believe in cursing and killing people now?"

Mao Lilan and Conan also coughed, alas, how bad it is to name names, and the rookie police officer also wants face.

Rookie Officer: My name is ...

Hojo Hatsui, who coughed, died of embarrassment, as if he was quite right.

Rabbit Chuan brought up another topic: "Speaking of which, Miss Hatsui is also left-handed, right?" I saw you served with your left hand yesterday.

Hojo Hatsuho froze slightly: "Yes, so what?"

Rabbit Chuan asked, "Then you asked Mr. Ryo Lang for an autograph so that we would notice that he was left-handed and blame him when necessary?"

"No, I didn't try to blame him." Hojo Hatsuho suddenly realized that it was not quite right to say this, "No, I'm just simple... In short, I am not a murderer, you don't want to set me up, I didn't pay attention to something in the stove at all, and if you want to arrest me, you will show evidence. Hojo

Hatsuho leaned forward and stood on tiptoe slightly, Conan looked at the white socks, recalled the fragments of the wine glass at the crime scene, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Sister Hatsui, why are the soles of your feet bleeding?" Conan asked worriedly, "Don't you hurt?"

Hojo Hatsuho was startled and stepped on the soles of his feet.

"Look, here comes the evidence." Rabbit Chuan pulled the white socks on the ground, "The white socks have your blood stains, you accidentally stepped on glass shards, put the white socks in the shoes of the armor to prevent your blood stains from being stained in the shoes, this is the iron evidence that you can't wait to destroy!" "

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