Those big footprints stretched from the wing room to the back door of the main house, and in order not to destroy the footprints, Rabbit Chuan still returned to the main house from the direction he came from, passed through the corridor, and came to the back door.

I saw that the back door was wide open, and there was a row of large wet footprints on the floor, extending from the doorway to the video room near the back door.

"Husband!" Daimon Kayoko said urgently, "Yesterday Kazuki said that he wanted to listen to music and spent the night here.

Everyone then noticed that such a big thing had happened in the family, and the gate Yishu, who had always regarded himself as the heir, had not yet appeared.

Maori Kogoro suddenly had a bad premonition, and quickly stepped forward and knocked on the door while shouting: "Mr. Kazuki! Mr. Kazuki Are you inside? Seeing

that no one in the video room responded, Maori Kogoro clenched the handle, but he couldn't push the door at all, and turned around and said, "The door is locked from the inside, is there another entrance?"

Kayoko shook her head: "No, there is only one door in the video room, not even a window, and it can only be locked from the inside."

"Then you can only break down the door." Maori Kogoro retreated, and the gate Ryoro found an axe, clicked a few times, and cut the door lock.

When Maori Kogoro opened the door, the first thing he saw was the bloody katana lying on the ground in the doorway.

"Mao, Mr. Mao, look there!" Men Liang Lang pointed into the room, his face full of horror.

Maori Kogoro turned to look over, General Hidetomo's armor lying on the ground, the blood from his neck staining the carpet red.


"Don't come in!"

Mori Kogoro blocked the excited gate Kayoko in the doorway, then went into the room to remove the mask of his armor, and under the mask was the painfully distorted face of Kazuki Daimon.

Conan crouched next to the corpse, and Mr. Kazuki, like the president, was killed by the murderer, and the murder weapon should be the knife that fell on the ground in front of the door.

"It's General Hideto, this is definitely General Hidetomo's curse!" As soon as Mrs. Ryuko's words came out, everyone was terrified, "Last night, General Hidetomo's undead possessed the armor, not only killed the evil old man, but even the child of Ikki did not let go, and finally in order to prove that it was a curse to kill, so I put on this armor for Ikki." Rabbit

Chuan saw that Mrs. Ryuko said it clearly, and there was no sadness on her face, as if it was not her husband and biological son who died today, sighing, superstition is really terrible.

Conan held his chin and was immersed in thought.

Maori Kogoro stood up and said, "No matter what the curse is, the footprints of the armored samurai did come here from the box, which means that the president is an armored samurai."

Maori Kogoro began to speculate reasonably: "There is only one possibility, and that is that Mr. Kazuki killed the president in the wing room and then returned to the video room to commit suicide."

Daimon Kayoko retorted vigorously, "Impossible! Kazuki will not commit suicide!

Mao Lilan exclaimed, "Isn't there really a curse for killing the head of the family and committing suicide like General Xiuyou?" General Hidetomo's armor manipulated Mr. Kazuki to kill the president, and then manipulated Mr. Kazuki back to the room and killed himself?

"It's terrible!" The more Mao Lilan thought about it, the more afraid he was, the more he wanted to hold something, and reached out, "Huh? What about Conan? "

Conan, of course, examines the body.

Rabbit River particularly admired Mao Lilan's imagination, and sure enough, the more afraid of ghosts, the richer the imagination of people, and it is by the nourishment of these fears that ghosts continue to grow.

Rabbit Chuan spoke: "It's impossible, if it's a curse to kill, is it necessary for the armor to deliberately go through the courtyard back to the room to commit suicide?" This should just be an ordinary backroom murder. "


"Chamber of Secrets Killings?"

"That's right." Rabbit Chuan nodded and pointed to the blood-stained knife on the ground at the door, "Look at the location of this knife, don't you think it's strange, if the deceased committed suicide, the knife should not be held in the hands of the deceased, or fall beside the deceased, why did it appear at such a far doorway?"

"That's a little weird." Maori Kogoro walked past the corpse, "The knife on the ground at the door is four or five meters away from the corpse, it can't be thrown by the deceased who committed suicide before he died, right?" Could it be that the murderer deliberately was here? Why?

"Yes, why would the murderer rather leave doubts and leave the knife in the doorway?" Rabbit Chuan asked himself, "Because this knife has a reason why it must appear here, this knife is not only a murder weapon, but also a prop used to arrange the secret room." "

Props to lay out the secret room?" Conan shifted his attention away from the corpse.

Just as Rabbit Chuan was talking, Conan lifted his armor and found that there was no blood splattered on Kazuki Mon, so the president should not have been killed by Mr. Kazuki.

And Conan noticed before that in addition to the armor and swords, the white socks that Mrs. Ryuko enshrined in front of the armor also disappeared, but now the white socks are not worn on Mr. Ikki's feet, so where will it be?

Conan heard Rabbit Chuan's words, subconsciously asked out loud, Mao Lilan walked to the room and took Conan out with one hand: "Conan! You don't mess around here. "。

"I see." Conan knew in his heart that it was useless to struggle, so he had to obediently obey.

Rabbit Chuan tapped the katana on the ground with his cane: "You see, the blood stains on the tip of this knife have completely disappeared."

Then raised his hand and pointed to the scratches on the wall at the door: "I think the murderer should have inserted the tip of the knife into the soundproof wall, then put the handle on the doorknob, and finally walked outside the door, closed the soundproof door, and the handle on the handle would automatically lock the door from the inside against the deadbolt."

"The murderer knows very well that there is only one exit from the video room, and as long as the door is locked from the inside, it cannot be opened from the outside, and the door must be broken in."

"The soundproofing material of the audio-visual room is the most common sound-absorbing cotton, the tip of the knife is inserted into the sound-absorbing cotton, as long as it is slightly shaken, it will fall from the wall, and the knife that resists the door lock will naturally fall to the ground, and the secret room is completed."

Rabbit Chuan looked at the scratches on the wall: "If the blood stains of the deceased are detected from here, it proves that my reasoning is true, it is not a curse killing at all, just an ordinary secret room killing." "

That's awesome!" Mao Lilan threw away Conan, who was in the way, which affected the speed of her applause too much.

Conan and Maori Kogoro lay on the wall and looked closely, and the scratches on the sound-absorbing cotton seemed to have real blood stains.

Maori Kogoro frowned: "But if this is the case, the murderer must understand the structure of the video room, in other words, the murderer can only be someone living in this house."

"What?!" The family looked at each other in disbelief.

"Lianglang! Could it be you? Daimon Kayoko took the lead in attacking, "Sure enough, what you said about going abroad, any music is fake, you are coming back to inherit the inheritance!" "

Rabbit Chuan shouted, good fellow, this family property will become a legacy."

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