"That's right, I killed the old master and the eldest young master." When it comes to this, Hojo Hatsuho doesn't want to argue about anything anymore, avenge his father, and don't stumble.

"Why is that?" Mao Lilan couldn't figure it out, why would Miss Hatsui, who was so gentle and kind, and would say something to adjust the atmosphere of the Daimon family, would kill the old master and eldest young master of the Daimon family?

"Because of him, Daimon Genichiro, he forced my father to death." Hojo Hatsuho had tears in his eyes, "My father is the president of Sakusa Industries, who died four years ago. "

Huh?" Maori Lan was shocked.

"My dad has always been a man who values favor more than business, and he always accepts orders from the gate industry unconditionally in his past friendships.

Until one day, due to a little negligence, the gate industry broke off business and my father's factory closed.

And the gate industry, actually swallowed up the factory when my father was in the most difficult time, and the gate Genichiro was still in the hole, when my father borrowed money from him, he actually asked for my family's heirloom, and my father had to sell his armor to him in order to raise funds.

"But in the end, not only did my father not help the workers, but he couldn't even save the family heirloom, he blamed himself for being useless, and committed suicide."

"I changed my name and came to this house from Tokyo to avenge my father on the day of my father's death!"

Hojo Hatsuho sat on his knees, hiding his face and crying, immersed in his own world, sadness flowing against the river.

Conan and Morilan watched her quietly, while Rabbit Chuan died speechlessly.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the things about President Daimon and President Sakusa.

First of all, the Sakusa family can regard General Hidetomo's armor as a family heirloom, and it should have been a family at the time, so the Sakusa family and the Daimon family are in the same village, and there should be some friendship between the two.

Then, the president of the gate gave President Sakura a big list, and President Saku took it without saying a word, but it turned out to be a mistake, Sakusa Industry messed up the list, and the president of the gate asked President Sakura to lose money and cut off business contacts, this......

How to say, although the president of the gate does not talk about human favors, he does not break the law.

Isn't it normal for the bankruptcy of the Gate Industry to be annexed by the Gate Industry, and the bankrupt factory to be annexed?

And even if there is no gate industry, there will be a large window industry, a large floor industry.

Finally, there is also the matter of President Sakusa borrowing money from President Daimon, a bankrupt president, with no belongings, red lips and white teeth only talking about friendship, opening his mouth to borrow a sum of money that can make him make a comeback, the amount must be not small, isn't this fun?

Bank loans also need mortgage guarantees, and it makes sense that President Daimon wants the Sakusa family heirloom as collateral, not to mention that President Daimon not only borrowed money, but also spent a lot of money to buy armor.

President Sakusa took this money to prepare for a comeback, but he didn't get up, he still owed a debt, and committed suicide in despair....

Speaking of which, one thing has to be mentioned, why is the suicide rate in the era of the neon bubble economy so outrageously high?

Because there is no such thing as a father's debt and a son's debt, only a person's death debt.

The law stipulates that the father's debts to the children only need to be repaid within the scope of the estate, and the excess amount is not to be repaid.

President Sakusa's own debt, as soon as he dies, this debt will be gone, and his wife and children will not only not have to pay the money, but also get a valuable insurance money.

Therefore, now looking at this matter from the perspective of the president of the gate, the president of the gate introduced a big business to his fellow villager Sakusa, but he did not expect that Sakusa messed up, and the gate industry suffered heavy losses.

Business to business, favor to people, the president of the gate to Sakusa according to the contract, and does not want to see this unfortunate fellow countryman again.

Soon after, Sakusa's factory went bankrupt, and the president of the gate took over the market of Sakusa Industry, and he would do it if he didn't do it, after all, they were fellow villagers, and fertile water did not flow into the fields of outsiders.

Later, this fellow villager asked him to borrow money, and the president of the gate felt that this person was not business material, and borrowing him money was pure waste.

However, the family heirloom of the Sakusa family is a good item, and if it can be mortgaged to him, this matter is not impossible to consider.

The president of the gate did not force or grab it, let Sakusa think for himself.

Sakusa gritted his teeth and sold the treasure to him, but also borrowed another sum of money from him.

The president of the gate agreed, and as he expected, Sakusa was not a business material at all, and this useless guy actually committed suicide, and the money he had lent in the first place would not be returned.

President Daimon regretted not starting out, and this was definitely the most lossless transaction he made.

But the president of the gate did not know that there was something more to lose waiting for him behind, he not only lost money, but also ended up taking two lives.

Isn't this a great injustice?

Genichiro Daimon: Poured blood mold on me!

Hojo Hatsuho blamed all of her father's death on Daimon Industry, ignoring that she was the biggest beneficiary of this matter, because only then would her heart feel better.

Therefore, Rabbit River did not sympathize with Hojo Hatsuho at all, and he did not have the heart to wake up a person who pretended to sleep.

Conan saw that his brother's eyes were about to roll into the sky, and he was afraid that Hojo Hatsuho would be stimulated, and said to her, "Turn yourself in, Miss Hatsuho." Your dad wouldn't want you to do that. "

Dad..." Hojo Hatsuho completely broke his defenses and let out a mournful cry.

Rabbit River snorted, President Sakusa wanted to give his daughter a bright future with his life, but what happened?

Say what to avenge him, his daughter is getting more and more tortured, if not for Conan across this town field, President Sakusa is estimated to be able to come back to life.

Hojo Hatsuho cried enough, wiped away his tears and said, "Can I ask a question?" Since when did you suspect me?

Rabbit Chuan spoke, "From the beginning." "

Huh?" Rabbit's answer surprised Hojo Hatsuho.

Rabbit Chuan explained: "You were afraid that someone would destroy the footprints on the snow, so early in the morning, before we got up, you ran to Uncle Maori and said that the old man was dead.

"But you overlooked the fact that you couldn't see the situation on the other side of the room from the main house, and how did you know that the president of the gate was dead?"

"So, it can only be that you killed him."

Hojo Hatsuho shook his head helplessly: "I'm really a failure."

"It's full of holes, after all, in this family now, except for the suspect, everyone else is a detective." Tu Chuan sighed, "Torture, wait for the police car to arrive later, you go and turn yourself in."

Mao Lilan was surprised: "Huh? Will the police car arrive late?

Rabbit Chuan spread his hands: "For some reason, whenever the death day of Xiuyou, this place will be closed by heavy snow, and in a day and a half, the police car can't get up at all, so, for the sake of this natural blizzard villa, Miss Hatsui must choose to commit the murder last night, even if a detective is present." Hojo

Hatsuho was completely obedient, and after the Yokogochi police officer from Shizuoka Prefecture arrived at the scene, he voluntarily turned himself in in the eyes of the crowd, bringing an end to this snowy night curse serial murder case.

Saying goodbye to the Daimon house, Mori Kogoro set off again, and they finally arrived at the hot spring inn.

Soaking in the hot spring, Rabbit Chuan sighed: "Alas, I now understand why in today's society, those family members like to engage in the retainers so much." "

Huh?" Conan was puzzled, "Why did you suddenly think of this?"

Rabbit Chuan said seriously: "Because the servant who left the house halfway is unreliable, who knows if that person is for the sake of parents, siblings, sons, daughters, or even girlfriends and friends, and even more so, just for the simple sense of justice, change his name and surname, change his appearance, and take revenge?"

After speaking, Rabbit Chuan nodded in satisfaction, and he summed it up really well.

"That's why I don't want to hire a live-in nanny." Rabbit Chuan soaked under the hot spring, "Afraid of it~

" "Brother Rabbitchuan, are you worried too much?" Conan can't hold back, his brother won't have any murder paranoia, right?

Rabbit River suddenly remembered that the Karasuma family is also a family world, and only the retainers and researchers themselves in the lineage know the big secret of APTX, and other sake, even if they are as loyal as gin wine, do not know the true purpose of the distillery.

Gin wine, really miserable.

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