Conan pulled out his legs and ran outside, followed by Maori Kogoro and his daughter, rushing to the scene of the crime.

As soon as Rabbit Chuan left the room, he suddenly saw a stack of neatly stacked white cloths in the corridor outside his door, and when he shook it open, it turned out to be a beautiful pure white feather weaving, and in the light, the white feather weaving floated with a crystal six-petal snowflake pattern, like snow.

This is the snow velvet that only the snow woman can weave, and the feather weaving is a clothing that protects against the cold, and the snow can withstand the cold, and it is naturally resistant to the cold, and even the snow and ice of the snow woman can be carried.

Rabbit Chuan imagined that the snow boy sent it overnight, and wanted to send it into the house, but because Conan blocked the door, he had to put it down and run.

Because of this haori, Rabbitagawa also understood the origin of this sudden heavy snowfall, last night the snow girl came suddenly, so the snow fell sharply, this haori is a gift and a reparation.

By the way, Rabbit River also figured out the truth about Hideyu's Requiem Festival.

It is clear that Chong Hideyou is for the villagers to advise the lord Dahara Xuanwu, and Ohara Xuanwu kills his whole family in anger, and he will commit the following crime of killing Ohara Xuanwu, and finally commit suicide to apologize, which can be called loyal and righteous.

So why are the villagers so afraid of the undead who rush Hideto?

And why is it rumored that such a loyal undead who rushes Hidetomo will kill everyone who sees him?

Because of the truth, it's not.

Ohara Hidetomo once told Ohara Gentake that it was true, but the two did not break up over this matter, but Ohara Gentake took a fancy to Ohara Hideto's wife, Ah Xue.

Mrs. Ayuki had skin like snow and black and bright hair, which was a peerless beauty at that time, and Ohara Genwu was stupid at a glance.

Ohara Gentake had always hinted that Okichi Hidetomo had sacrificed Lady Ayuki to him and given him the high-ranking official Houlu, but Okishi Hidetomo was not moved at all, and Yoshimasa refused, and even faintly thought of killing the lord.

After that, Ohara Genmu seemed to have given up, and the monarch returned to his original appearance.

However, on a snowy night, Ohara Xuanwu went out to buy food and grass, and Ohara Genmu broke into Okishi Hideto's house.

At that time, Mrs. Acher was pregnant and was about to give birth.

Ohara Xuanwu planned to snatch Mrs. Ayuki away, Mrs. Ayuki was naturally unwilling to keep struggling, Ohara Xuanwu was embarrassed and angry, pulled out a knife and faced each other, and Mrs. Ayuki was killed twice.

When Okinawa Hideyu returns home, he sees his beloved wife lying in a pool of blood, dead and blind, even his soon-to-be-born child.

Therefore, Chong Xiuyou was angry and attacked, killed the lord Daihara Genwu, and finally committed suicide in despair.

This is the truth back then, but it's not the whole truth.

Because the lady who rushed Hideyu is not a human at all, but a snow woman.

Every winter, there will be snow women, occasionally combined with good-looking human men, some will freeze men into ice sculptures to take home for treasure, and some will turn into human women to stay in men's homes.

Mrs. Ashuki and Hideyu Okinori are genuinely in love, praying day and night to give birth to a human child for him in October.

The snow girl was extremely weak when she gave birth, no different from ordinary people, so she was poisoned by Ohara Xuanwu.

But after all, it is a youkai, even if the snow girl falls in a pool of blood, she does not actually die, and ice and snow are the source of her power, allowing the village to spend years in the snowy mountains.

The snow girl and her child survived, but the child also did not favor the human side because of the ice and snow, but became the snow boy.

The villagers were afraid that it was because of the resentment that Chong Xiuyou had not dissipated, so they turned into a grievance, which would lead to heavy snow and closure of the mountain for several years, so they held a requiem festival every year to comfort his spirit in heaven.

And Mrs. Ayuki, who has eased up, also wants to see her lover again, even if he becomes an undead, she is looking forward to continuing the frontier, so she has been spreading rumors about General Hideyou.

It's a pity that Chong Xiuyou has long been reincarnated, and no matter how many rumors there are, what is piled up is just an illusion, not her real lover with flesh and blood.

Mrs. Ah Xue is dead, but she still misses Chong Plough Xiuyou, so every time she comes to Chong Plough Xiuyou's Requiem Festival, the mountain will be closed in heavy snow, every year.

And this year, I accidentally froze Rabbit River and Conan, and because of their existence, Mrs. Ayuki didn't even see the opening ritual dance, and only participated in the second half of the vigil.

Rabbit River is a little embarrassed, but there is no way, who makes Conan's Ke Xue aura too full, it is simply the retreat of the evils!

Alas, take people's hands short, in short, first take Mrs. Acher's husband out of the case!

Rabbitagawa quickly rushed to the scene of the crime in Haori, only to see President Daimon pierced in the chest by a sharp blade and collapsed in a pool of blood, there were still fragments of brandy and wine glasses on the ground, and General Hidetomo's armor and knife were missing.

There is only one door in the entire room, and there are no footprints on the snow in front of the door, only a row of giant footprints leading to the main house in the rear window.

Mrs. Ryuko shouted, "It's General Hideto! It must be General Hideto, I saw it yesterday, and that armor walked through here!

Rabbit Chuan came over and retorted, "Doesn't it mean that only those who see the undead of General Hidetomo will die?"

Mrs. Ryuko covered her face and wept: "Yes, I didn't expect that the person I saw was not dead, and the curse actually fell on him, it was really retribution."

Rabbit Chuan couldn't make sense with this old lady, so he pointed to the footprints outside the window and said, "Uncle Maori, let's go see where this row of footprints leads first." "

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