Genichiro Daimon laughed and said proudly: "Hahaha, I didn't expect it, this armor that rushed through Hideyu is my treasure." "

Huh?" Maori Lan and Conan were stunned for a moment, and Maori Kogoro remembered, "Could this be the armor of the general of the Requiem Sacrifice?"

"Yes, this is the one, I took a lot of effort to get my hands on it." Genichiro Daimon was about to show off when he was suddenly interrupted by something eerie, "That cursed armor!" "

Huh?" Mao Lilan was startled and turned his head to see a person suddenly appear in the dimly lit back room.

"Ryuko?" Genichiro Daimon said dissatisfied, "Why are you here? "

Mrs. Ryuko slowly walked out of the house, even if she was gray-haired and faltering, it could be seen from her elegant temperament that she was definitely a big beauty when she was young, it was this hairstyle with a low ponytail around her neck on one side....

Rabbit Chuan winked, ma'am, your hairstyle is a bit dangerous!

Mrs. Ryuko ignored her husband, walked to the armor and said divinely: "The undead spirit of General Hideyou is still wandering in this world, and anyone who sees his soul will die in the end." I hope General Hidetomo's feet will not freeze, so please wear these white socks. Lady

Dalong offered her own foot bag to the armor and prayed religiously.

Mao Lilan seemed to feel the temperature drop in the room, picked Conan up again, and muttered, "What should I do?" "

She can't help this kind of divine nagging thing.

Daimon Genichiro scolded, "Stop making trouble, you're doing these things again!"

Mrs. Ryuko pointed at her husband's nose and scolded: "I am atonement for your evil deeds, you even said such disrespectful words, tonight is the 500th anniversary of General Hidetomo's death, you are careful to be punished."

"You! You are simply unreasonable! Daimon Genichiro didn't want to argue in front of outsiders, but just snorted, flicked his sleeves away, and hid in the house.

Maori Lan was frightened, Conan was intoxicated in the gentle township, Rabbit Chuan had to look at Maori Kogoro, his eyes were full of helplessness, this family really has no time to stop.

Rabbit Chuan glanced at the pious Lady Ryuko, and then raised his head to stare intently at the armor in front of him.

Stare -

the armor does not move.

Rabbit Chuan lowered his head and rubbed his eyes, then suddenly raised his head again.

The armor remained unmoving.

Before leaving, Rabbit Chuan turned back again.

The armor does not move.

"Brother Rabbit Chuan, what are you looking at?" Conan noticed that Rabbit Chuan was very concerned about this armor, "What's wrong with this armor?"

"Armor..." Rabbit Chuan looked pensive, and Conan stared at it when he saw this.

Armor: ......

Rabbit Chuan nodded and said with satisfaction: "Don't move at all." "

Well, the armor is not at all..." Conan suddenly reacted, "Please, how can the armor move on its own."

Rabbit Chuan also laughed: "Haha, it's the same thing, we're all here now, how dare it move?" "

Very good, 500 years of requiem sacrifice is not in vain, even if the armor is still lingering with resentment, but because of the continuous requiem every year, it has not been a climate, and it has not been easy to persist until the 500th anniversary, and I actually met Conan, which is really unlucky."

Rabbit River and they returned to the main house with Mrs. Ryuko, and when they entered the door, they bumped into the door Lianglang who had finished bathing.

Mrs. Longzi broke free from Mao Lilan's support, walked like a fly, and walked to her younger son: "Lianglang, you will choose to come back today, it must be General Xiuyou who has a spirit in the sky." Damen

Lianglang hurriedly helped his mother: "Mom, haven't you already slept?"

"Now only you can guard this home." Saying that, Mrs. Ryuko took out a worn-out notebook from her cuff and stuffed it into her younger son's hand.

It was mysterious, and Rabbit Chuan thought it was a black ledger, but it was actually just a cut of a news newspaper.

Daimon Ryo sent his mother back to the room and returned to the living room to push the notebook to Maori Kogoro.

Maori Kogoro opened it and saw a news about the suicide of the president of Sakusa Industries, but behind it was rumored that Sakusa Industries had closed down because of vicious competition from the gate industry.

The jealous gate Liang Lang insisted that this was something his father could do.

Maori Kogoro was so knowledgeable that he did not dare to jump to conclusions easily, and even defended Genichiro Daimon twice.

Rabbit Chuan also thinks that it is good to look at this kind of news tabloid thing, and things without evidence cannot be said nonsense, and if you don't get it right, you will die.

But Daimon Lianglang bluntly said that his father's armor was originally the heirloom of the Sakusa family, which is the best evidence, and directly convicted his father.

Rabbit Chuan shouted in his heart: Lying groove, you are really a filial son!

Conan stared at the newspaper in his notebook and said, "Huh? Coincidentally, the president of this factory committed suicide four years ago today.

"yes." Hojo Hatsuho came over with tea, "The construction site has been idle since then, and it is said that some people have seen ghosts wandering, which is terrifying."

"This is probably a curse..." the gate raised his forehead.

Maori Kogoro quickly raised his glass and began to play haha: "What's the curse, it must be a coincidence, come on, let's drink, haha." Taking

advantage of Maori Lan's shaking efforts, Maori Kogoro drank cup after cup: "Hahahaha, it's wonderful to drink snow wine on a snowy day!"

"Dad, you can't drink anymore, it's time for us to go to sleep." Mori Lan snatched the wine glass and forcibly dragged Maori Kogoro out of the living room.

Rabbit Chuan and Conan left with them, and just as the gate Kazuki also opened the door.

"Why, you're going to the video room for the night again?" Daimon Kayoko shouted in the house, "Then why are you still marrying me?" Why don't you go with music for the rest of your life!

Daimon Genichiro snorted coldly and slammed the door away.

When they returned to the room, Maori Kogoro fell asleep, and Mori looked like he couldn't sleep.

Conan got up and asked, "Sister Xiaolan, what's wrong with you?" "

So, that," Maori Lan said hesitantly to Rabbitikawa "Can we switch places?"


The original location was Maori Kogoro, Rabbitagawa, Conan, and Māoriran, but now it has become Māori Kogoro, Māoriran, Conan, Rabbit-River.

Don't ask why you don't prepare a separate room for Rabbitagawa, the Japanese mansion's Ohiroma and Tohoku Ondol, and 10 people sleeping side by side on the tatami mat are not at all, and it is strange to live alone.

Rabbit Chuan turned sideways and asked, "Sister Xiaolan, are you afraid of that armor?" Don't worry, I just looked closely at that armor and it doesn't move at all, right, Conan? "

Huh? Well, yes. Conan didn't know what to say, alas, his silly brother.

Mao Lilan choked, always feeling more worried.

"Haha, no." Mao Lilan forced a smile and began to change the subject, "I was thinking about President Daimon, and President Daimon looked quite kind, not at all like someone who would do such a thing."

Tuchuan lay flat, but did not say that people know their faces and do not know their hearts, but just said: "As the saying goes, shopping malls are like battlefields, and when you go to the battlefield, you only have a position." Now that the economy is sluggish, so there are countless people who commit suicide, and if they are a little careless, maybe the person who lies down tomorrow is himself. In

the face of the bubble economy, Maori Lan and Conan can only be silent.

Silent and silent, everyone slowly fell asleep.

Sleep peacefully in the silent snowy night, until a sharp scream resounded in the sky.


"What happened?!" Conan pulled open the paper door.

"Not good!" Hojo Hatsuho stumbled over, knelt on the ground, and cried incessantly, "Old, sir, sir, he died in the room!"

"What did you say?!" Maori Kogoro was shocked, and Conan immediately ran out.

Rabbit Chuan leaned against the door frame and sighed up to the sky, alas, sure enough, the person who lay down today was him.

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