Hojo Hatsuho tried to ease the mood, looked up and asked the guests, "I wonder if today's dinner is to your taste?"

Mao Lilan immediately praised: "It's so delicious, especially this white rice is so delicious!"

Hojo Hatsuho said proudly, "Because we still cook rice on the stove every day here!"

"It turned out to be firewood rice, no wonder it was so fragrant." Rabbit Chuan nodded along, well, rice, so fragrant!

"The pot is also delicious." Conan was also on the scene.

But some people couldn't bear it, and seeing that the atmosphere had eased, Kayoko couldn't help but ask: "By the way, Dad, about the candidate for the next president..."

Daimon Genichiro didn't want to deal with this illuminated daughter-in-law, and turned to look at his younger son, "Lianglang, what have you been busy with in recent years?"

Daimon Lianglang replied, "Oh, I'm singing in the restaurant."

"Why are you still doing that kind of unproductive work, what is the future of music?" Daimon Genichiro frowned and sighed, "You're also older, it's time to be sensible, come back to Dad's company to help Dad." "

Rabbit Chuan can be regarded as watching a big drama, the eldest son and the couple jumped up and down, worked hard, calculated everything, and wanted to inherit the company, the old man was stunned and did not take care of others, the younger son, did not want it, the old man had to stuff it into people's mouths.

This old man is biased to the end, and he died unjustly!

After dinner, Daimon Yoshiro accompanied Maori Kogoro to refill the wine in the living room, and Rabbikawa and Conan drank juice and accompanied them to eat the wine.

Rabbit Chuan chewed the squid feet, eating the same taste as shredded squid, but it was too tired to chew for half a day.

"Mr. Māori." Hojo Hatsuho walked over holding the signature pad, "I'm sorry, can I ask you to help me sign my name, in fact, I have admired you for a long time."

"No problem, no problem." Maori Kogoro has always been responsive to his female fans, and as for male fans, it would be nice to be alive and not sent in.

"That's wonderful!" Hojo Hatsuho smiled like a flower.

"Thanks to you at home, otherwise, I would have been overwhelmed." Daimon Liang smiled gently, "Miss Hatsui, when did you come?"

"I came a year ago, and the Daimon family is a family that needs to learn more than the average family." Hojo Hatsuho held another signature plate, "Young Master Ryo also help me sign your name, I believe you will definitely become a famous singer in the future." "

Haha, borrow your words, if so." Daimon Ryo laughed at himself and cheerfully signed Hojo Hatsuho, who seemed to have practiced it too.

The sharp-eyed Conan found a small detail: "Brother Lianglang, are you left-handed?" The

gate snorted casually, and suddenly there was a roar in the corridor outside the door: "I have given you many opportunities, why are you still so useless, what face do you have to let me give you the position of president!"

"I think I'm right, it's Daddy, you're doing it too tough."

"I'm not asking for your opinion!"

"Well, let me ask you, besides me, who do you want to be this president!"

The smile on Damen Lianglang's face gradually disappeared, and he lowered his head and said: "Actually, my father and my eldest brother are simply the same, and the reason why I will return home today is to make a clear conclusion with my father."

"Clear conclusion?" Rabbit Chuan was shocked and looked at Conan, this is really courageous.

Damen Liang said lightly: "Dad has always wanted me to take a position in the gate industry, but I can't get used to his unscrupulous style in order to make money, so I chose to run away from home."

"I'm going to Spain next month to pursue my musical dreams, and I won't come back until I break out of the world, and maybe we won't see each other again."

Rabbit Chuan chewed the squid's foot and almost bit his tongue, Versailles Bensai, have the ability to tell your eldest brother again, he promises that you will not even see the sun tomorrow.

"That's why I wanted to let my dad affirm my choice before I went abroad." Daimon Liang closed his eyes, and a faint sadness lingered around him.

Rabbit Chuan understood, Daimon Lianglang wanted his father to affirm his choice, how to be sure? Of course, with money for sure!

Going abroad costs money, playing music burns money, how can you do it without money!

Rabbit Chuan understood, eavesdropping on the sister-in-law outside the door understood better, this kid really came back to ask for money, their husband and wife are tired for the company, there is no credit and hard work, the result is still cheap this kid, this is not good!

The gate Kayoko pushed the door in angrily: "Liang Lang, what you said is pitiful, in fact, you want to take the gate house for yourself, right?"

"What are you talking about?" Daimon Liang Lang was stunned for a moment, "If I really thought so, I wouldn't have run away from home in the first place."

"Hmph! Ghosts believe it! "Don't overdo it.

"What are you arguing about again!" Daimon Kayoko's words accidentally let the old man hear, "I was upset when I saw you two and my wife, and I went to the room." Daimon

Kazuki secretly glared at his wife, and Daimon Kayoko bit her lower lip unwillingly, this kid will please his father-in-law.

Daimon Genichiro took two steps angrily, thought about it and felt a little rude, and turned back and said, "Mr. Mori, ignore them, I'll take you to see something good."

Rabbit Chuan patted his butt and stood up, the short melon in the parents ate a little too much, it was time to change the taste.

The good thing that Daimon Genichiro said was in his room, because the main house was too noisy, Daimon Genichiro built a wing room on the farthest opposite the main house across the inner lake of the courtyard, and now it is in a corner and quite secluded.

The snow in the courtyard continued to fall, and goose-feathered snow was flying.

Rabbit River held an umbrella, strolled through the courtyard, around the pine and cypress lake, and walked to the wing.

Genichiro opened the door, and as soon as the light was turned on, a heavily armed samurai armor sat in front of everyone.

"Oh my God!" Mao Lilan let out a small exclamation, "What a strong sense of oppression."

Rabbit Chuan nodded, yes, I just don't know if tonight's Requiem Festival group of demons can suppress this resentment.

It's not right, what does it have to do with resentment, Rabbit Chuan looked down at Conan, the pot is here.

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