After the Moriarty family disappeared, Rabbit River temporarily resumed the live broadcast, and Jack the Ripper's wild words resounded like thunder throughout the press conference venue.

Chairman Cindora's heart was already flustered, and now Kudo Yusaku's words surprised him even more.

"Yusaku, what did you say? Kenmura's murderer is Chairman Cindora? "The police department suddenly woke up, yes, he came to investigate the case, and almost forgot about it.

Kudo Yusaku nodded: "The key to solving the case lies in the murder weapon, because today's press conference, a metal detector was installed at the entrance of the rice flower city entrance, so the murder weapon should be something in this venue from the beginning." Maori

Kogoro pondered, "The dinner knife is too small, and the kitchen knife has been checked, what else can it be?"

Kudo Yusaku said: "The murder weapon was a short knife held by the bronze statue in the venue, and the prisoner took it down while the lights were out, so that people would not find out, he also made a fake knife with something like aluminum foil and put it on it to confuse the sight, and replaced it after the murder."

"So it is!" The police department was convinced by Kudo's words, "Shiratori, you go and check that short knife immediately." "

Yes!" Shiratori Renzaburo turned around and left.

"Please stay, Officer Shiratori." Kudo Yusaku stopped him, "I have just asked the forensics to identify the luminol reaction and fingerprint on the short knife, detected the blood reaction of the same blood type as Kenmura on the short knife, and detected your fingerprint on the handle, Chairman Cindola."

Chairman Cindora turned blue and denied it: "What kind of joke are you telling, it's my family's short knife, with my fingerprints on it, can't this work?" "

The Twilight Police Department has never seen such an arrogant person, even if you kill without gloves, you know to wipe blood stains, why not wipe your fingerprints? Do you still put the murder weapon on display and take them as fools by the police?

"This is surveillance video from the venue of the press conference before and after the time of the crime." Kudo Yusaku pulled out a video tape and handed it to Dr. Agasa.

The surveillance video was played, the stars in the surveillance were playing football with their friends, and he kicked down the short knife in the avatar's hand with a shot, and after being scolded by his parents, he picked up the short knife and put it back in the bronze statue's hand.

The police department suddenly realized, turned around and asked: "Chairman Cindora, can you explain why there is only your fingerprint on the short knife, but the fingerprint of the teenager is not detected?"

Chairman Sindora stiffened and said, "Because I touched the knife again after him, I covered the boy's fingerprints."

"Mr. Kudo, I found it!" Officer Chiba pushed the door in, holding a material evidence bag in his hand, and was very excited, "I found a fake short knife made of cardboard shell and aluminum foil in the garbage disposal center in the basement.

The Twilight Police Department asked expectantly, "What about the fingerprints on it?"

Officer Chiba replied, "After identification, we found the fingerprints of Hideki Stars and Chairman Cindora on it. Kudo

Yusaku was as steady as Tarzan, and said quietly: "If the fake short knife has the fingerprints of others other than Hideki the stars, that person is the murderer who changed the real and fake short knife and killed Kenmura, so the murderer is you, Chairman Cindora!"

"It's nonsense, I want to protest to your government!" Chairman Sindora was embarrassed.

The expression of the Twilight Police Department is simply indescribable, can our government be blamed for this?

It's not that you, a foreigner, don't do things authentically, don't care about the tail, obviously have a plan to kill, actually leave fingerprints everywhere, and even a pair of gloves is reluctant to buy, this is also the chairman of a big consortium!

If it weren't for the fact that there were many bigwigs at today's press conference, their police would not dare to make a big move, otherwise, they would have taken fingerprints casually and arrested this, and they wouldn't have needed so many brothers in their family.

Chairman Sindora roared, "You mean, what reason do I have to kill him!"

"The blood of sin that flows in my body will be passed on to the next age on Noah's ark." Kudo Yusaku read Jack the Ripper's line and walked up to Chairman Cindora, "You're the descendant of Jack the Ripper, right?" Chairman

Sindora was said to the sore spot, pale, trembling, cold sweat.

Kudo Yusaku pressed closer: "Hiroki once developed a DNA tracking system, he took a set of DNA on the short knife that is said to be used by Jack the Ripper, which belonged to the second victim of Jack the Ripper, and you were afraid that Hiroki would find out about your blood relationship, so Hiroki was forced to commit suicide."

"Kenmura knew that you forced Hiroki to death and wanted to avenge him, so you killed him."

"I'm really scared." Chairman Sindora hugged his arms and trembled, "I am afraid, afraid of the terrible evil blood flowing in my body, it is him, it is he who makes me kill!"

Kudo Yusaku said righteously, "What about the blood of murderers!" You are who you are, why don't you overcome it! "

Compared to Kudo Yusaku's elegant statement, Rabbit River in the game said much more heart-wrenching.

"The DNA compatibility between parents and children is 1/2, that is, half of the DNA of the children comes from the father, half of the father's DNA comes from the grandfather, and in theory the DNA of the grandfather and grandson is 1/4, but this is only in theory, because unfortunately, the DNA of the son to the grandson may also all come from the grandmother, that is, in fact, the DNA of the grandfather and the grandson is normally distributed from 0 to 1/2."

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Noah's Ark and said to Jack the Ripper: "I just want to say that if you are unlucky with a billion points, the bloodline of Jack the Ripper will reach you to your grandson, it may be 0, and then it will be closer and closer to 0." As

soon as Rabbit Chuan's words came out, those who understood, those who did not understand, were silent.

Rabbit Chuan is telling the truth, just like him and Karasuma Renye, testing their DNA basically can't detect anything, otherwise Rabbit Chuan would not have been able to wait for Karasuma Renye to find him to know about it.

Karasuma Renye may only find the little baby Rabbikawa through the DNA of Rabbitagawa's father and son to determine the parent-child relationship between Rabbitagawa's father and son.

Therefore, paternal kinship identification is not accurate at all, or maternal kinship identification is more reliable, such as Rabbitikawa and Kudo Yusaku, the mitochondrial DNA inherited from the egg cells of the grandmother's mother is guaranteed to be consistent.

In the game, Conan understood, Mauriland didn't understand very well, Ripper (Irene) Jack didn't understand at all, Noah's Ark knew about it for a long time, but it didn't understand why it said this.

The Twilight Police Department poked Kudo Yusaku: "Yusaku, what does this mean?" Kudo

Yusaku pushed his glasses: "It means that if Chairman Cindora is the grandson or great-grandson of Jack the Ripper, theoretically their DNA match is 1/4 or 1/8, and the second victim is Jack the Ripper's mother, and the match will be halved, that is, 1/8 or 1/16."

"Such a low degree of fit..." Kudo Yusaku sighed, "Alas, there is no proof of kinship at all."

"What do you say, you can't prove it?" Chairman Cindora's face changed drastically.

"That's right, Kenmura has no evidence at all, so he just wants you to confess to the crime." Kudo Yusaku looked Chairman Sindora directly in the eye, "Have you really seen that DNA report?" Chairman

Cindora knelt on his knees, no, he didn't dare, he looked at his trembling hands, and finally shed tears of remorse: "What have I done, it turns out that I am the demon

, Hiroki, Hiroki..." Chairman Cindora shouted hoarsely to Hiroki, Noah's ark heard this belated confession, it should be happy for Hiroki, but it didn't know this sour feeling, was it really happy?

"Thomas Cindola, I am now arresting you on suspicion of killing Tadabin Kenmura."

Chairman Sindora is arrested, but the game continues.

The case is over, and the question now is, how is Jack the Ripper (Erin) going to release the water?

Irene the Ripper raised his dagger, his opponents were three weak little asses, how could he naturally lose this battle without making them suspicious?

Alas, he is really difficult!

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