Noah's Ark has no heart, it is simply learning and imitating human feelings.

According to human parlance, Sawada Hiroki is its parents, this is the grace of fertility, it is its life-saving benefactor, this is the saving grace, it must be repaid.

Therefore, it chooses to fulfill Hiroki's last wish and repay Hiroki's kindness, nothing more.

But at this moment, it heard the confession of the murderer, and there was an indescribably complex feeling.

Rabbit Chuan inadvertently passed by Noah's Ark and whispered, "This is called redemption, but now it's our turn to redeem Jack the Ripper." "

Fighting, at the touch of a button.

Jack the Ripper strikes first, holding a dagger in his backhand and attacking Conan.

Conan jumped up and down, dodging continuously, and the knife body painting passed by.

The stars Hideki was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe, and Rabbit River... It's nice to be able to stand firm.

"Hahahaha!" Jack the Ripper shouted, "Whoever can only run away can't win!"

Conan couldn't dodge, Jack the Ripper slashed his clothes, stood up and began to speak: "There are still ten minutes to reach the terminal, what do you say will become of this driverless train then?" Conan

and Hideki the stars were shocked, Rabbit Chuan glanced to the side, now the train is driving on the cliff, they don't even have a chance to jump, can they only be covered in blood?

Although I don't really want to, but I think it's a pity not to check in with such a famous attraction.

Xiao Nuo didn't understand, what was there to get entangled in: [I can change the conductor back.

Rabbitikawa : Shut up you!

Mao Lilan, who was tied aside, shouted: "Watch out for the back, get down!"

Conan subconsciously turned around and found that the train was about to enter the tunnel, pulling Rabbit Chuan to the ground suddenly.

"Little ghost, that's the end of it." Jack the Ripper trampled Conan under his feet.

Maori Lan shouted, "Conan! "

Conan is constantly struggling, abominable!

"Let go of the bespectacled one!" Hideki plucked up the courage to rush forward.

Seeing this, Jack the Ripper quickly cooperated with him to let go, but he didn't expect that the kid in red used too much force, ran overhead, and directly rushed off the roof of the car stupidly, fortunately hugged the decorations on the roof of the car, and now hangs it on the side of the car as a kite.

In the process, he also bumped Rabbit Chuan, Rabbit Chuan originally wanted to take advantage of the time in the tunnel, crawled to the opposite side in the dark, and loosened Mao Lilan, and then Maori Lan VS Jack the Ripper, guaranteed to win steadily, but now... Bah, this guy who has more than enough to succeed.

Jack the Ripper looks at his feet... Alas, it's not that he doesn't want to put water, it's too difficult.

Jack the Ripper didn't have to use his feet anymore, and directly pinched Conan's neck with his hand, which is much easier to save!

But now, the only one who can save people is Rabbit River.

Since his whereabouts were exposed, Rabbit Chuan could only shout: "You quickly let him go!" "

Rabbit Chuan: Big sister, deal with children, do you want to be so serious!

Irene the Ripper: Little ancestor, I can't help it!

Rabbit River and Jack the Ripper are at a stalemate, and no one expects Rabbit Chuan to defeat Jack the Ripper.

"Don't come here!" Conan shouted to Rabbit Chuan with difficulty, grabbing Jack the Ripper's hand desperately, "Have the ability to come at me!"

Rabbit Chuan covered his chest, and Xiao's brother also felt safe.

Mao Lilan desperately thought, what to do, if it is a new one, new one, what will you do?

"I especially liked what Sherlock Holmes said at the time."

Mao Lilan's mind suddenly flashed the words she had said to Shinichi, the words she couldn't remember before.

"If I can indeed destroy you, I will gladly welcome death for the public good."

Rabbit Chuan stood up and sighed, no way, for the sake of the old brother, he fought well.

"Let him go!" Rabbit River rushed with a cane.

"Don't come here!" Conan hissed, trying to stop, "One, two, three! Jacket

the Ripper let go of Conan and raised his dagger at Rabbit Chuan: "Come on, little ghost! "

Hurry, come, I have figured out how to get out."

"It's Lessenbach Falls!" Mao Lilan's words interrupted the rhythm of the two.

Everyone looked at Mao Lilan, who stood on the edge of the roof and smiled at them, but her eyes seemed to say goodbye.

Sorry, can't accompany you to the end.

"Don't, Xiaolan!" Conan was overwhelmed with grief, he already had a premonition of what Xiaoran was going to do.

Although Jack the Ripper didn't understand, looking at the posture of the young lady, she wanted to die with herself!

The boy beat him, and the little sister can't jump it!

Rabbit Chuan hesitated for two seconds between saving his teammate and not saving it, after all, he is a teammate, and he still has to save it.

Just as Mao Lilan was about to jump out of the car, Rabbit Chuan directly cut the rope with a sword.

Maori Lan was shocked, so should she jump now, or not?

Jack the Ripper didn't care so much, and rushed straight to Rabbit River, this wave he must send himself away!

Jack the Ripper wanted to draw the edge with a knife, but this feeling, he actually stabbed ?! What about water!!

Rabbit Chuan raised his leg to actively block the dagger of Jack the Ripper, the dagger pierced deep into the calf, and then kicked the leg to the side of the cliff, hehe, even the leg to lead people, go you!

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