After a fruitless tour of the train, Conan and Morilan took the stars Hideki to find the conductor.

Mauliland said: "We are Mr Holmes' assistants, we were just chasing Jack the Ripper, but let him run away, he must have cross-dressed and mixed into the passengers now."

"What?!" The conductor was shocked.

Mao Lilan pleaded: "Please gather all the passengers on the train in one carriage at once!" "Good

!" The conductor of the six gods and masters answered directly.

At this time, the gangsters who got on the train went straight to one of the carriages, pushed the door of the carriage, took off the mask, and bowed slightly: "Your Highness Rabbit Chuan, Lord Albert, the old man is fortunate to be killed."

"Good work on you, butler Jack Rainfield." Rabbit Chuan greeted with a smile, "Is everything going well?"

"As you might expect, it went very well." The old housekeeper of the Moriarty family threw Jack the Ripper's costume out the window and changed into a decent butler suit.

"Hahaha, the old man thought that he was going to use the corpse to perform a Jack the Ripper-style killing technique, but he didn't expect that just a knife was waved in front of the public, and they recognized the old man as Jack the Ripper, but what a group of naïve imps!"

Rabbit Chuan blocked the twitching corners of his mouth with a teacup and defended the old brother: "Ahem, it is estimated that they did not expect that someone would pretend to be a murderer." "

The reasoning game has been pushed to the end, and there are actually confusing options, which is beyond the norm.

"Now they've chased the train." The butler looked at the enchanting woman in an ordinary dress, "It's up to you next, Thousand Faces Lang-kun." The

conductor gathered the passengers together, and Conan was surprised to find his brother: "Brother Rabbitchuan?!"

Rabbit Chuan whispered in Conan's ear, "I chased Professor Moriarty."

Conan followed Rabbit's finger and saw the man sitting in Professor Moriarty's car.

"Brother Rabbitchuan, that's Professor Moriarty, you're too daring!" Conan was stunned, he didn't dare to force Moriarty, the old brother can really do it!

Rabbit Chuan waved his hand casually: "Don't worry, Professor Moriarty is not here at all, it's okay, it's not a big problem."

Conan was speechless, but now was not the time to criticize the dude, now they had to find Jack the Ripper among the passengers and complete the game as soon as possible.

Conan whispered in the conductor's ear, who nodded and said to the passengers: "Please raise your hands, we want to confirm whether you have the murder weapon."

The passengers raised their hands blankly, and Conan glanced around, and then said: "Let me explain for Mr. Holmes that the second victim killed by Jack the Ripper was that she had abandoned her husband and son and came to London alone.

Conan pulled out the photo and continued: "At the scene of her killing, there were one-on-one mother-son rings, one of which belonged to the victim himself and the other belonged to someone else, which is likely to be a symbol of the mother-son relationship between her and Jack the Ripper." Hideki

said in surprise, "You said that little ring belonged to Jack the Ripper?"

Conan nodded affirmatively: "Yes, the mother and son ring should be the token of their mother and son recognition, Whitechapel will hold a monthly parent-child bazaar on the second Saturday of every month, and September 8th happens to be the day of the bazaar, where Jack the Ripper found his mother." "

Jack the Ripper abandoned his mother because of resentment, that's why..." Mauriland couldn't continue, "It's so pathetic."

Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but say: "What's so sad, with this cruel and bizarre killing method to kill innocent people continuously, Jack the Ripper is a complete evil, there is no doubt about this."

Rabbit Chuan sighed, the old brother's reasoning today is really simple, it is all a ghost made by Noah's Ark, and the old brother was deflected with clues.

"So, who is Jack the Ripper." Stars Hideki became impatient.

"If he had been wearing a ring of the same size since he was a child, what do you think that finger would become?" Conan smiled confidently, "I think that root must be very thin." The

passengers stirred and looked at the fingers of others.

"So Jack the Ripper, it's you!" Conan pointed to the enchanting woman at the end.

Mao Lilan and Zhuxing Hideki were shocked: "Isn't she a woman?"

The woman proudly showed her fingers to the crowd, and the ring finger in her right hand was particularly slender.

The woman stood up, wiped off her lipstick with her fingertips, and tore off her obstructing skirt, revealing her refined combat uniform.

"Oh my God, Jack the Ripper, help!" Passengers fled.

"Leave it to me!" After saying that, Mao Lilan was reckless.

Rabbit Chuan secretly winked at her, Jack the Ripper raised his eyebrows, and directly threw a smoke bomb on the ground, and suddenly the carriage was filled with smoke, and he couldn't see five fingers.

Conan covered his mouth and nose, the whole person is not good, this and this technology is quite advanced.

Rabbit Chuan opened the window to let the smoke clear, Xiao Nuo cooperated with Noah's Ark to hide the NPCs, and also moved Albert and them under London Bridge, and threw them directly into the river in one step.

Xiao Nuo: ... It's okay, you can't die, it's not a big problem.

Rabbit Chuan silently praised, worthy of being a small retarded, worthy of the name.

Conan chased after the roof of the car, and Rabbit Chuan also climbed up, finally ushering in the roof showdown.

"I'm tied to this young lady, if I fall, she will die together, what are you going to do?" Jack the Ripper has a hideous face.

Conan gritted his teeth: "You have already killed your mother, what else are you going to do?" "

Jack the Ripper is not the real Jack the Ripper, it was Erin Adler pretending to be, and Erin Adler's acting skills exploded, and she was even more Jack the Ripper than Jack the Ripper.

And Rabbit Chuan designed all this in order to do as Noah's Ark wished, so that "Jack the Ripper" himself said the words: "I want to live!"

"Let the blood of sin flowing in my body be passed on to the next era on Noah's ark, hahahaha!"

At the same time, people in the real world heard it.

Kudo Yusaku took the opportunity to attack: "That's why you killed Kenmura, Chairman Cindora." "

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