"Thank you, little brother." Erin Adler happily took the bouquet, "So what about Sherlock Holmes and the others?"

Mao Lilan said skillfully: "Although Mr. Holmes is looking forward to tonight's performance, it is a pity that he has encountered a case temporarily, so he cannot come in person."

Erin Adler said faintly: "Well, that's a pity."

"Please stop tonight's performance." Conan said urgently, "Sherlock Holmes' nemesis, Professor Moriarty, uses you as bait to trap Jack the Ripper.

"You said Professor Moriarty?" Erin Adler covered her mouth in surprise, "Why did he choose me?"

Mao Lilan didn't want to think about it, and opened his mouth and said, "Because he wants to see the sad look on Sherlock Holmes' face when he lost you." "

Holmes losing me would ... Sadness? Erin Adler's mind flashed the look of impatience and rather disgust when she approached Sherlock Holmes, and for the sake of information, he would rather blow up his house than have intimate contact with her, dead straight man!

Erin Adler scolded Sherlock Holmes in her heart, but for William's plan, she showed an embarrassed but polite smile on her face, "I also want to see, what kind of expression will Sherlock Holmes have then?"

"Is that really good?" You could be the fifth casualty of Jack the Ripper! "Maori Lan was shocked.

Is this vexatious love, and Erin wants to test Sherlock Holmes' love for her with her life?

"Because everyone will protect me, right?" Erin Adler smiled back, "Instead of Mr. Holmes, who went to solve the case, he couldn't come in person." Stars

Hideki whispered in Conan's ear: "Is Sherlock Holmes actually like this type of woman?" "

Conan is too familiar with this scene in front of him, it's over, they caused Sherlock Holmes a big disaster, Erin Adler's attitude, she is definitely angry because Sherlock Holmes went to solve the case and didn't come to accompany her.

The opera was held as scheduled, and everyone was immersed in the heavenly singing voice of Irene Adler, principal actress of the Royal Opera House.

The time is almost up, and the eight eggs are never late.

With a loud bang, the opera house collapsed for a while.

The aristocratic lords in the audience fled in a hurry, cursing and cursing in their hearts, Jack the Ripper, he actually doesn't talk about martial virtue, doesn't he only like to stab women, why did he use bombs?

"Danger!" The two friends of Hideki Stars desperately pushed Erin Adler aside, and died tragically under the chandelier.

An anachronistic phrase flashed in Conan's mind, Phantom of the Opera, the chandelier is poisonous!

Erin Adler took their hands and thanked them sincerely: "Little heroes, thank you for saving me." "

Said Takizawa Shinya and Jiang Shou Akira are embarrassed.

"It's the first time I've been thanked like this, and it's pretty good." Shinya Takizawa and Jiang Shou Akira looked at the stars together, "After that, please, stars."

"Leave it to me!" The stars Hideki solemnly promised that Shinya Takizawa and Jiang Shouhuang disappeared into the starlight.

The explosion was thrown on, Conan thought to himself, where did Jack the Ripper get so many bombs, it wouldn't be given to him by Professor Moriarty, right?

"Hurry up! This way! Conan opened the way in front, and the stone statue beside him suddenly fell.

"Danger!" Haibara pounced on it.

Conan rolled on the ground a few times and shouted, "Haibara, are you okay... Right, huh?

"This young lady, are you all right?" Erin Adler whispered in Gray Plains' mournful ear.

"No, I'm fine..." Gray Yuan, who was hugged by Princess Erin Adler, blushed and her heart jumped, her sister was so sassy!

"This Erin, it's amazing!" Conan didn't notice at all when Erin Adler caught Haihara.

"It's not good to stay here for long, miss, let's get out of here quickly." Erin Adler held Gray Plain mourning, not forgetting Mauriland behind her.

At this time, Rabbit Chuan, who had solved the real Jack the Ripper, saw this scene through Xiao Nuo's broadcast, and couldn't help but complain: "Erin Adler over there is also too double-standard, right?" "

Shinya Takizawa and Jiang Shouhuang would not cry to death if they saw this scene, this Erin Adler's attitude towards men to women is simply amazing!

"Hurry up and take refuge!" It was the men of Scotland Yard who were directing the masses to take refuge.

Erin Adler led everyone to escape the opera house, when suddenly a dark shadow in the crowd rushed towards them, with a cold light in his hand.

"Get behind me!" Mao Lilan snorted, rushed in front of the gangster, raised his legs, and struck an all-out roundhouse kick.

Dressed in a black dress, a black cloak, a black top hat and a black mask, the gangster turned over and jumped more than three meters to avoid Mao Lilan's all-out blow.

"Come on! It's Jack the Ripper! "The patrolman immediately blew the whistle.

When the gangsters saw that something was wrong, they turned around and ran.

"Don't run!" Mao Lilan pulled his legs and chased after him, and the others followed.

Before leaving, Conan did not forget to tell Erin Adler: "Don't run around, go and stay with the police."

"Wait a minute, little friend, what's your name?" Erin Adler carried the hem of her skirt and couldn't help but chase two steps.

Conan turned around and said, "My name is Edogawa Conan, the same name as the person who created you." "

Conan?" Erin Adler doesn't know why.

Conan's figure disappeared at the end of the street.

Erin Adler's mouth hooked a smile, turned into the dark alley, lifted the hem of the big skirt, pulled out the dagger hidden on the calf, cut off a hair, put on a brown wig, took out a human skin mask and pasted it on her face, took off the gorgeous performance clothes and changed into black, and the world-famous Thousand-faced Langjun appeared.

Erin Adler jumped on the roof and went straight to Charing Cross Station, boarding the last train one step ahead of Conan.

The black-clad gangster sneaked Conan through the streets, just in time for the last train to drive, and rushed onto the newly started train.

Mao Lilan and Conan are in hot pursuit, Conan chases the moving train and accidentally notices the last freight car, which is painted with a red wine logo.

"Edogawa!" Haibara panted and called out to Conan, "Leave me and Kojima-san alone, we can't run, you hurry up and get in the car!" "

Haihara?" Conan turned around, and Yuan Tai was lying on the ground tiredly, "Yuan Tai!

"Come on, Sherlock Holmes!" Haibara had stopped, and the police at Scotland Yard behind them caught up with them, and Motota and Haibara were caught off the line.

"Conan, come up!" Mao Lilan stepped on the door of the car and stretched out his hand, leaning out half of his body.

Conan jumped hard, grabbed Maori Lan's hand and boarded the last train at Charing Cross Station.

Now there are only stars Hideki, Conan and Moriland on the train.

And the outside world has completely lost the signal.

"What's going on?" Dr. Agasa slammed the keyboard view to restore the signal, but unfortunately did not respond at all.

"Dr. Agasa, what's going on?" Maori Kogoro was anxious, "It's about to be divided between the winners and losers, why is there no signal?"

Dr. Agasa wiped his sweat: "This... Today's bugs are a bit much, haha. Maori

Kogoro couldn't wait to go up and punch the game console, not knowing if he could bring the image: "Abominable! What a garbage game is this! "

Chairman Cindora is just... A little embarrassing.

Now the only thing they can see is Big Ben counter, 00:04, there are still four people alive in the game, and living is hope.

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