William said to help Noah's ark, that was really help.

First of all, it should be clear that although players are playing the game for the first time, Noah's Ark has already completed the game once before, so it is now the second week of the game.

And everything designed by Noah's Ark is based on the arrangement of the plot of the week, and if you want to fulfill the wish of Noah's ark, you must go through the plot of the week.

But the problem now is that if the player is abducted by Noah's Ark to the story of the week, the player cannot clear the level, because in the second week, the player must find out the hidden truth in order to clear the level.

"So, Your Highness Rabbit Chuan, let's go and catch the real murderer now and clear the game!" William said with a smile.

Rabbit Chuan nodded slightly: "That's exactly what I mean." "

The carriage was driving on the road, and the person who rushed it was Louis James Moriarty, the third son of the Moriarty family.

Albert is the eldest son of the Moriarty family, William and Louis were originally the adopted sons of the Moriarty family, but William has now replaced Albert's dead brother.

In fact, in the real Sherlock Holmes detective collection, Professor Moriarty is also the second son of three brothers, the professor has a brother of the same age, recorded as Colonel James Moriarty, and the professor's younger brother is a station master in the west of England.

William analyzed: "There are indications that these cases were not committed by the same person, and there are 9 real prisoners.

"That's right." Rabbit Chuan nodded, "This is a hunting game of the superior to the inferior, and the "Jack the Ripper" hunts them as prey, and finally hunts them on the streets, which is the truth of the game design.

William looked out the window: "The final decisive battle is Charing Cross Station, where the choice of nine dead lives."

Rabbit Chuan smiled slightly: "Yes, there will be a total of nine suspects on the train at that time, no matter who is chosen, it is right, no matter who is chosen, all 9 choices are dead."

"Because they're all murderers." William looked at Rabbit Chuan, "I really admire your planning ability." "

Ahem, salute, salute to the beautiful Ms. Christie." Rabbit Chuan buttoned his cheeks in embarrassment, "Jack the Ripper, the party of the murderers."

"Here we are, Charing Cross Station." William picked up his cane, "We have to eliminate them before they get in the car to put on a perfect ending for this game."

"I'll do it!" Rabbit Chuan stretched out his hand.

William was slightly stunned.

"I'm the player after all." Rabbit Chuan almost said, quick, equip me, I can, I'm on!

William was unmoved, but said, "There is no need to defile your hands.

"What are you talking about?" Rabbit Chuan tilted his head, "It's just a game, don't confuse it with reality, William."

William was stunned: "In such a real world, is there any difference between reality and game?"

"Maybe." Rabbit Chuan opened his arms, "Before I came in, I was also thinking about the difference between the real world and the game world, but I know it now. "


"Of course it's nothing... Got it! Rabbit Chuan took advantage of his unpreparedness and made a decisive move, "I deceived William's staff and sword."

Rabbit Chuan's ears seemed to sound the voice of the game.

[Congratulations to player Rabbit Chuan for obtaining the god-level equipment "Professor Moriarty's Staff Sword", critical damage of 99.9%, base attack power of 9999, health increased by 100%

] [Acquisition of skills: god-level killing, attack power bonus of 300%]

Huh? No, he seemed to have heard it.

Rabbit Chuan looked down and saw Xiao Nuo reading with an expressionless face.

Stop, artificial, bah, ghost worker little retarded!

Rabbitikawa has new equipment and throws Dr. Agasa's improved cane into his backpack, which doesn't work here anyway.

Dr. Agasa: ... No, I also have a sword in the cane I made!

The latest materials, the most cutting-edge technology, sharp, tough, durable, much better than the broken sword a hundred years ago.

After all, it was a mispayment.

Rabbit Chuan waved his hand, it's okay, it's not a big problem.

Anyway, Xiao Nuo has blocked the image on his side, hehe, Dr. Agasa he can't see it.

William looked blankly at his empty hands, alas, the children of this world are so hard to coax.

"Compared to this, have you negotiated with Xiali?" Rabbit River fiddles with new equipment.

"Charlie?" Albert was stunned for a moment.

“Catch me if you can, MR. Holmes."

"This is the world you changed with your own hands, even you, can witness the same future as us, so, live, Xiaolian."

"I lost, Charlie."

Rabbit River was full of emotion, the younger brother and the younger brother had gloomy faces, although they asked Sherlock Holmes to save people, but they always felt that something was not right.

Call it, right? It's not quite right.

"Rabbit, Chuan, Temple, Majesty." William said word by word, "This is mind reading? Or the so-called marquee? "

Marquee? How is it possible, to be precise, you are still alive. Rabbit Chuan immediately denied, "It's just that when you came to this world, I accidentally saw a little bit of the small fragment recorded in your world book, which was really a loss."

William narrowed his eyes, not wanting to believe it.

Rabbit Chuan got down to business: "So, you have two choices now, do you want to go back with Xia Li and return to the world that belongs to you, or do you want to stay in this world completely?" "

Charlie, I mean Sherlock Holmes has decided..." William suddenly stopped and chuckled and shook his head, "I really asked a stupid question."

"What about you?"

"Of course I have to go back." William was firm, "It's good here, but it's not my world."

"If you go back, you'll die." Rabbit Chuan said, "You should have read that book, the great Sherlock Holmes will survive miraculously, and the evil Moriarty will not know whether he will live or die."

"William!" Albert grabbed William.

"Brother Albert, Louis." William held Albert and Louis, "We're almost home." "

Yes, brother." Louis nodded obediently, "Let's go home."

William turned back to Rabbit River and asked, "The location is Lessenbach Falls?"

Rabbit Chuan pointed not far away: "It's the London Bridge, the same river, a leap to relieve a thousand worries." "

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