As the saying goes, after Noah's Ark self-destructed, the game world was shattered and disappeared into time and space.

Rabbit River can just use the world fragments as a carrier to throw William and them back to their original world, in order to reduce the impact during the throwing process, is it not very reasonable to be covered in blood and soaked in the river?

Rabbit Chuan and William boarded the last train at Charing Cross Station.

In the box, Albert James Moriarty asked, "What's next?" Do you want to solve them directly?

William drank the black tea elegantly and praised: "Sure enough, Louis's black tea is the best."

"It's my honor, my brother likes it." Louis James Moriarty had two red clouds on his face.

Seeing that William did not reply, Albert turned his head to look at Rabbit River.

"Anyway, gather them first." Rabbit Chuan is writing letters with a stuffy head, and this feather dipping pen looks very elegant, and it is really difficult to write.

Rabbit Chuan handed the written letter to William, who nodded and handed it to his brother Albert.

Albert looked down and saw that there was only one sentence on the 9 letters, "Immediately assemble in the back compartment when I see the letter." ", but the payment was: "Jack the Ripper?!"

"Are you planning to lure the snake out of the hole?" Albert cooperated with his younger brother William for many years and immediately understood what Rabbit Chuan wanted to do.

Rabbit Chuan picked up the teacup and smelled the aroma of authentic English black tea: "Yes, use the name of Jack the Ripper to bring them together." If it is an innocent person, hearing the name of Jack the Ripper will definitely be terrified, and it will be impossible to go to the appointment.

"But if it is someone with a heart, they will definitely discuss how to deal with this matter, and the truth will be revealed between words in panic."

"When the time comes, we will break down the door and break in, and we will definitely be able to catch them with a mountain of ironclad evidence!" Rabbit Chuan held the handle in his hand, pinched to death.

Albert complained: "It feels like a detective. Louis

got out and secretly stuffed the envelope under the crack of the door into the box of the nine people, and after the nine people opened the letter, not only did not escape, but gathered in the back compartment.

"Who sent this letter?"

"Is that you?"

"Not me."

"Who made the crime statement in The Times?"

"I don't know, did you send it?"

"Someone is impersonating us, he wants to kill Erin Adler."

"That female star? What does he want to do to steal our limelight?

"No, we're the real Jack the Ripper!"

"Yes, so tonight, at the same time, we hunt another ewe cub, and we tell the world who is the real Jack the Ripper!"

The leader showed a bloodthirsty expression, everyone followed and went up, the feast was about to begin, Let's party!


Rabbit Chuan kicked in the door, his eyes playful, staring at the noble lords in the carriage: "Okay, Jack the Ripper, let's stop here!"

"Little ghost, who are you?!" The leader panicked for a moment, apparently the group had just heard their secret, and immediately calmed down, secretly made a gesture, and left no mouth.

Tuchuan just sighed: "It's a pity, this is not the Orient Express." Without

further ado, Rabbit Chuan pulled out "Professor Moriarty's Staff Sword" and started the hunting moment.

The staff and sword were unsheathed, and the world in front of him was only a bloody color, and all the key points of the target were circled.

Wow, it's a top-level killer!

William is still worried about whether Rabbit River will be a burden?

Unexpectedly, Rabbit Chuan, like Sherlock Holmes, made a decisive move.

Please, it's just a game, instead of thinking about these things or not, it's better to think about whether the other party will burst out any equipment after the box is formed.

Rabbit Chuan pinched a target and stabbed it down with a sword, but he was caught off guard [ Excellent! ] ringing in the ears.

Rabbit Chuan's hand shook, his feet slipped, followed by a string of [Good~] [Bad? 】【Miss! 】。

"Xiaonuo !!"

[I'm here.] "

You have a small mental retardation !!"

[What are you talking about, Xiao Nuo doesn't understand. "

Little retarded."

Rabbit Chuan and Xiao Nuo made a mess, just like two one-and-a-half-year-old children, who added up to three years old.

William was about to smoke a cigarette, seeing this, he shook his head helplessly.

"Brother." Louis asked William.

William nodded slightly, and Louis rushed into the carriage and solved the battle with three strikes and five divided by two.


You win!】That's

right, Professor Moriarty's support is not only intellectual support, but also combat support, and this game is finally won by Rabbit.

Everything settled, and Tu Chuan shouted: "Xiaonuo." "

[I'm here.] "

The game continues."

[The game continues, and it is about to enter the day after tomorrow.] Little

Nobby said OK, the game continues, isn't it stupid brother, grip the paw, pinch.

The so-called after-day talk is that after the end of the main plot, there will be a supplementary plot to explain and analyze.

After each week, there will be some supplementary content to give players a better understanding of the story.

This setting can make the plot of the game more complete, and the storyline can be more complete and smooth.

In the plot of the day after, the main character who answers the player's questions is naturally Sherlock Holmes, who is belated.

"Yo, Xiao Lian." Sherlock Holmes tied a messy bottom ponytail and casually wore a tie, quite a bit of bohemian feeling.

"Good evening, Mr. Holmes." William smiled.

Sherlock Holmes Paw: "It's cold. "

Now that Rabbit Chuan has solved this deadly game, he has no worries and can concentrate on helping Noah's Ark fulfill his wish.

Rabbit Chuan asked, "Is your 'Jack the Ripper' over there ready?"

William smiled, "Don't worry, Bond, no, I mean Erin is ready." "

Okay~" Rabbit Chuan turned around and drove William and Sherlock Holmes off the train, and detained the Moriarty brothers, "Well, there is not much time left for you, while there is still time, you can take a good stroll around London, and then remember the London Bridge, walk slowly and don't send it~"

Louis stared at people urgently on the crack of the door, William and Sherlock Holmes looked at each other.

"Gone, Xiao Lian, the water of the Thames is really cold." Sherlock Holmes turned around and swaggered away, "Didn't you say that if we can meet in another world, we must become friends?" Hearing

Sherlock Holmes' fading voice, William snorted softly: "Did I say that?" Charade. William

and Sherlock Holmes walked together, like friends who talked about everything, maybe only in another world could they be honest friends, but this was not their world after all.

At this time, Noah's Ark looked stunned for a moment, and he seemed to feel that someone had cleared the level.

But after an emergency check, Noah's Ark found that all the games were going on, so it should be his illusion, right?

Time goes back to when Conan runs back from the Whitechapel area to join everyone, and Conan finds that Rabbit River is nowhere to be seen, and he is very anxious.

Mao Lilan said that Rabbit Chuan seemed to have discovered something, but he did not say what it was, just told them not to worry and wait here for him to return.

How could Conan not be worried, but he couldn't look aimlessly and could only wait here.

During this period, newsboys came to sell newspapers.

Conan remembered Professor Moriarty's plan and paid 80 yen for a copy of Today's Times.

Open the newspaper, the front page is the criminal statement of "Jack the Ripper", he not only admitted to last night's two murders, but also claimed that tonight's target is female star Erin Adler, with an extremely arrogant attitude.

"This Professor Moriarty!" When Conan saw this news, he almost crushed a mouthful of milk teeth, "He's such a true demon!" Stars

Hideki was puzzled: "Who is Erin Adler?"

Mauriland explains: "She is said to be the only woman Sherlock Holmes loved in his life.

"That is, Moriarty used the woman Holmes loved as bait to trap Jack the Ripper." Haibara frowned, it was really murderous enough.

If Sherlock Holmes were here, he would have cried out: "I'm not, I haven't, I've never loved, don't talk nonsense!" "

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