"The last place and time?" William James Moriarty stopped.

"You can end this story, the final case of Sherlock Holmes and his old enemy, James Moriday, right?" That's what he wants.

He plans everything, the nobles and commoners put aside their past and join forces against the heinous criminal secretary, justice will eventually triumph over evil, and he, the demon that covers the night of London, will finally be punished by justice.

Once the demon disappears, people's hearts will be cleansed, the relationship between nobles and commoners will change, and the future of this country must be beautiful, which is the value of the death of James Moriarty, the biggest shady in London.

But at the end of the final act, the real demon reaches out to him and tempts him to live in the world.

"There is nothing irreparable in this world, Xiao Lian!"

"Don't use death to escape your sins, if you really want to atone for your sins, you have to make the choice to make yourself more painful, survive, and live to pay for all this, you understand this?"

But he saw his hands that were stained with blood and could not be washed cleanly, and he could no longer live, and he jumped forward, and buried in the filthy sea of blood was his destination.

"You won, Charlie... If you are born in another world in your next life, you must become a true friend next time.

"We're friends now... Xiao Lian, live, we survive together, we will definitely survive. William

James Moriarty woke up from the memories of the day Sherlock Holmes jumped without hesitation, the demon whispering in his ear, the dazzling sun in the afterlight, and the suffocating river, which he still remembers.

William James Moriarty's face was unkind, his gaze swept over a small Sherlock Holmes, and his chin rose slightly: "Detective, as long as you are responsible for solving the puzzle I designed, don't be nosy."

Conan suddenly trembled, worthy of Professor Moriarty, so imposing!

Moriarty's carriage drifted away.

"What is Reichenbach?" Takizawa Shin also looked at Moriran, these people always played dumb riddles in front of him, it was really annoying.

Maori Lan said: "Three years later, in the Lessenbach Falls in Switzerland, Professor Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes would have a life-and-death duel there, and both fell into the waterfall, and although Sherlock Holmes miraculously survived, Professor Moriarty died there.

"Although it is dead, no one has actually found Professor Moriarty's body." Rabbit Chuan poked the indisputable Conan, "I said what kind of blushing heart beat hard?"

"Because I met Professor Moriarty!" Conan was slightly stunned, "Yes, the other party is Professor Moriarty, why should I remind him to be careful?"

The next second, Conan asked himself, "Just as I like Sherlock Holmes, I probably like that demon too." When

Maori Lan heard Conan's words, he suddenly recalled what Shinichi said when he went to ride the roller coaster with Shinichi.

"I also liked Professor Moriarty very much, of course, only as a character in the novel, when they confronted each other at Sherlock Holmes' residence, I pinched a sweat, and I especially liked a line from Sherlock Holmes at that time, which is..."

What did Shinichi say at the time?

Mao Lilan can't think of how to think now, and finally came out on a date, and as a result, the guy was nagging, nagging, and his mouth was full of Sherlock Holmes, hateful, that Sherlock Holmes reasoning maniac!

Rabbit Chuan quietly took a step back, away from this Maori Lan who wanted to hammer the power pole.

"That, the one with glasses." Hideki the stars hesitantly stopped Conan, "I'm sorry, because of our fault, we caused those three to get out."

"It's too late to say anything, but if you know it's wrong." Conan smiled gratifyingly, "Okay, then let's work together to save everyone who is out!" At

this moment, the young man and the young detective group shook hands and made peace, and stood on the united front against Jack the Ripper to save the world.

The sun is gradually rising and a new day in the game begins.

Conan secretly left the army and went to the Whitechapel area alone to investigate the scene, and Rabbit Chuan also took the opportunity to leave the army.

A hidden street corner where the Moriarty family's carriage waited for a long time.

In the carriage, William said about this magical game world: "Haha, look, brother Albert! The children of the noble family are apologizing to the children of the commoner family, and the children are playing happily together, regardless of whether they are high or low.

"Yes, William." Sitting across from William, Count Albert James Moriarty looked at his lost and recovered brother, "This is the ideal country we want to create, it is real, William."

"It's nice that I can see the world." William smiled and bent his eyes, like an innocent child.

"That's your requirements are too low." Tu Chuan sat down next to William and sighed slightly, "If now is really your ideal perfect country where everyone is equal, then what else did Noah's Ark rebel?"

Albert James Moriarty couldn't help but defend his brother: "Haha, your requirements are really high.

Rabbit Chuan doesn't say much, there is a generation gap between him and these ancients for more than 100 years.

The James Moriarty brothers believed that there were good and bad nobles, and the duty of nobles was to protect commoners, good nobles would love commoners, bad nobles would trample on commoners, and as long as they eliminated all the bad nobles who oppressed civilians, their country would become better.

Therefore, the James Moriarty brothers secretly took revenge on the nobles for the commoners, cured evil with evil, and made the bad nobles pay in blood, and even in the end, in the name of the criminal secretary William James Moriarty, he published a criminal statement in the newspaper, announcing that he would wipe out all the privileged classes led by the nobles, and began the final massacre.

And a fire burned the slums and most of London, so that the commoners and nobles united, united with the outside world, carried all their sins on their own bodies, and became demons in the hearts of the people.

Finally, in full view of everyone, by the much-anticipated light of justice, Sherlock Holmes was forced into a corner.

To put it bluntly, all William James Moriarty did was to break down class barriers and hope that nobles and commoners would join hands in a bright future.

It is really worthy of Moriarty who worries about the country and the people.

Alas, it is useless to talk more, Rabbit Chuan directly dumped them a few little red books, so that the Moriarty brothers could see what is called true equality for all.

As long as there are nobles, there will be good and bad, and the only effective way to completely eliminate bad nobles is to strangle them in the cradle before they become bad nobles.

Rabbit Chuan muttered, "So, not all smart people can play politics, and you must eliminate all the nobles so that you can settle once and for all."

"So it is." William James Moriarty nodded shyly.

Albert James Moriarty smiled bitterly: "Your Highness Rabbit River, don't tease William anymore."

"I'm kidding!" Rabbit Chuan and William looked at each other and smiled.

"That's the best ending I expected." William looked at the collapsed London Bridge, "So, seeing what this clumsy child like me, Noah's Ark has done, I can't help but want to help it." "

Help?" Rabbit Chuan smiled, "May I ask the player's good helper, Professor Moriarty, who is not in his 'business', how do you plan to help Noah's Ark?"

William smiled slightly, showing the appearance of a criminal secretary, and said: "Naturally, everything is as it wishes." "

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