This happened before the Sindora Company game launch event.

"If you endanger the public interest, and I can destroy you, I will sacrifice myself."

This is the last thing Holmes said when Professor Moriarty spoke to Holmes at his home in "The Last Case".

"But was it really Sherlock Holmes who fell off a cliff together in order to eliminate Moriarty? Didn't Sherlock Holmes fall with him in order to save Moriarty? Rabbit River asked Kudo Yusaku this after meeting William.

"For example, the bond between old enemies or something."

Yusaku Kudo: ......

"Hahahaha, you silly child, why do you think so?" Kudo Yusaku laughed so hard that he almost burst into tears.

Rabbit Chuan was not happy, and directly stunned back: "Hmph, if it is a new brother, even if the other party is a big bad guy like Moriarty, he will definitely choose to save people, just like when he met the silver-haired murderer in New York last year." "

Uh..." Kudo Yusaku suddenly couldn't laugh, there are two silly children in his family, is there something wrong with his concept of education?

Afterwards, at the tea party of the creative team, Kudo Yusaku told his colleague the childish idea of his silly child, and the colleague was shocked for a while, saying that such a god man would be introduced to us soon.

As a result, Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty in the game world are both good and evil, enemies and friends, sympathetic to each other, and the kind of bond called "old enemy".

Moriarty: "Catch me if you can!" "

Sherlock Holmes hardened, coughed, fists hardened.

Now back to the game world.

William James Moriarty blocked the view of the others with his top hat and secretly winked at Rabbit.

Rabbit Chuan glared back, as if to say don't make trouble!

William smiled slightly, and said according to the script: "So, little detectives, what are you looking for me for?" "

Rabbit Chuan is a little surprised, is William actually so well-behaved?

Conan woke up from the bloody abyss and spoke, "Jack the Ripper, Jack the Ripper, he's the one the professor put on the streets to make London a city of terror, right?" "

Oh? This is the first time I've heard of this kind of thing, after all, I'm just an ordinary math professor. William was interested, and he remembered his chance encounter with Sherlock Holmes, who at that time also insisted that he was the criminal secretary himself.

He said only one word to Sherlock Holmes: "Catch me if you can!"

"It's funny, it feels like seeing a little Sherlock Holmes." William's bloody eyes stared at Conan with interest, "If you have the ability, catch him yourself!"

Conan froze slightly, this was not the answer he wanted, but he felt his blood boiling, and his whole body trembled.

Rabbit Chuan covers his face and asks you to provide clues, not to draw hatred values.

William James Moriarty looked at Rabbit River innocently, he was already very innocent, what does he have to do with Jack the Ripper?

Just because he is a criminal consultant, you can't just wrong!

Rabbit Chuan gave William a blank look, didn't you yourself go to the pole and carry the black pot?

In the troubled Moriarty world, the Jack the Ripper case is a gang crime, and the masterminds behind the scenes want to use the serial killings of civilians to incite the panic of civilians, take the opportunity to publicize the police ignoring civilian lives, so as to cultivate civilian armed forces, and then cause confrontation between the Civil Self-Defense Corps and the London police, and start a war step by step.

Holmes knew that the case had nothing to do with Moriarty and realized that the matter was troublesome, so he directly refused Inspector Lestrades' request, which was under his brother's control.

And William used his own way to create a imaginary Jack the Ripper, so that both sides of the contradiction were unanimous, leading to the mastermind behind the scenes, and solving everyone who created the problem before Sherlock Holmes reacted.

Afterwards, Professor Moriarty calculated that Sherlock Holmes had to patch their plan for the sake of social stability, so that Jack the Ripper disappeared.

Although it is not realistic, but the idea is very novel, Rabbit Chuan just mentioned a mouthful, the game company adopted this answer, dog planning is simply to see the excitement is not too big.

Rabbit River: Don't mention me when you're being chased and killed by Sherlock Holmes fans!

The hidden truth of the Jack the Ripper case is that the gang committed, so whoever Ichimu catches counts, because the suspect is Jack the Ripper, but Ermu must catch everyone to clear the clearance.

Moreover, in the second week, Sherlock Holmes is not the player's helper, but the player's opponent, for the stability of the empire, the Sherlock Holmes brotherhood teamed up to hide the truth and secretly solve the incident, although Jack the Ripper will disappear, but in the end the case itself becomes an unsolved case in Scotland Yard.

Rabbit Chuan said that regardless of whether he is reasonable or not, the game is a thrill, and this kind of ending is unique.

Rabbit Chuan glared at William angrily, William couldn't help but laugh, coughed, cleared his throat and said: "Turning a blind eye to people in difficulty is not the style of a good nobleman, since Sherlock Holmes is not there, I will assist you." "

Assist?" Conan was stunned.

"Well, that's good." William James Moriarty narrowed his eyes, "I will publish a crime warning letter in the name of Jack the Ripper in the Times tomorrow, and say that Jack the Ripper is going to kill someone next."

Conan immediately asked, "Who are you going to order him to kill?"

"Not my order." William James Moriarty spread his hands innocently, "If the real Jack the Ripper sees someone impersonating him, he will never be indifferent, he will definitely pass, you guys will wait over there." "

Conan felt pressure, worthy of Professor Moriarty, and his words and actions were dripping.

"Okay, then I'll take my leave." William James Moriarty boarded the carriage.

Conan looked at Professor Moriarty's back and blurted out a sentence: "Please be careful of the Lessenbach Falls in three years." "

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