Hearing Rabbit Chuan's words, Colonel Moran wanted to pick a picker and leave on the spot, he just wanted to find a step to get off the stage, not to find a ladder to climb to the sky!

"No, Brother Rabbitchuan! Elder brother! Conan almost threw the wine bottle on his brother's brain, sobering up the little rabbit.

This is a poker club, just by virtue of his brother's card skills and luck, grab a royal flush, fluttering, can win Colonel Moran's bottoms numb, what a Russian turntable!

Russian roulette is a cruel gambling game that uses revolvers and human lives.

The rules of Russian roulette are simple: put one or more bullets in the six slots of the revolver, rotate the wheel arbitrarily, and close the wheel; Participants in the game take turns holding the pistol to their heads and pulling the trigger; Of course, those who are shot will automatically exit, those who have stage fright will also lose, and those who persist until the end are the winners.

Rabbit Chuan was unmoved: "Come on, let's play something exciting today."

"Good boy, that's what you said." When it came to this, Colonel Moran had to bite the bullet.

Removing the excess bullets from the revolver, leaving only one, and then turning the wheel at will, closing the wheel, Colonel Moran shot himself in the head first.

Fine, nothing happened.

"Hahaha, boy, it's your turn next!" Colonel Moran didn't want to laugh, but he had to laugh anyway, he was so hard, and then raised his pistol.

Conan saw the unmoving Rabbit River and shouted, "Don't!

Mao Lilan even directly blocked in front of Rabbit Chuan: "No, if you have the ability, you will rush at me!" Maori

Lan clenched her fists, but it was just a revolver, and she could still dodge.

"Miss, I advise you not to be nosy." Colonel Moran aimed his gun at Mauriland, big sister, save my life!

"Xiaolan! If you shoot, I'll smash the wine! Conan glared at Colonel Moran and gestured to throw the bottle.

"Little ghost, you have to hold it steady, otherwise, you will all have to go sideways today." Colonel Moran had cruel words on his lips, and his heart was suffocated.

He is not stupid, believe it or not, this shot is really aimed at that person, regardless of whether there is a bullet in the gun, whether the gun is fired or not, keep the barrel and blow up, he goes straight off the line.

No, he hasn't played enough!

Colonel Moran is now dragging his feet until the next friend comes on the scene, takes this annoying imp away, and he can continue to play cards.

The finger on the trigger slowly forced, and Colonel Moran called in his heart, no matter who it is, come quickly!

Jingle Bell -

At this moment, suddenly someone pushed open the door of the poker club, and a young man with blonde hair and red eyes appeared in front of everyone.

The man took off his top hat, revealing a delicate face, a pair of blood-colored red eyes with a smile, scanning everyone.

Mao Lilan's cheeks are slightly red, what a beautiful person!

The man said, "Lord Moriarty said he wanted to meet you. "

Professor Moriarty?" Everyone was stunned.

It was so sudden, they thought they were dead, but they didn't expect that they could still see Professor Moriarty.

"Professor?" The man chuckled, "Lord Moriarty is waiting for you in the carriage, please follow me."

After saying that, he turned to leave, Colonel Moran put away his pistol, Conan held the red wine, and the others followed Conan one by one and walked out of the poker club safely.

Tuchuan stayed at the end, saw the others leave, dragged Xiao Nuo with one hand, pressed Sebastian Moran with the other, endured the anger and said: "Xiao Nuo! "

[I'm here.] Xiao Nuo's conditioned reply.

"Can you explain to me, this goods are also settled, why is William there?"

[Xiao Nuo replied that Mr. William wanted to come and revisit.] "

My artificial retard!" Rabbit River Fu Forehead, the character of the manga world "Moriarty of the Worried Country" revisited the former place in the Sherlock Holmes adapted game world, and I was drunk to think about it.

Not long ago, the world consciousness inadvertently drank a sip of water, and accidentally drank Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty, who "jumped off a cliff and martyrdom", as well as Moriarty who were looking for William...

Rabbit Chuan: Don't fight for three days, go to the house and reveal the tiles.

World Awareness: Crying.

William James Moriarty, the second son of the Moriarty family, was erudite from an early age and currently serves as a professor of mathematics and personal advisor.

William hated the corrupt social phenomenon in Britain, through his own privilege and intelligence to find out the nobles who committed crimes, induce commoners to take revenge, plan the criminal process, fight evil with evil, fight violence with violence, and achieve the perfect crime "criminal adviser", even Sherlock Holmes can play with the applauded "Professor Moriarty".

Following in William's footsteps, the Moriarty family resolutely embarked on the evil path to the right world, and established the ideal perfect country where everyone is equal through crime.

Rabbit River didn't even look at people, and directly threw all his brains into hell, how can people at the end of the 19th century fuse into the 21st century, and they can't be regarded as Conan Doyle's humanoid superpowers, right?

What's more, Conan Doyle is long gone.

So, this created a misunderstanding, William and Sherlock Holmes thought they had jumped off a cliff and died.

Rabbit-Chuan: ......

It's okay, it's not a big problem.

Find an opportunity to throw people back another day, otherwise Sherlock Holmes of that world will "die", it's a pity.

Rabbit Chuan asked, "Is the other person there?" "

Xiao Nuo: [Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson are in Dartmoor.]

Rabbit Chuan nodded, the Hound case of Baskerville, it seems that Sherlock Holmes in the comic book world wants to compete with the real Sherlock Holmes.

Xiao Nuo: [Erin Adler at the Opera House.

Rabbit Chuan nodded, this is reasonable, this time Erin Adler and Sherlock Holmes, definitely not the modeling of the aunt and uncle.

Xiao Nuo: [The three Moriarty brothers are outside the door.

Rabbit Chuan nodded, and then swooped out the door, no, he had to stare at William, don't make his brother crippled.

In front of the Moriarty family's carriage, Conan handed the red wine to William, and accidentally smelled the fragrance of natural herb cologne, although a little suspicious, but William in front of him was too young.

In Sherlock Holmes' novel, Professor Moriarty is a fashionable old man who uses a natural herb cologne perfume.

Sitting in the carriage, Moriarty asked: "You actually have the guts to fight Moran, worthy of being a disciple of Sherlock Holmes, are you looking for me for something?"

Conan glanced at the brown-haired young man in the carriage, was this really Professor Moriarty? Isn't it too young?

Conan thought so, and asked: "Uncle, are you really Professor Moriarty?" "

Huh." The man in the carriage laughed, "If you're looking for Moriarty, a crime consultant."

Rabbit Chuan held Conan: "Alas, it's just a game, and you don't have to take it too seriously."

Conan looked up and said, "But I always think something is strange."

"Because he is indeed Moriarty, but he is not Professor Moriarty, the real Professor Moriarty is here." Rabbit Chuan looked at William, "Right, Secretary of Crime, Professor Moriarty."

"It is a real honor for you to recognize it, and it is under the ground, William James Moriarty." William took off his hat to greet, and his red eyes were unusually bright in the night, like an abyss.

"William?" Conan shuddered, "James Moriarty? "

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