[Hell Merit System, Noah's Ark No. 2, is serving you, please select the service you need

] [Please press 1 to query merit] [Please press 2 to query life

] [Please

press 3 to open the mall

] [Please press 4 for reincarnation

] [Ghost work service please press 0]

Press 1 - Query merit

[Live a lifetime? How many virtues have been accumulated, how many sins have been made, and there are no points in your heart? Press

2 - query

life [People are dead, what life expectancy? Press

3 - open the mall

[No bargaining, no credit, no free shipping, it is strictly forbidden to buy and sell. Press

4 - reincarnation

[Your current serial number is 3XXXXXX, there are still 300 years before the next reincarnation, wait honestly, don't make trouble~]

Press 0 - Ghost worker customer

service [Connecting, prefectural office, ghost lamp master office, you still have 10 seconds to consider whether to hang up, 10, the service has ended. 】

Noah's Ark 2 is an intelligent customer service created by Rabbit River and Ghost Lantern when they commissioned Hiroki Sawada to create the merit system.

Hiroki Sawada improved on the artificial intelligence Noah's Ark manufactured before his death, and created the second-generation artificial intelligence - Noah's Ark 2.

The same one-year growth is equivalent to the artificial growth of human beings in five years, no, it is ghost intelligence, which is currently only one and a half years old.

However, under the order of Rabbit River, the current appearance of Noah's Ark 2 is a three-headed little loli, and multiple sisters are always better than multiple younger brothers.

Rabbit Chuan used to call Noah's Ark No. 2 Xiaonuo, so everyone also called it together, and over time, they ignored its original name.

A three-headed little loli appeared next to Rabbit Chuan, wearing a small dress, seemingly a mouthless loli, but in fact it was very poisonous and domineering.

After all, Noah's Ark 2 has a strong learning ability, plus Xiao Nuo has been around the ghost lamp since birth, and is contaminated with the aura and resentment of the hell, so Noah's Ark 2 is more than twice as strong as its brother's original Noah's Ark in terms of ability and emotion.

Therefore, even if Xiao Nuo suddenly appeared in the world built by Noah's Ark and brought exotic ghosts to play instead of NPCs, Noah's Ark did not notice it at all.

Xiao Nuo: Stupid brother.

Although it is only one and a half years old.

Rabbit Chuan looked down at Xiao Nuo, who seemed to be in a good mood, well, he now figured out why he was not attacked, but hung up too much, not fun!

Xiao Nuo tilted his head: [Detected that Lord Rabbit Chuan is depressed, do you need Xiao Nuo's help?]

"No, it didn't." Rabbit Chuan refused, "Why are you here, didn't the ghost lamp let you receive the tour group from another world well?" "

[Receiving tourists to play games, adding performance to my brother, killing two birds with one stone.] Xiao Nuo's face was expressionless, but small flowers fluttered behind him.

Rabbit Chuan was stunned: "It's so good, with a sister like you, your brother will really thank you."

Xiao Nuo nodded seriously: [Well, Lord Ghost Lantern and his father said that Xiao Nuo is the best. ] 】

Xiao Nuo usually wears a kimono, because it knows that Noah's Ark was born abroad, so he specially changed his dress today, and it can be seen that Xiao Nuo really likes Noah's Ark, even if Noah's Ark can't see it.

Rabbit Chuan touched Xiao Nuo's head, it's okay, anyway, according to Noah's Ark's plan, they will be able to reunite as a family immediately, now let's enjoy the game to the fullest!

Colonel Moran fired a shot according to the script, but this Moran was not Pimoran, Colonel Moran did not shoot at the child, but only shot at the ceiling to warn, and Genta escaped.

Colonel Moran pointed a gun at Conan and said, "I wanted to know who was behind you, but now there is no need for that, because this gun belongs to Sherlock Holmes." "

Conan is anxious in his heart, hateful, what should he do now?

Conan began to brainstorm, his eyes looking around for clues that could break the game.

Conan's gaze rested on a man who was carefully guarding a bottle of wine, which Conan remembered was the red wine placed in front of the main seat.

"In order not to affect the professor's plan, you are still obedient..." Before

Colonel Moran's words were finished, Conan swooped out like a puppy, stepped on the chair and jumped into the air, snatched the red wine from the man's arms, and landed on the table.

Conan held red wine in one hand and confronted Colonel Moran: "If I am shot and land, this bottle will also fall to the ground." "

Huh? What does this have to do with wine? "Colonel Moran doesn't understand, does he look like someone who lacks alcohol?

Conan said confidently: "There are gorgeous chairs on the empty seat at your table, and high-end wine and wine glasses are also prepared on the table for the upcoming guests, I think that distinguished guest must be Professor Moriarty!" "

No, what does this have to do with red wine?

Colonel Moran couldn't figure out the logic of this little ghost, isn't it just a bottle of wine, broken if it is broken, anyway, it is just used to pretend, and the guy will not drink.

Colonel Moran held up his gun, and he really wanted to kill these little ghosts, but His Royal Highness over there would definitely not allow it, alas, so how should he release water without a trace?

Rabbit Chuan saw Conan's look of fighting behind the water, Colonel Moran was undecided, his eyes frequently floated over, so pitiful.

Tuchuan held back a smile and stood up and said, "Colonel Moran, let's gamble!" "

Bet on what?" Colonel Moran was interested.

"Just bet on the gun in your hand!" Rabbit Chuan looked at the revolver in Moran's hand, "Russian turntable, if I win, you will let us leave here safely."

"What if you lose?"

"Unfortunately, I won't lose."

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