Ordinary people in the outside world have seen the news, and the winery has naturally known about this for a long time.

"Cocoon" games, artificial intelligence, kidnapping players, bloodbath neon, world domination ...?

Do you have a lot of question marks?

Others don't know what Cindora spent a lot of money to come up with, don't their wineries know?

Isn't it a VR experience device? Show children VR cartoons, how to come up with so many tricks?

The winery has long set its sights on the big fat sheep of the Cindora Company, and sent all kinds of people to pick up the Cindora Company, and the conclusion is that don't listen to the chairman of Cindora talking nonsense, the face does not change color and the heart does not beat, in fact, it is drawing a pie there!

So what artificial intelligence Noah's Ark, they even looked for the security guard's computer, they didn't even see a code, there is nothing at all, just listen to him blow there!

What other virtual reality technology, isn't it a 3D glasses and an eggshell, but also claims to create a real virtual reality world, hehe, he is not heavenly!

The genius teenager Hiroki Sawada is dead, and the distillery is not interested in the Cindora company, which can only brag about drawing cakes, so when they heard about the artificial intelligence Noah's Ark hijacking the game venue today, they seemed to have heard a fantasy, there is really artificial intelligence!

The winery has already begun to mobilize all kinds of fairy water, ready to snatch artificial intelligence, and by the way, it can also save the little young master, which is simply a double kill.

When Amuro saw the news, the whole person was blindfolded, and as soon as his eyes were closed, the whole world changed.

He crossed? Why did the man-machine war begin?

In the game world, Rabbit Chuan and his party have come to the back door of the poker club.

Conan said to everyone, "You guys are waiting for me here, I'll go in through the back door and see what's going on inside."

Mauriland told him to be careful, and Conan nodded and swooped in.

Rabbit Chuan blinked, in fact, he had always wanted to ask a question, there were so many people playing cards in the club, how did Conan recognize Colonel Moran among the many gamblers? Do NPCs have names on their heads?

Rabbit Chuan slipped in, and two more little guys slipped in from under his nose.

"Huh? What about the stars and Takizawa? Kikukawa Seiichiro looked left and right.

Rabbit Chuan came back to his senses, pointed to the back door and said, "Oh, they, go inside and smash the field." "

Oh." Kikukawa Kiyoichiro said he understood, "Wait a minute, what do you say to go?" Smash the field?! "

Isn't it smashing the field?

In the poker club, Hideki Stars, along with his friend Shinya Takizawa, is pointing at the nose of Colonel Moran and saying that he is out of the ordinary.

Can this Colonel Moran endure?

Let's not say whether Colonel Moran can endure it, but the owner of the club, that absolutely cannot be tolerated.

"Stinky little ghost, dare to come to our poker club to make trouble, it's tired of living, right?" The poker club owner clenched his fists.

"Stop, don't come!" Hideki Zhuxing raised his revolver and looked inward.

Colonel Moran gestured to stop the boss, these little guys are menacing, he wants to see why they came to him?

Seeing that the other party seemed to be frightened, Shushu pointed his gun at Colonel Moran and threatened, "Where is Professor Moriarty?" "

Shinya Takizawa pulls the arm of the little friend, brother, you are leisurely!

"Professor Moriarty?" Colonel Moran was stunned, "Why are you little ghosts looking for him?" Colonel

Moran walked towards Stars Hideki, and Stars Hideki was shocked: "Wait, don't come over!" Stars

Hideki retreated with his friends one after another, and in a panic, with a bang, the gun in Zhuxing Hideki's hand went off, and the bullet passed Colonel Moran's shoulder.

Colonel Moran patted his shoulder: "Wow, it's so dangerous, this dangerous toy is not something that a little devil like you can play with." "

Due to the recoil of the pistol, Hideki Zhuxing's body was unstable, fell backwards, and sat his little friend on the ground with one butt.

Conan, who was secretly observing, couldn't help but cover his face, hey, these two unlucky children.

"Come on, arrest these two troublesome imps for me!" The owner of the club couldn't bear it, and with an order, the vicious thugs surrounded from all directions.

Hideki and Takizawa also fled everywhere, and Conan was exposed, making a mess at the scene.

The Kuroko man hurriedly hugged Romani Condy on the table in fright, this wine is very expensive, but it can't be broken.

Conan turned over with a harrier to avoid a strong man, then turned over the table, and used the table to lift a strong man, but Conan's small fist was finally difficult to defeat the four hands.

At the moment of crisis, justice fell from heaven, and Mao Lilan punched a man and shouted to Conan: "Conan, are you okay?"

Conan nodded shyly: "Well, I'm fine."

"Conan, we're here to help!" The three little ones worked together to knock down a big man, and even the chubby Jiang Shouhuang took the opportunity to smash a person with a wine bottle.

Kuroko Dahan hugged his red wine, it was too dangerous, thanks to his quick reaction.

Hearing the gunshot, Mao Lilan charged first, and the three little ones were eager to try, and Rabbit Chuan knew that he couldn't stop it, so he didn't stop it.

Conan secretly said, "Oops, why is everyone involved?" "

No, there is no everyone, Rabbit Chuan just stands aside, but it is strange that all the thugs ignore him, and no one makes a move on him at all.

"Conan, danger!" Kikukawa Kiyoichiro saw that someone did not talk about martial virtue, sneaked up on Conan behind his back, directly pounced on Conan, and blocked his life for him.

Mao Lilan kicked the flying hand, turned around and asked, "Are you all right?"

Conan picked up Kiyoichiro Kikukawa: "Hey, cheer up a little!"

Kikukawa Kiyoichiro looked at his gradually transparent hands, and smiled with a hint of bitterness: "Na, your life-saving grace, I will return it to you now."


Kiyoichiro Kikukawa's figure gradually disappeared into the aperture, and in their scene, the first outward appeared.

"Abominable!" Conan hated it, and at this moment, the crisp cracking sound of the wine bottle sounded again, "Mitsuhiko! Ayumi! "

Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, sorry out.

The two said unhurriedly: "Conan, you must resurrect us!" "

For the first time, Conan experienced the feeling of losing his companion, no, everyone would go out like this, he didn't want to lose anyone again, he had to find a way to break through this predicament.

Is Rabbit Chuan still looking for Colonel Moran in the crowd? Could it be that the modeling has changed? Why didn't he see that Colonel Moran?

At this time, a person picked up the gun on the ground, and Rabbit Chuan saw that the man was bee-waisted ape back, his face was resolute, his sword eyebrows were starry, and his eyes were a little familiar....

"Sebastian Moran?!" Rabbit Chuan couldn't believe it, and his eyes widened, "Why are you here?"

"Yo, Your Highness, of course we are here to play the game." The revolver circled Colonel Moran's fingertips and saw the letters on the butt, "S.H, Sherlock Holmes, hey, it's that guy's gun."

Rabbit Chuan: "Hey, you give me seriousness, this game is related to the future of the country, and what does 'we' mean, should they all come?" "

Don't worry, Your Highness, we have already obtained the script of the NPC, and it will definitely not be exposed." Colonel Moran grinned and gave a thumbs up.

"Is it reasonable for you to be an NPC in the virtual world with a ghost?" Rabbit Chuan was dizzy for a while, "Wait, you said you got the script?" Where did you get the script?

Colonel Moran said justifiably: "In exchange for merit? "

Meritude?" Rabbit Chuan had a bad premonition and tried to exclaim, "Xiaonuo Xiaonuo? "

[I'm here.] Sure

enough, it's this artificial, bah, ghost worker mentally retarded ghost!

[Xiao Nuo detected that your merit regressed, and although you were not speaking, Xiao Nuo felt that your heart was saying bad things about Xiao Nuo.

Rabbitagawa : ......


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