Kudo Yusaku and Dr. Agasa came to the basement machine room, and the Twilight Police Department immediately came to the spirit, God, his god-level brother is here!

"Brother Yusaku, I heard that you and Mr. Kenmura are old friends, do you know what enemies he has?"

Kudo Yusaku and the deceased Kenmura Tadabin are classmates in college, ostensibly they met again because of work, but in fact, Kenmura Tadabin just found a reasonable excuse to cover up the secret investigation of Sawada Hiroki death with Kudo Yusaku.

Kudo Yusaku did not say anything about it, but first asked where was the glasses boy?

Maori Kogoro pointed to the keyboard and said, "Conan? After he saw the death message on the keyboard, he ran away. "

Death message?" Kudo Yusaku approached and looked, "TRJ! "

What?" Dr. Agasa was taken aback, and then immediately reacted that Conan must have used that gift.

"Dr. Agasa, let's go!" Kudo Yusaku and Dr. Agasa looked at each other, and the two turned and left.

"Wait, wait a minute, dude!" The Twilight Police Department stretched out his hand to hold it, worthy of being a god-level brother, and understood it really quickly, "Brother Yusaku, what do these three letters mean?"

Kudo Yusaku stopped and explained, "TRJ, that's short for a character in the game, and Kenmura and I have always called him, Jack the Ripper."

"Jack the Ripper?" Twilight was surprised.

Kudo Yusaku said: "Yes, it was the perverted murderer who really existed in London at the end of the 19th century and killed five women with extreme cruelty, which plunged the whole London into extreme panic and made the London police helpless, and this serial murder case is still an unsolved case."

"I think Conan could see Kenmura's death information, so he went to the game to find out."

Kudo Yusakuichi explained, and everyone also understood that Kenmura Tadabin was the person in charge of the "Cocoon" game, and he left this message before he died, indicating that he may have hidden the real information in the game in progress.

Kudo Yusaku led the police to the control room, and Twilight said with a serious expression: "Chairman Cindora, please suspend the game temporarily."

"What? Abort the game? Before Chairman Cindora could refuse the request of the Twilight Police Department, there was a noise and a power outage, and the control room and exterior were dark.

The programmer said in a panic: "Chairman Cindola, there is an abnormality in the system. "

As soon as the programmer's voice fell, the lights in the control room came on, the main venue was still dim, and the computer resumed the display, but the programmer could not control the program.

Kudo Yusaku had a bad feeling that things might go off track, and a drop of cold sweat ran down his cheeks.

"Borrowed it." Dr. Agasa bypasses the Twilight Police Department and personally enters the code.

"Xiaolan?" Maori Kogoro was shocked, and the figure of his baby daughter appeared on the screen, as well as the little ghosts.

Although Maori Kogoro doesn't know anything about computer games, just look at the expressions of Yusaku Kudo and Dr. Agasa and know that something must have happened!

Sure enough, in the next second, a child's voice with a metallic texture filled the entire venue.

"My name is Noah's Ark!"

"What..." Chairman Cindora's face changed drastically, and the others didn't know why.

"My name is Noah's Ark, and this game has been occupied by me."

Twilight asked, "What is Noah's Ark?"

Kudo Yusaku's gaze turned to Chairman Cindora: "I remember that it seemed that one year of growth was equivalent to five years of human growth of artificial intelligence.

Chairman Cindora looked gloomy: "Yes, it was an artificial intelligence completed by my beloved son Hiroki two years ago, and it should be the same age as Hiroki now."

Instead of looking at Chairman Cindora, Kudo Yusaku walked to the console and asked, "Noah's Ark, why are you occupying the children's game?" "

'My purpose is...' The main venue was pitch black, with 50 pillars of light projected on 50 "cocoons", 'Let the neon start again!'

In the virtual world, light spots descend one after another, converging into a huge pillar of light, the pillar of light disperses, and the selected children gather.

"Sister Xiaolan?" Conan was stunned, "Why are you here?"

"You still ask me?" Maori Lan retorted, "I'm still thinking about you, why are you here?" "

Conan~" The friends were stunned, "Why are you here?"

"Why are you there?! I, I..." Conan started brainstorming, only to see Rabbit Chuan falling from the sky, "Be careful, Brother Rabbit Chuan!"

"Oh, it's okay." Rabbit River swayed slightly.

Oh yes, landing smoothly at the spawn point.

Rabbit Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, so dangerous, he was almost locked out.

Alas, obviously he is the official player with the internal test code, why does he feel more like a number thief than Noah's Ark!

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Noah's Ark, Noah's Ark can participate in the game with a player image, indicating that this game can pinch faces, so Rabbit Chuan has been designing his own player image when Noah's Ark is ready to make trouble.

Originally, Rabbit Chuan wanted to make himself taller and more powerful, but Noah's Ark and outsiders are watching, it's not easy to make such a big move, then it's better to make the age younger and act with elementary school students, so as not to seem too contrary.

However, Tu Chuan thought that Miss Xiaolan was also there, his manly husband, and he couldn't let the girls be embarrassed alone, think about it...

While Rabbit Chuan was playing the face pinching game, Noah's Ark had already finished his shocking set of declarations.

"I'm going to make Neon do it all over again!"

Not good, almost late!

Rabbit Chuan didn't want to think anymore, and directly chose to enter the game space with the default image, anyway, they are all acquaintances who have seen it, what image to change!

But Rabbit River hurried to catch up, and the result was still the last to land, playing a game, really tired.

『Cocoon" experiencers, my name is Noah's Ark, please advise."

The children, who did not yet know the danger, said together innocently: "Please advise more~"

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