Kudo Yusaku has already seen Rabbit River's expression, heck, good children can also be naughty.

Just as Kudo Yusaku was about to escape, a staff member at the scene ran to his ear and said, "Mr. Yusaku, it's not good, Mr. Kenmura has an accident."

"I'm sorry, I'll lose company first." Said that Yusaku Fuji said goodbye to his beauty fan group, waved his hand to calm the child, and then turned and left the venue with the staff.

Rabbit Chuan thought about whether to follow along to make a scene, and heard the host on the stage say: "Let everyone wait for a long time, now please move the selected children to the "cocoon" venue, wear the game badge, walk through the door of time, our virtual reality world journey is about to begin."

"Brother Rabbitchuan, come over here, the game is about to start!" The three little ones are waving to Rabbit Chuan.

Rabbit Chuan doesn't want to do it anymore, the children are going to play games, and the important thing of solving the case is to leave it to the adults to handle!

Rabbit Chuan said in amazement: "You all got the badge?"

"We changed it ourselves!" The three little ones pulled Haibara together, holding their heads high, and the badge on their chests shining.

Mitsuhiko said, "We got 4 badges, but Conan said he wasn't interested in the game, just enough for us and Haibara-san.

Ayumi smiled and said, "Because Conan is very bad at playing games, he said he didn't want to play."

"Conan's guy has a very bright brain, but his fingers are not very coordinated." Yuan Tai was complacent, "Hehe, every time you play a game with us, you will lose." "

It feels like Shinichiwa and..." Maori Lan glanced at Rabbit River and covered his mouth and snickered.

Rabbit Chuan seemed to feel that he had been shot in the chest, and it was difficult for brothers and brothers, but that's it.

Rabbit Chuan laughed twice uncomfortably, and quickly changed the topic and said: "Haha, don't talk about him, let's go quickly, the game is about to start." The

venue was crowded for a while, and Mao Lilan looked around as he walked: "Huh? Where did Dad and Conan go?

Rabbit Chuan turned around and said, "Oh, I just saw a staff member looking for Uncle Yusaku, as if someone had an accident, I think Uncle Maori and Conan should be over there." "

Oh." Mao Lilan nodded, and there was a taste in his tone that was indeed so.

At this time, Conan and Maori Kogoro rushed to the basement computer room together, and a male corpse slumped in a chair in front of the computer desk, stabbed to death.

Conan squatted on the ground, and there were several tissues with blood stains on the ground at the crime scene, it seems that the murderer specially wiped off the blood stains on the murder weapon, and then took the murder weapon away from the scene.

Why did the murderer take away the murder weapon, wasn't he afraid of being found?

Is the murder weapon important to the prisoner, or does the murder weapon reveal the identity of the murderer?

Conan tiptoed over to the deceased's computer desk while the police department and Mori Kogoro were questioning the staff.

Conan checked the body of the deceased, the deceased was simply stabbed to death, and then looked at the computer, Conan found blood stains on the "R", "T", and "J" keys on the keyboard.

"By the way, there is another strange thing." An employee of Cindora said, "All the data on the hard drive of Director Kenmura's computer was destroyed. "

Data?" Maori Kogoro immediately thought of the complicated security check when entering the door, "Twilight Police Department, I think it may be a commercial spy sent by a competitor of Sindora Company, when destroying data, he was accidentally discovered by Director Kenmura, so he killed people.

"Probably not." Conan jumped out and said, "What's the point of destroying the data now because the cocoon has already been completed?"

"You little ghost, when did you come in?" Maori Kogoro's fist hardened and he smashed it down.

The clever Conan, relying on his intuition from years of beatings, dodged a blow, pointed to the computer keyboard and said, "Look, here is the death message left by the dead." "

What?" Maori Kogoro and the Twilight Police Department ignored Conan and came to the table together.

Officer Shiratori said: "There are blood stains on R, T, and J, which look like they were knocked on before death, but what does it mean?" "

“RTJ,TJR、TRJ、JTR...... JTR, London a hundred years ago! Conan's face changed drastically.

At the game press conference, Suzuki Sonoko stood at the back of the game team nonchalantly, and suddenly pointed ahead in surprise and said: "Xiaolan, look quickly, is that Conan?"

Mao Lilan turned his head: "Well, it's Conan, but why is Conan in the team participating in the game?" "

Here you go!"

"Garden?" A game badge appeared in front of Maori Lan.

Suzuki Sonoko smiled: "Let it be you, are you worried about this child?"

"But that's not good." Maori Lan was hesitant.

"Oops, nothing bad." Sonoko Suzuki eagerly slipped the badge into her best friend's hand, "I'm not interested in that game at all." "

Yes, when Suzuki Sonoko saw 49 imp heads in front of her, she despaired of this game called Genesis.

Virtual reality? Experience traveling through time? Hehe, what's so fun about games for elementary school students!

Under the public, playing games with a group of elementary school chickens, does she Miss Suzuki not want face?

Could it be that among her peers, she was the only one who believed the nonsense of Cindora Company, God, dizzy when she thought about it.

Suzuki Sonoko really wanted to escape, but she came on behalf of the Suzuki Foundation, and she couldn't dump the face of Cindora for no reason, so she had to bite the bullet and save her girlfriend.

Suzuki Sonoko is happy in her heart, Xiaolan, you are my angel ~ mua!

Rabbit Chuan sat in the cocoon of the game cabin, and the staff put on a helmet for him, and then told Rabbit Chuan to press his hands on the control buttons on the left and right sides.

"All 50 people have been seated

", "Helmet wearing is

completed", "Cockpit cover closed

", "Connect the main brain

", "Connect the coupler"

, "Coordinate axis fine-tuning

", "Coordinate correction

completed", "Power supply setting completed

", "System start", all the members of the

central control room are on standby, and the chairman of Cindora ordered: "Game, start!" "

Rabbit Chuan's eyes flashed with colorful light, deep breath, inhale, exhale, inhale... Hypnosis, hypnosis, I hypnotize myself....

Rabbit Chuan slowly closed his eyes, no, he was going to be blinded.

Sure enough, hypnosis is not reliable, that is, the elementary school student is simple-minded, Conan solves the case eagerly, and Maori Lan is worried about Conan, so easily hypnotized by Noah's ark.

Life is not easy, Rabbit Chuan sighed.

Damn, he is locked up outside, isn't it hypnosis, what's great, hmph, it's better to rely on people than on himself, he comes by himself.

Rabbit Chuan closes his eyes, searches for Noah's Ark, confirms the system, and consciousness uploads.

Suddenly, Noah's Ark felt his virtual world dangle, what's wrong? Hacking?

"Warning! Unknown error found!"

"Warning! Unknown error found!"

"Warning! Unknown error found!"

Three warnings, Noah's ark entered a self-test state.

"After checking, no problems are found, please choose to ignore errors or deep check"

Noah's Ark did not hesitate to choose to ignore errors, everything is to ensure the smooth progress of the game as the highest priority, and although I don't know why, it should not be a big problem.

Rabbit Chuan nodded, yes, that's right, it's not a big problem~

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