Little ones are immersed in the joy of entering the world of play.

"It's amazing, we have obviously been hypnotized, but we can still move freely in the game world." Mitsuhiko looked at his hands moving freely.

"It's better to say the opposite." The three little ones looked at Haihara together, and Haihara mourned and said seriously, "Don't talk about freedom, all our feelings now are controlled by the computer." "

Three little ones: .

Rabbit Chuan listened to the sound of Noah's Ark, and felt a little bit less meaningful, well... It just doesn't feel exciting enough.



Rabbit Chuan's consciousness inadvertently affected Noah's Ark, and the next second, the sky of the virtual world was shrouded in blood, and the atmosphere instantly became tense.

The sky looked as if it was covered with epidermal cells on red onions, and Rabbit Chuan exclaimed, "Wow, this familiar feeling."

"What's going on?!" Chairman Sindora was shocked.

In his vision, Noah's Ark is the embodiment of Hiroki, and his character should be a kind and cowardly child like Hiroki.

"Dr. Agasa!" Kudo Yusaku looked at Dr. Agasa.

Dr. Agasa slammed his output on the keyboard, but could not do anything but shake his head helplessly.

"Wow, this game is terrible!"

"Dad, Mom, I'm not playing!"

"Okay, good boys, come to my sister." Maori Lan brings the children together, what kind of broken game is this, look at the scares the children.

Rabbit Chuan didn't dare to look at Miss Xiaolan with a weak heart, but fortunately Noah's ark did not fall from the sky, and it was still a rainbow light sonar.

【System Announcement】

【Again, players, welcome to my world, my name is Noah's Ark, this game has been occupied by me. "

The game is occupied?" Conan was shocked and shouted towards the sky, "Hey, what does it mean the game is occupied?" [

Players should have noticed that the logout button in the main menu has disappeared, but this is by no means a problem with the game, repeat, this is not a problem, but the original gameplay of "Cocoon". "

The logout button disappeared?" Conan's heart sank, just raised his hand, suddenly stopped, wait, does this game have a login button?

[You cannot log out on your own, and outsiders cannot stop or remove the "cocoon" game pod, if you try, the high-power microwaves emitted by the signal unit of the game capsule will destroy your brain and stop life activities.

Ayumi was excited: "So, what does that mean?" "

There is a problem, look for Rabbit River, and the three little ones look up at Rabbit River together.

Rabbit Chuan held his chin and explained in a way that children could understand: "The microwave of the signal unit of the game cabin we are in now is the same as the principle of the microwave oven, so the "cocoon" is a large microwave oven, a little bite, our brains are ripe. "

Don't!" The three little ones screamed in unison.

Rabbit Chuan's words are very vivid and vivid, and children can understand it, not to mention the adults in the control room.

"What?!" The Twilight Police Department was terrified, "Dr. Agasa, what should we do now?"

"Well..." Dr. Agasa didn't recruit either.

"Hurry up! Hurry up and cut off the power! Maori Kogoro didn't care about the image, and shouted, "Hurry up, my daughter is in there!" "

It's useless." Chairman Cindora gritted his teeth, "There is a built-in power supply in the game pod to ensure that the game pod can operate normally in the event of an unexpected power outage. "

[There is only one condition for you to leave this world, just get through this game.]

As long as one person successfully clears the level, you will win, and by that time, players who have not completed the level can return to the real world.]

But if everyone is out, I'll destroy your brains and you'll never be able to go back to the real world.

"What?!" It was the first time Conan had met someone who had killed a child, "Why would you do such a thing?" Ark! "

[You can't hear the real world here, and an adult just asked the same question, so I'll answer it together.] 【

The children of dirty politicians will only become dirty politicians, and the children of doctors who only want to make money will only become that kind of doctor, and if you want Neon to get better, you must cut off this generational relationship at one time. 】

Rabbit Chuan looked at Haihara mourning, your international students' thoughts are quite consistent, the hereditary system is not hereditary, you still plan to make the world become a Zen system?

Although everyone is equal, is it also wrong for those who can work more, work more and get more, and the rivers and mountains that people have worked hard for generations to leave to their children and grandchildren?

And in this high-moral world of Ke Xue who accidentally steps on flowers and plants when you go out, you will invite the scourge of killing, even if there are bad people, but those who can survive are rare, basically either going to hell, or on the way to reincarnation, how many times can you get heard in the world?

"You give me enough time!" Maori Kogoro was going crazy, "You have no right to play with other people's lives at all!" "

[That's true, just as you adults don't have the right to play with Hiroki's life. "

Hiroki?" Conan got the first keyword.

[Okay, keep you waiting, we should start the game now.]

In the game world, five stone pillar doors suddenly appear around the children, and behind the stone doors there is only endless darkness.

[Appearing before you are the gates to the game quests, which are Vikings, the Dakar Cross Country Race in Paris, the Colosseum, the Solomon Treasure and the London Unsolved Case at the end of the 19th century.]

Rabbit Chuan looked at the sky and released the game screen on Noah's Ark.

The first game copy, turn into a Viking, travel to seven seas, and challenge all kinds of adventures as if it were fun!

The second is the Dakar in Paris, where he can't drive in the real world, but in the virtual world, he can drive enough!

The third ancient Roman arena, so hot-blooded, so exciting, just play.

The fourth is Solomon's Treasure, play as a jewel hunter, looking for Solomon's treasure buried all over the world, tomb exploration? It seems to be a good look too.

And the last one is the London Unsolved Case of 1888... Pass, don't want to play.

But where are these games that elementary school students can beat the level?

The little kids in the game world are about to collapse.

"Everyone, cheer up!" Mao Lilan cheered the children on the side, "Cheer up, you can't surrender and admit defeat before the game."

Conan echoed: "That's right, as long as one person clears the level, everyone just needs to choose the game they are good at." "

Cut, let's go!" Stars Hideki took the lead with his friends, and the other children also moved.

"Yes, as long as one person clears the level." Three little ones hugged Rabbit Chuan, "Brother Rabbit Chuan, let's go and solve the case, with Brother Rabbit Chuan here, we will definitely be able to clear the customs." Maori

Kogoro in the real world slapped the table, "Yes, there is a rabbit river ghost, and he solves the case, it must be fine!" "

Huh?" Rabbit Chuan was pushed towards the gate of London at the end of the 19th century, "But, but I want to drive..." The

three little ones said seriously: "Brother Rabbit, don't be capricious, this is a major matter that concerns the lives of all of us!"

Rabbit Chuan wanted to struggle a bit, but he saw Genta start rolling his sleeves.

"Brother Rabbit Chuan, choose the project you are good at, please." Conan also had a look of disapproval, and his eyes were full of pleading.

You must not have an accident, please, steady, don't wave.

"I see." Rabbit Chuan sighed in his heart, did he dig a hole for himself, he already knew that he would not play games with his brother, it was really verbose.

Rabbit River and his party came to the fifth stone gate, and in front of the stone gate were their familiar Tokyo Four Majors.

The fourth young master of Tokyo pointed to the three little ones and said with a high spirit: "Hey, don't drag us back, got it?" The

three little ones were unconvinced: "This is our line, a few of you are, don't disturb Brother Tuchuan to solve the case!" "

[Friendly reminder, each scene has a special character, you can ask for their help.] 【

Now, the game begins! 】 】

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