"Distinguished guests, please set your sights on the stage." The host of the venue picked up the microphone, "Everyone applauds, Mr. Kudo Yusaku, a well-known mystery novelist who provided stage ideas for the "Cocoon" game. There

was a warm applause at the scene, and surrounded by the staff, Kudo Yusaku walked onto the stage step by step with a decent smile.

Conan stared at his father who was close at hand, how did he not know that his father could actually write game scripts?

Dr. Agasa walked up to Conan's side, and Conan turned around and asked, "Doctor, shouldn't you also be involved in the game making?" Didn't you say you don't know much about computers?

"Haha, as the saying goes, live to learn as you go, and be brave to innovate!" Dr. Agasa blinked wittily, "Although I just did the final debugging work, it is worthy of being the technology giant's Cindora Company, which has taught me a lot~"

Conan squinted and found the spy of the Cindora Company.

"Shinichi, give, gift." Dr. Agasa handed Conan the small gift.

Conan took a look: "It's the badge to participate in the game, although it's fun, I can't leave them behind and play alone."

Dr. Agasa straightened his chest and said confidently: "I think you will like it, although it has not been made public, but one of the stages took place 100 years ago, in London at the end of the 19th century!"

"London a hundred years ago?" Conan was interested, and he thought with his toes that it must be his father's idea.

With a "pop", the venue darkened in an instant, and the scene was panicked.

"What happened?" Maori Kogoro staggered to his feet with a wine glass and accidentally bumped into a person in the dark.


"Oh, it's okay."

Suddenly, the red light on the stage flashed, and in the lamppost that soared into the sky, tonight's protagonist game pod "Cocoon" appeared.

The host introduced: "This cabin can control people's five senses, touch, pain and smell, the player's feeling in the game world will be the same as in reality, the game will use electricity to stimulate the central nervous system, but will not cause any harm to the human body..."

Rabbit Chuan was stunned to hear it, hypnosis, control the five senses and three senses, plus electric shock treatment, and said what is safe and harmless, which is very dangerous, how can you fool so much!

In fact, the adults present knew that the so-called virtual reality world was just a gimmick boasted by Sindora and hypnosis, and it would be nice to make a 3D effect.

Although the experience of the game is set at the age of high school students, except for Rabbit River and Suzuki Sonoko, all the rest are elementary school students, in other words, virtual reality games, hehe, even junior high school students do not believe, so fool elementary school students.

Rabbit River also does not believe that Sindora can make a virtual reality world, Sawada Hiroki died, Noah's Ark ran, when Sindora Company made the "Cocoon" game, there was no Noah's Ark at all, just a shoddy and incompetent imitation they made based on the information left by Hiroki Sawada, otherwise, the winery would let go of this good thing?

But who would have thought that the real thing suddenly ran out, replaced the imitation, and sublimated the entire game.

Rabbit Chuan smiled proudly, not in vain he abandoned his face and mixed in with elementary school students to play games.

The elementary school students around Rabbit Chuan stared intently at the glittering "cocoon" on the stage, and they wanted to play.

"Ahem!" "Although our elders have given us many things, there are some things that others cannot give, such as courage, wisdom, and luck, although I have all of them." "

Brother Rabbit Chuan..." The three little ones looked aggrieved, today's chicken soup is poisonous.

Seeing this, Dr. Agasa immediately told a cold joke, no, it was a riddle, and almost killed the children.

Taking advantage of the effort to drink hot water, the three little ones relied on their courage, wisdom and luck to exchange four Kamen Superman's gold rare cards for four game badges.

Brother Rabbit Chuan said it makes sense, no matter who your father is, but non-chief is non-chief, plus Haibara-san's statement, the son of a non-chief is still a non-chief.

At this moment, the three little ones only saw that because they kicked the ball indiscriminately and kicked off the decorative sword on the bronze statue, they were arrested by their parents for the fourth young master of Tokyo, and their hearts were strangely balanced.

Conan follows behind Rabbitagawa, and the two come together to find Kudo Yusaku.

Kudo Yusaku was besieged by a group of beautiful fans at this time, and under the public, the two father and son could not recognize each other, and could only make silent eye contact.



Conan turned and left dashingly, Rabbit River... Rabbit Chuan is thinking about whether he should send this photo to his aunt, or ask his uncle for more pocket money?


Rabbit Chuan was shocked, is he now a person with poor money?


But he just wants to find his uncle's small treasury, the small treasury of contemporary mystery novelists, and it feels like a treasure hunt, which is really exciting.

But here comes something more exciting.

There was a sound on stage, today's special guest Yoko Okino, and today's real special guest Twilight Police Department, shining debut~

Dead person, "Cocoon" R & D head Kenmura, was stabbed through the heart by someone and died in the basement.

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