Rabbit Chuan's identity today is the child of the "Cocoon" game script writer Yu Kudo, and after arriving at the venue, he temporarily said goodbye to his friends and went to show up in the circle of acquaintances.

"Wow, what a lot of wine!" Maori Kogoro walked into a large cafeteria with a glass of wine in his left hand and a glass of wine in his right hand, and began to eat and drink.

"Dad!" Mao Lilan persuaded, "I see that the high-ranking figures in the police are also coming, you pay attention, don't get drunk."

"Don't worry!" Maori Kogoro was not worried at all, "Such an expensive good sake, even if you are drunk, you will not be uncomfortable." Mao

Lilan died speechlessly, that's not what she meant!

"Wow, these things look delicious!" Mota also pounced on the dining table next to him, opened his bow left and right, and happily stroked the skewers, "I'm so lucky today!"

"It's really lucky for those kids." Ayumi showed an envious expression and looked at the children lining up to receive game badges in the center of the venue.

Mitsuhiko said with some loss: "Well, seeing the game badges they are holding in their hands, you know that they are the children who have been selected to experience the game." Maori

Kogoro showed a dead fish eye: "The grandson of the deputy director of the Metropolitan Police Department, the grandson of a consortium tycoon, and the son of a politician of the ruling party, he has simply wiped out the second and third generations who carry the future of Japan."

"It's like the epitome of the neon hereditary system of all evil, and it is because of this system that the mistakes of human history will continue to be repeated." The little gray plain mourned the world's shocking remarks, and everyone around was stunned.

Ayumi said dumbly: "Haihara-san, what are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

Conan gave Haibara a mournful look: "Big sister, you almost got it."

"The son of a politician becomes a politician, and the son of the president of a bank will remain the president of a bank in the future, so that the country will not progress at all." As soon as the words fell, Haihara immediately put on a playful and cute smile, "This is what I heard on TV yesterday, haha." "

Hahahaha!" The friends laughed along with them.

Maori Kogoro was inexplicably relieved: "What, it turned out to be seen on TV." "

Xiaolan~ And the little ghosts, hello!" Dressed in a red evening dress, with a necklace and earrings set with gold emerald pendants, and dressed in a jeweled Suzuki garden, he walked elegantly towards everyone, although he still wore the iconic headband.

"Sister Yuanzi!" The friends looked at the badge on Sonoko Suzuki's chest in surprise, "Is that badge the one from the 'cocoon'?"

"Oh, you said that." Sonoko Suzuki pressed the badge and said casually, "Well, because the Suzuki Foundation also sponsors this game." "

The three little ones are very envious.

"That's nice."

"I want to play too."

Sonoko Suzuki is dispensable for participating in the game, but she only has one badge and five imps, which makes it not feel good for anyone.

"You're going to die!" Suddenly, four little young masters in suits appeared, and they sneered at the three little ones, "That's not something you can think of." The

little young master in a pigtailed green suit, Shinya Takizawa, the son of a politician, put on a proud posture and mocked them: "Haha, are you really invited guests, why are you dressed so shabby." "

The three little ones only look at each other's appearance in suits and leather shoes, and then the clothes on their side, Ayumi and Haihara are wearing ordinary dresses, Genta and Mitsuhiko are casual suits, only Conan, but also a daily blue small suit three-piece, with a clear class position.

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but reprimand: "I said that you are too rude, they are guests invited by our family." "

Oh, heck, isn't this Miss Senjin of the Suzuki Foundation?" The little young master in the blue suit, Kikukawa Kiyoichiro, the son of Kyogen, gave a personable gentlemanly salute to Suzuki Sonoko, completely missing the arrogance just now.

"Listen." The little head of the four young masters in Tokyo, the grandson of the deputy police chief, and the stars in red suits, smiled contemptuously at the three little ones, and said condescendingly, "Renna, when they were born, they had already determined their respective lives.

"Yes, yes, beautiful clothes will also pick the people who wear them." Jiang Shouhuang, the grandson of the bank's president's family, pulled his pink suit with a smile.

"The guy who was not selected is drooling on the side, envious and jealous!"

Tokyo Four Shao One Punch combo fist down, the three little ones simply have no backhand.

"Damn, these guys are really infuriating!"

"Dad, come and educate them!" Maori Lan began looking for parents.

Uncle Maori was stunned, put down the two wine glasses, coughed lightly, and came over majestically and said: "Listen, little ghosts, life is not so simple, and there are traps in a seemingly smooth life, and you will understand when you grow up."

Suzuki Sonoko nodded in satisfaction, uncle is quite good at talking!

"For example, did my wife run away?" Hideki the stars suddenly appeared, "I know you, sleeping Kogoro, because your wife ran away while you were sleeping, is it because you are called Sleeping Kogoro?" Tokyo

Four Young Master laughed, Maori Kogoro's old face was red, these stinky imps, hateful!

"It's not!" Maori Lan stood up for his father and said angrily, "My mother left when my father was in the bathroom. "

Maori Kogoro is powerless to go crazy, girl, it's not about this!

“Noblesse oblige." Rabbit Chuan slowly walked over, "The so-called noble obligation is that the higher the status, the greater the responsibility.

"Wow, it's Brother Rabbitchuan!" The three little ones seemed to see the rescue.

"You, who are you?" The four young masters of Tokyo gathered their arrogance.

Although they have never seen the person in front of them, they have long been mixed with a pair of fire eyes in Vanity Fair at a young age.

Although this person only wears a classic black dress, anyone who reads the goods can see that this is definitely a private customization from an old workshop, cufflinks, lavaliers, watches, small and exquisite, but all embellished with treasures, that is, low-key, and luxurious, which suddenly compares them to the four young masters in Tokyo.

What's more, this person also wears a game badge on his chest, in short, he must be a guy who is not easy to mess with.

Tuchuan ignored them and continued to preach: "A person in a high position should have virtues worthy of the respect of the world that match his status, and his behavior must be consistent with his status. "

If Toku doesn't match the position..." Rabbit Chuan glanced at them.

"Yes, what will happen?" Tokyo Shishao was so nervous that he swallowed.

"You'll be killed~

" "Huh!"

Rabbit Chuan's smile and indifferent eyes are elusive.

"I, let's take our leave." It is human nature to seek benefits and avoid harm, and the four young masters in Tokyo are quick to slip away.

"Eh, how did they go?" Rabbit Chuan was not happy, "I'm not joking, after all, in this era, the moral standards are quite high, and if you are not careful, you will be killed, not what kind of president, politician, that is a high-risk profession, and not dead." "

Conan doesn't know how to refute it, although it's a fact, but my brother, they are still young, your blow is too blunt.

At this time, Conan was full of respect for the Tokyo Four Majors, and it was great not to cry!

"And ah, Xiao Wei-san." Rabbit Chuan turned to Haihara Wai, "The son of the police chief may not necessarily become the police chief, but he may also become Azu. "

Azu?" Haibara was stunned, what was that?

"Oh, by the way, there is no Azu yet." Rabbit Chuan pondered for a moment, and found a parallel control group in his mind, "I mean Inspector Oda Kiri

, his son..." "Little, boy..." Mori Kogoro pressed Rabbitikawa by the shoulder and turned Rabbit River in the direction of Chief Inspector Odakiri, "Be careful in your words and actions."

Rabbikawa nodded to Chief Inspector Oda Kirito.

Forget it, in front of people, do not reveal the short, do not say the one in his family, although the theatrical version is cold, but still the unlucky son who went in.

Oda Kirito, the son of Chief Inspector Oda Kirito, is suspected of being the murderer because he had an altercation with the deceased, Dr. Ninoho, and asked for a cover money, although Officer Matsuda caught the real murderer in time, but was also arrested by his father for extortion.

Police Chief Oda Kiri, who killed his relatives, although he has a somewhat personal grudge, is still a very righteous police officer Matsuda.

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