After eating, it was not early, and everyone went back to their respective homes.

Rabbit Chuan walked into the house as usual, kicked off his shoes, took off his coat, and then threw his coat back, pasting Xiao Hei's face who was hiding behind him.

Rabbit Chuan took advantage of Xiaohei's struggle with his coat, took out the pistol hidden in the shoe cabinet, and slammed it, and the flowers were all over the sky.

"Uncle, Surprise~

" "Oh, I really can't hide it from you." Koro, that is, Kudo Yusaku stood up, originally wanted to surprise the child, but did not expect to be played by the child.

"When did you find out?" Kudo Yusaku took colorful sequins that fell on his hair, hung Rabbit-Kawa's coat well, alas, the child has grown up and is not fun.

Rabbit Chuan turned on the TV, and the host on the TV was introducing: "The cross-era virtual game, "Cocoon", is about to hold a presentation at the Tokyo Rice Flower City Building, and people from all walks of life will be able to

do so..." Rabbit Chuan swept around the house, "What about Aunt Yukiko, why didn't they come back together?" "

You have Aunt Kiko who has a must-attend party and doesn't have time to come back." Kudo Yusaku cleaned up the colored paper sequins in the field, "Besides, I will have to rush back overnight after tomorrow's game conference."

Tuchuan said obediently: "Alas, it is not easy to make money, my uncle and aunt have worked hard." "

Kudo Yusaku is gratified, listen, what an obedient and sensible good boy.

Rabbit-Chuan: Do you give pocket money?

Yusaku Kudo: Up, out of my private money.

Yukiko Kudo: Do you still have private money?!

Yusaku Kudo: Wife, I don't have one!

Yukiko Kudo: You wait for me to find out!

Rabbit Chuan spread his hands, to be honest, if his uncle wants to hide private money, few people in this world can find out, just his aunt's brain, alas, difficult!

Of course, Kudo Yusaku came back not only to hide private money, but also to give small gifts to children, and there are only 50 "cocoon" game priority experience places nationwide.

Alas, adults work hard to climb up, not to create better living conditions for their children, as parents naturally want to give the best things to their children.

There are two boxes on the table, Rabbit Chuan opens one of them, and inside the box lies a game badge, to be precise, not a priority experience, but a one-time experience.

Rabbit Chuan looked down at the other box and said, "The other one is for Brother Xinichi, but how to give it to him?" Kudo

Yusaku nodded: "Well, I will pass it on to Dr. Agasa and ask the doctor to give the badge to Shinichi, I can't wait to see Shinichi's expression, the game we designed together will definitely surprise him."

"Flabbergasted?" Rabbit Chuan was suddenly stunned, "Huh? Did you really hand in the outline I wrote?

Kudo Yusaku said: "Yes, what's wrong, although your idea is indeed very bold, but Chairman Sindora likes it very much and personally clapped and adopted your plan." "

God, it's a bad thing, it's the end of the calf.

Rabbit Chuan opened his mouth, wanted to say something, thought about it, and asked cautiously: "Uncle, you didn't say that I wrote it, did you?"

"No, you said you didn't want others to know, I just mentioned that it was written by someone I know." Kudo Yusaku didn't understand, "Why can't you say?"

Rabbit Chuan said seriously: "Because I am afraid of being chased and killed by Sherlock Holmes fans."

"Wouldn't it?" Kudo Yusaku sweated.

"Yes, it will!" Rabbit Chuan is pretty sure.

Even the unknown author who wrote Erin mocking Sherlock Holmes would be killed, and if anyone knew that he wrote about the relationship between Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty in a cross-era virtual game script, Sherlock Holmes fans would not let him go.

But it's not a big problem, anyway, "Cocoon" is a one-time game, as long as it is concealed in advance, everything will disappear with Noah's Ark afterwards.

In short, it is right that Sherlock Holmes fans must not be let know.

As for his new brother... It's okay, his new brother doesn't like to kill, it's not a big problem.

On the second day, the Yonaka Municipal Building, Japan's top celebrities, gathered for the debut of this cross-era virtual game "Cocoon".

"Cocoon" game is a virtual reality experience game jointly developed by Neon Games and Cindora Group, which embodies the current cutting-edge technology.

During the game, players enter a cocoon-shaped cockpit and, under hypnosis, experience the game in the virtual world through the dialogue with the game through the voice recognition system.

In order not to reveal his identity, Rabbit River specially abandoned his dear uncle and walked with Maori Kogoro and his group.

Maori Kogoro walked through the starry red carpet, then through the security gate, which is usually only seen at international airports, and finally signed the pledge before entering the press conference.

Maori Kogoro complained: "Really, isn't it just a game conference, it's actually so exaggerated."

"That's it!" Rabbit Chuan echoed on the side, "The last time I caught the monster thief Kidd, I wasn't so exaggerated.

Conan said: "It is said to prevent the infiltration of commercial spies and steal intelligence and information." "

What is there to steal." Rabbit Chuan muttered, the spies came casually, he wanted to see who could steal Noah's Ark that even the Cindora Company did not know where.

Noah's Ark: ......

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