On the other hand, Miwako Sato and Wataru Takagi first handcuffed the two kidnappers who called for help, plus the kidnappers who had been kicked and flew before, and then calmed the real victim, Mr. James, and then called Matsuda Jinpei to come and defuse the bomb.

Matsuda Jin was calm and corrupted, and Hagiwara Kenji secretly added to the chaos, and he really couldn't do anything with this little rabbit cub, so he had to go to work first.

Rabbit Chuan patted the ash on his hand and decided to eat a lollipop to celebrate, but as soon as he took out the lollipop, he was killed by Matsuda Jinpei and took it away.


Matsuda Jinpei bared his big white teeth and smiled triumphantly, his mouth rattling.

Conan frowned: "Really, how old a person, why do you still bully children?" "

Ahem!" Haibara tugged at the corners of Conan's clothes, "Hey, pay attention when you speak."

Conan covered his mouth, as if he had said something wrong.

Conan just wanted to say something to cover up, but he didn't expect that the three little ones next to him also looked like they were enemies, "Let's just say ah, such a big person, how can you rob Brother Rabbit Chuan's lollipop!" "

Conan: So the point is Lollipop?

How to say, after all, everyone is hungry.

The kind-hearted Rabbit Chuan gave everyone a lollipop, even James who was rescued, or an oversized rainbow-colored lollipop, which was not given to Matsuda Jinping.

Hmph, angry!

Matsuda Jinping saw it, roared, and was quite angry, and came over to Rabbit Chuan and the children and said, "Okay, how about I invite you to dinner?" The

three little ones cheered together: "Yay!

"Okay, forgive you." Rabbit Chuan said helplessly, there is no way to take this group of children, but now it is already afternoon, in order to catch the kidnappers missed lunch, he himself is very hungry.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Wagyu donburi."

Rabbit Chuan's words made Matsuda Jinpei's wallet instantly deflated.

Genta rubbed his hungry stomach and said, "That Uncle James still owes us a lunch, we can ask the uncle to have a meal first, and then have another meal with Officer Matsuda, it's really great!"

Genta cheered, and Mitsuhiko said on the side: "But Genta, can you eat so much?"

"No problem, no problem." Yuan Tai turned his head and looked, "Eh, what about that uncle?" "

Mr. James?" Rabbit Chuan spins the lollipop, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger's super agent, "Maybe eat the super lollipop, transform into Bond, and save the earth's environment."

Conan Pi smiled and didn't smile: "Haha, James Bond?" This joke is really cold.

Rabbit Chuan chewed on the lollipop, and his voice was indistinct: "It's Pig Bond..." At

this time, James Black breathed a sigh of relief, finally got into his old friend's car, and sighed: "This city, it's really amazing!" Akai

Old Friend Shuichi, who was driving, took a cigarette and said: "Hehe, you can actually think of that kind of code in an instant, I thought you had long been accustomed to life here, by the way, when did you find out that they were fake policemen?"

"It was at the beginning that they actually spoke to me directly in Japanese." James Black took off his glasses and wiped them gently, "If they are really police officers and know that I am a foreigner who can speak Japanese, it means that they have confirmed my identity in advance, but they pretend not to know me, so I can conclude that they are lying."

"I thought for a moment that I had been exposed, but it turned out to be a simple kidnapping, and they mistook me and Hawk to make a profit."

Akai Shuichi sneered: "If they kidnap the FBI officer themselves and call the FBI with a threatening call, they may really make a big profit."

James Black took the glasses back: "Okay, Xiu, don't kid me, I wanted to take this opportunity to test that kid, our goal seems to be very concerned about him."

"The cool guy?" Akai Shuichi was noncommittal, "It's just a child."

"yes, that's just a kid, but he's smart, isn't he?" James Black looked at the lollipop in his hand, "It's a pity, such a good opportunity was ruined by the policeman in black, and the police here are also talented!"

"Don't worry, he's not from over there." Akai Shu glanced at his boss, and his eyes involuntarily stayed on the rainbow lollipop that did not conform to the temperament of the big guy, "What is this lollipop of yours?"

"Super lollipop, given to me by a child, is said to transform into Bond Superman when eaten." James Black smiled at the thought of the child's words, "It seems that my appearance is still very affinity."

Shuichi Akai: "Huh, James Bond? Super agent? That kid is quite discerning.

James Black tossed the lollipop aside: "Let's talk about you, it's amazing, you actually cut that long hair." A

cold light flashed in Akai's eyes: "Heh, change your hairstyle, change your luck, who let me be dumped by my girlfriend?"

"And then?" James Black pushed his glasses, his palm covering half of his face, unable to see his expression clearly, "You specially brought me over, wouldn't it be that you wanted me to help you get back together with your girlfriend?"

"Yes!" Akai Shuichi chewed on the cigarette, his eyes sharp, "I must make her regret for the rest of her life, regret that she dumped me in the first place." "

Uncle James owes the juvenile detective group a meal, and Shuichi Akai runs away, fortunately, there is also the big wrongdoer Matsuda Jinpei, who empties his wallet to feed the juvenile foodie group.

While eating, Rabbit Chuan noticed that Haibara's interest was not high, and Ayumi looked like he wanted to talk and stop, and quickly cared about it.

"What's wrong with Xiao Wei?" Rabbit Chuan thought about it, and it must have been created by Akai Shuichi.

Ayumi immediately pricked up her ears, and Conan also turned her head and asked: "Yes, what's wrong with you, what did you say about your boyfriend before..."

Ayumi bounced up directly, "Haibara-san has a boyfriend?"

"What, what?!" Mitsuhiko died of excitement, like a cassette tape recorder, "Ash, Ash, Ash, Hara, Yuan, Tong, classmate

..." "It's not me, it's my sister..." Haihara stopped, no, I can't say, but the more I think about it, the more angry I get.

Rabbit Chuan knew it in his heart: "Oh, Xiao Mo is Miss Mei's boyfriend, no, now it's an ex-boyfriend." "

Miss Akemi?" Conan remembered that it was their family's former housekeeper Akemi Miyano, and Haibara had a good relationship, and Haibara had always treated her as a sister, "What's wrong with Miss Akemi?" Didn't she go abroad for further study? "

How do you say..." Rabbit Chuan dragged out a long voice, showing that there were melons here, making everyone curious to die.

"Little beautiful sister, she was deceived by bad men!" Haibara said bitterly.

"What?!" Everyone else was shocked, "What the hell is going on?"

Haibara was furious and didn't want to speak.

Damn, why do good women always get deceived by men, her sister is like this, and so is sister Xiaomei!

Dr. Agasa also knows about this, a few days ago, Xiao Mourning stayed up late and Xiaomei's sister on the other side of the ocean made telephone porridge, and scolded the unknown man for a whole night, and the next day he scolded again.

Rabbit Chuan probably explained: "In fact, Miss Akemi went abroad for further study this time, also to find her foreign boyfriend who did not say goodbye before, but unexpectedly, she actually discovered a shocking secret." "

Listening to Rabbit Chuan say that there is a big secret, even Conan pricked up his ears.

"Ahem, you have to keep it a secret!" Rabbit Chuan glanced at them.

The children nodded solemnly.

Rabbit Chuan said, "The big secret is... The two of them turned out to be cousins. "

Cousins!" Ayumi was taken aback, but then thought, "What's wrong with my cousins?"

Mitsuhiko explained, "Abroad, cousins can't get married.

Ayumi was surprised: "Is this actually the case?"

Rabbit Chuan shook his head thoughtfully: "Alas, so you must pay attention to falling in love in the future, and be careful that a lover eventually becomes a brother and sister." "

Aa Shuichi Akai, who was driving, rubbed his nose, did he catch a cold?

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