The man in black pointed a gun at Yumi Miyamoto and said viciously: "You, go aside!"

"Oh, I, I see, don't be impulsive." Yumi Miyamoto stepped back again and again, oh my God, what is going on!

"What happened?" As soon as the kidnapper in the fake police car poked his head out, he saw a black hole muzzle pointed at his brain, "Huh?!" The

man in black stood on the fake police car, pointed a gun at the kidnappers, and said arrogantly: "Hey, Mr. Police Officer, can you please call your leader, your dear police chief, tell him to prepare 1 billion for me immediately, and arrange a helicopter, otherwise... Hee hee hee!

The man in black pulled off his coat, revealing a row of detonators tied to his body, and laughed wantonly: "I just blew up you useless tax thieves, hahahaha!" "

Bombs, bombs?!!!"

"What? There is a bomb?

"Run! There are bombs! "

The time has come to embody the quality of the citizens of Mihua, and in a moment, the idle people blocked on the avenue are all withdrawn.

At this time, on the Shengmao Highway, there was only a fake police car and Yumi Miyamoto looking at each other, and a black Chevrolet not far away.

The black Chevrolet driver's eyes were like torches, this is where the man in black appeared, but this simple and crude practice did not seem like the style of that organization.

The three kidnappers in the fake police car looked at each other, and one of the kidnappers hinted that the driver immediately stepped on the gas pedal and drove off, throwing off the man on the roof of the car.

But without waiting for the driver to make a move, the man in black on the roof of the car grabbed the roof of the shed, kicked his feet, and even the door took the driver to kick and fly, and sat firmly in the police car.

He held the gun firmly in one hand and pointed it at the two kidnappers in the back row plus a hostage, and with the other hand he took out three bombs from his bag and threatened: "Tie the bombs to yourself, don't make small moves, otherwise, Lao Tzu will blow you up!" "

The kidnappers almost crushed a bite of white teeth, damn it, crazy!

The kidnappers are unwilling, how did they kill such a thing halfway and tie them up, but they didn't dare to move, they had guns, but the other party had bombs, this person didn't seem to be mentally normal, in case he provoked him, wouldn't it be all over?

One of the kidnappers' eyes flickered, hesitating to tell the madman that they were peers and that they were not his target.

But he turned his head and saw that the foreigners around him who were also not his target, and were ready to pull them to Gunma Prefecture to kill people...

No, it can't be said, they can't live even more, and now they can only expect their colleagues to save their unlucky "colleagues" from the hands of this madman.

As a double kidnapper, James's face was gloomy, he originally planned to approach Belmode's target today, but he didn't expect to meet a gun kidnapper halfway?

Oh, my god! Isn't the country gun-forbidden?

But just right, he also wanted to test the child's ability, so he pretended not to know, and left with the kidnappers, but he didn't expect to meet the kidnappers again halfway, and this time it was actually a bomb?!

Oh, my goddess!

Doesn't it mean that the country is not so safe that you don't even need to go through security to take the train?

James tried to calm down and calm down, but he came from the rain of bullets in the United States, but it was just a small bomb, no big deal.

Alas, he thought that he could live two days in peace in this small Far Eastern country, but after all, he paid by mistake.

But when James picked up the bomb, he suddenly realized that the shape and size of the bomb were perfect, but this smell was...

A siren bell rang and a row of real police cars surrounded the fake police cars.

"Miwako!" Yumi Miyamoto saw the heroic Miwako Sato, it was like seeing the backbone of the main heart, "Miwako! Matsuda he's crazy!

"Oops, Yumi, calm down." Miwako Sato reassured her and said, "Matsuda, he's fine, we're now carrying out Detective Rabbit's Chuan's plan, what is this called a villain..."

Rabbit River stepped down from Dr. Agasa's Beetle, and as far as his eyes could see, there was only a row of empty cars, not even a single figure.

It is worthy of being a rice flower citizen who knows how to seek benefits and avoid harm, he runs really fast when he sees a bomb, as for the car ... It's okay, I must have bought insurance, and then there is a case I will go to the insurance company to lose money, and I can change a new car, in short, there is not much problem.

Conan said: "Because the kidnappers were strapped to bombs, even if they wanted to run, they dared not run, so they could only ask the police for help, and finally threw themselves into the net." "

Conan's brain is still buzzing, I don't know what the old brother's brain thinks, although the method sounds outrageous, but the actual operation actually works, and the plan goes quite smoothly.

First, use bombs to disperse the masses, second, use bombs to subdue the kidnappers, and third, use bombs to make the kidnappers throw themselves into the net....

Today is actually a bomb to make a great achievement, it is really off the spectrum!

Rabbit Chuan smiled, this wave of operation all depends on the Matsuda Formation Flat Field Control, after all, it is the Matsuda Formation Flat Energy and the Valley Falling Valley Zero Combat Effectiveness is comparable, this little thing, sprinkle water!

And there are other gains from this wave of operations, such as fooling James, such as isolating Shuichi Akai, but the most important thing is Matsuda Jinpei's daily good deeds today, and the check-in is successful!

Sure enough, after Matsuda Jinpei was arrested, the kidnappers cried and shouted for their mother to fall into the arms of the police.

"Help! Save us! "

Because the evil Matsuda Jinpei pressed the timer of the bomb, the bomb was about to explode in three minutes, and they dared to run away.

"Nonsense, it's clear that you, the little rabbit, have a bad heart and let me be a villain." Matsuda Jinpei took off his sunglasses, pointed to his face and said, "Look at my handsome face, I am an elite in the police world, you actually let me play a bad guy, and it is too much to test my acting skills, right?" Tu

Chuan said unceremoniously: "What acting, you call the true color of acting." "

Huh? You little bunny! Matsuda didn't know who to shout, "Don't stop me, I have to let this little rabbit try my power today!" "

Hagiwara Kenji dare not stop it, but now the lively little formation is really good, this is the Matsuda Jinpei he knows.

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