Mota, who loves to make fun of the fun, pointed to the foreigner and asked, "Dr. Agasa, who is the uncle who is surrounded by that group?"

Dr. Agasa glanced at it and said without thinking about opening his mouth: "Oh, he is Mr. Randy Hawke, the head of the 'Paul & Anne' circus."

"Born in Oklahoma, in the southern United States, he was an oil magnate who kept many animals out of interest, often followed circuses around the world to visit zoos in various countries, and reportedly donated half of the circus's income to zoos around the world."

Rabbit Chuan pouted, noncommittal, how can people who really like animals engage in an animal circus, most of them are putting on a show, blocking the mouths of those caring people.

Dr. Agasa said: "Mr. Randy Hawke is notoriously unfond of bodyguards because he once said that his family has been cowboys for generations, so he will protect himself, and he is fluent in many Chinese and speaks Japanese very well. After

listening to Dr. Agasa's words, everyone cast admiring eyes at that Mr. Randy Hawke, Lai Mihua actually did not bring bodyguards, super brave!

The reporters surrounded "Randy Hawk" with long guns and short cannons, and the microphones came to his lips, and said in all tongues: "Mr. Hawke, Mr. Hawke, please say something!"

The Randy Hawk was sweating profusely and shouted in the same broken Japanese as Mr. Judy: "Vadasi, Hawk's, no!"

Unfortunately, no one believed him: "Haha, don't joke, Mr. Hawk."

Rabbit Chuan believed it, but in order to make the most of the friendship of the landlord, he let this big man who traveled thousands of miles to the small country in the Far East personally feel the authentic customs and customs of Yonehua Town, and he endured it.

Rabbit Chuan wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and moved himself to cry.

"Mr. Hawke..."

"Mr. Hawke..." The

foreigner was forced to say a sentence in his native language: "I can't give any answer to all of your questions at the same time!"

Conan had a flash of inspiration and immediately stepped forward and said, "So you're here, Uncle Toms."

As soon as these words came out, the scene was silent.

"Soup, Toms? Isn't he Mr. Randy Hawk?

Haibara also walked over and pointed at Dr. Agasa and said, "He's my grandfather's friend, not Randy Hawk, right, grandpa." "

Grandpa Agasa: .

. The three little ones immediately understood that Conan was rescuing this gentleman, and quickly went over to help.

Under the gag of the Young Detective Corps, "Randy Hawk" successfully escaped the sea of suffering: "Thank you very much! Thank you so much. Yuan

Tai said seriously: "You're welcome, but remember to take your bodyguards next time." "

Oh, no, no, no, no! You recognize the wrong person, I'm really not Mr. Randy Hawk." The man quickly denied, "My name is James Black, just an ordinary foreigner who came to see the circus performance."

"I came here specifically to collect this thing." After speaking, James Black also took out the small gift he bought, the same keyring as Haihara and Ayumi, to prove that he was just an innocent passerby.

"Huh?" The three little ones looked shocked, "But you obviously look exactly like Mr. Randy Hawk in the brochure?" "

He's really not Mr. Randy Hawk." Conan came forward to testify to James Black, "because he is not an old beautiful cowboy, but a knight of Her Majesty." "

Her Majesty?"

Conan explained: "Because Uncle just 'can't' is pronounced /kant/, which is standard British English, and Mr. Randy Hawke is a true Yankee, I don't think Mr. Randy Hawke will speak English in a hurry."

"And although the color scheme of the two of them is the same, as long as you look closely at the facial features, you can find that they actually look different!"

"Wow, that's awesome, your reasoning ability is awesome!" James Black was amazed, "Little friend, what's your name?"

Conan said smugly, "My name is Edogawa Conan, and I am a detective." Watching

Rabbit Chuan's paws itched and was beaten, fortunately, the three little ones were not to be outdone: "Not only Conan is a detective, we are all detectives of the juvenile detective team."

Ayumi also pulled out her detective badge and showed it to James Black.

"Oh~ Sherlock Holmes!" James Black picked up Ayumi's detective badge, "So, you are Sherlock Holmes' Baker Street guerrillas?" "

Huh?" The three little ones looked dazed, "What is the Baker Street guerrilla?"

Conan smiled and said: "It's those Baker Street children who collect intelligence for Sherlock Holmes~

" James Black said enthusiastically: "What a coincidence, I was born in Baker Street, speaking of what happened just now, I have to thank you very much, so let's treat you to a big meal, I know a delicious restaurant!"

"Great!" The three little ones cheered.

"Then I'll go pick up the car now." James Black turned to Dr. Agasa and said, "I rented a station wagon that can seat everyone, but my car skills are very poor, and your car is really difficult to drive." "

Huh?" Conan spotted another flashpoint, "Aren't you used to driving right-seater cars?" That means you don't live in the UK right now.

James Black looked grim, looked at Conan deeply and said, "Oh, yes, I was indeed born in London, the hometown of Sherlock Holmes, but I grew up in Chicago, USA... The windy city where Capone stormed."

James Black left a meaningful word and turned to leave.

"Penka..." Haibara's eyes darkened slightly.

The three little ones didn't know why, pulled Rabbit Chuan and asked, "Brother Rabbit Chuan, what does that mean?" "

He said, 'It's the city where Penka is,' and Penka, a famous gangster in the Prohibition era, made his fortune by relying on private distilleries." The

three little ones exclaimed, "Huh?! So is he a gangster guy?

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "No, he should just be making an American joke, because his name is the name of a big villain." The

three little ones only cooperated and asked, "What big villain?"

"At the end of the 19th century, London's biggest shady scene, crime consultant - James Moriarty, Detective Holmes' lifelong worst enemy." Rabbit River helps James Black insanely hint, "James Black, black Moriarty." "

Black?" Haibara was slightly stunned, could it be that ...

Although Haihara's alcohol detector didn't call the police, he couldn't help but ask Conan how he felt about that person.

Conan said: What does it feel? I don't feel it, after all, people who like Sherlock Holmes are not bad people.

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