Rabbit Chuan went out and went straight to the Mihua Police Station, that is, the film police in Yonehua Town, generally such petty theft is under the control of the Mihua Police Department, and only big cases of murder and robbery need to go to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Rabbit Chuan found Officer Daigu of the Mika Police Station: "Officer Dagu, is that thief who stole sesame oil money here?"

Officer Daigu said, "Oh, yes, this man's name is Rokusuke Urasawa, he is actually very timid, but he just doesn't have a long memory, he was caught by me once last month for breaking into the empty door."

Rabbit Chuan said: "Then is there a case of breaking into the empty door today, I guess the location is near the Emperor Shrine." "

Huh? How do you know? Officer Daigu was shocked, "When I came back, I met Officer Takagi of the headquarters, who was investigating a burglary and wounding case, and when the owner of the house came home in the early morning this morning, he encountered a burglar who stole things, injured his head in an argument with the thief, fainted, and bled a lot, but it was not life-threatening.

"That's right." Rabbit Chuan patted Officer Daigu on the shoulder, "Officer Daigu, you made a great achievement today because you caught the criminal who was burglarized and injured.

Officer Dagu looked confused: "Who?" "

Rabbit River has a good relationship with Officer Daigu, in case you eat something wrong one day, this is ready-made light!"

Rabbit Chuan followed Officer Daigu to the interrogation room, and Urasawa Rokusuke said nervously: "Mr. Police Officer, I have explained everything that should be explained, and I can close the case now, right?"

"What are you in a hurry." Rabbit Chuan sat down opposite Urasawa Rokusuke, "What should be explained is clear, the most important thing you have not explained yet."

Urasawa Rokusuke clenched his fists: "Also, what else is going on?"

Rabbit Chuan stared into his eyes and said: "In the early hours of this morning, a private house near the Didan Shrine was robbed, and the owner returned home after the earthquake, unfortunately he was attacked by a thief, unconscious, and the thief saw that something was wrong and fled immediately.

Urasawa Rokusuke's gaze wandered: "What does this, this have to do with me?"

Rabbit Chuan continued, "The thief threw the crime tools into the garbage bin, then ran to the Teidan Shrine, hid the 200,000 stolen cash in the shrine's acceptance box, picked up the bell that fell on the ground, and gave himself a blow.

Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but snort: "Hey, he's really cruel to himself, but why?"

Officer Daigu cooperated and asked, "Why?"

"Because he wanted others to think that he was stealing money at the shrine at the time of the earthquake, and then because of the earthquake, he was smashed by a bell hanging above the oil tank in the front hall of the shrine, and he was unconscious until the morning, so that he had an alibi."

Rabbit Chuan locked onto the target and said, "That person is you, right, Rokusuke Urasawa." "

I, I..." Urasawa Rokusuke's face turned pale, "I" did not say a word for a long time, it can be seen that the courage is really small.

Rabbit Chuan is also not difficult to be a person, and directly threw out the evidence and said: "If what I said is correct, there must be your fingerprints on the bell, after all, you have long thrown away your gloves, and it is impossible to wear gloves when taking the bell."

Urasawa Rokusuke cried with a sad face: "I really didn't want to kill him, I didn't kill him, I pushed him a little, just like that, I didn't use any force at all, he fell, kowtow, blood flowed to the ground, I don't want to, woo wow wow..."

I already knew that it would become like this, he might as well rob the bank, not to mention robbing 2 billion, grabbing 200 million, he really lost a lot.

Amid the cry of Kurasawa Rokusuke, Officer Daigu told him a sad news: "Oh, rest assured, the owner of that family is not dead yet. "

Not dead?" Urasawa Rokusuke's eyes lit up, "Really?

Officer Daigu picked up the transcript and said, "Yes, people are still alive." Okay, Urasawa Rokusuke, you see if there is a problem with the transcript, no problem to sign here, next time you encounter this kind of thing, remember to save people first.

"That is, remember to mend the knife." After Tu Chuan finished speaking, he suddenly felt that two strong gazes fell on him, blinked his eyes innocently, and then slapped the table angrily, "I mean, you still want to have a next time, give me an honest cleansing and be a good person!"

Officer Daigu nodded in satisfaction: "Yes, there can't be a next time!" "

Yes!" Urasawa Rokusuke shrunk his neck, "I don't dare anymore." By

the time Takagi Wataru discovered the truth step by step under Conan's crazy hints and quickly rushed back, Officer Daigu had successfully solved the double theft case and became the light of the Mika Police Station.

"Huh? How so. "The Young Detective Corps is very disappointed.

Conan: Takagi, who I single-handedly brought up, actually lost to a small patrolman.

Officer Daiko: I want to be a man of light.

Rabbit Chuan: This is a bump man reserve, and the old brother lost unjustly.

Conan:...... I was speechless.

"Okay, don't be unhappy, let's go to the circus show tomorrow, right?" Rabbit Chuan took out a stack of tickets, "It is said that you can see the white lion drilling the fire ring in this era." The

three little ones instantly became excited: "Wow! It's 'Paul & Annie's Animal Show Yay!

"What is this era?" Conan's keen insight sensed that Rabbit Chuan seemed to have something to say.

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "Because I won't see it later." "

It's not easy to tour the rice flowers, I want to pass the rice flowers and leave a small life.

Paul & Annie's animal show was very lively that day, Dr. Agasa and Rabbit Chuan came with a group of children, the wonderful performance was dizzying, even Conan, who was not interested at first, was intoxicated in the end, and Haihara also bought the key ring of the white lion, holding it in the palm of his hand and couldn't put it down.

After the scene was dispersed, Rabbit Chuan and his group walked out with the flow of people, and a group of reporters surrounded a foreigner at the gate, making a noisy noise.

The foreigner vigorously explained: "I am not, I am not Mr. Hawke. "

Rabbit Chuan opened his mouth, oh, rice flower specialty is here.

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