James Black walked for 40 minutes, and Yuantai waited's stomach was hungry, and he complained: "It's so slow, why hasn't that foreign uncle come back yet?"

Mitsuhiko suggested, "Why don't Dr. Agasa and Brother Rabbawa stay here and wait, let's all go to the parking lot and take a look?"

Conan agreed: "There are only a few parking lots that can be reached on foot here, so let's all look for them."

"Alas, I'll go with you." Rabbit River moved his muscles, "I don't think Mr. James is a stingy man who will release human pigeons, he probably encountered rice flower specialties, I mean the case, I just don't know if he became a suspect or a victim?" "

Conan choked, please, dude, don't say it so scary!

In the parking lot, the juvenile detective team constantly called James's name.


"Mr. James~

" "Where are you?"

"Come here!" Mitsuhiko exclaimed excitedly, "This car must be Mr. James's station wagon, you see, there is a circus lion doll on the front window!" Yuan

Tai came over and looked in the window of the car: "But there is no one in the car." "

Conan on the other side saw that the door was open, and the car keys were still inserted in the door, and sure enough...

"Sure enough, something happened." Rabbit Chuan helped James lock the car door, "It seems that he became a victim." "

Conan: .

. Just when Conan was helpless, the simple people of Yonehua Town sent justice, and three young boys playing football in the parking lot ran over and offered to provide information: "Are you looking for that bearded foreigner?" He had just left with two uncles in overcoats.

Conan immediately asked, "Which way are they going?"

The little boy's hand pointed and said, "They went to that little alley."

Conan swooped out, but there was nothing on the other side of the alley, except for a keyring with a small lion pendant on the side of the road.

Ayumi looked at the key ring and said worriedly: "Is this Mr. James's, why did it fall to the ground?"

Haibara looked at the middle of the road and said, "If he dropped this key ring, then he may have taken another car and left."

Mitsuhiko thought of what James had said earlier: "By the way, Mr. James said that he made an appointment with a friend."

Motata said angrily, "Shouldn't that foreigner not want to invite us to dinner, so he ran away with his friend?"

Conan said calmly: "No, Brother Rabbit Chuan is right, there is blood on this charm, and Mr. James may have been killed." "

Huh? Not anymore! Rabbit Chuan's gaze wandered, "It's also F... Sherlock Holmes' opponent should not be dead, I guess he was kidnapped by some kidnapper who didn't have long eyes as the oil tycoon. "

Wouldn't you?!" The three little ones were surprised, but if you think about it, it is not impossible, after all, the previous reporters also recognized the wrong person, "But if this is the case, Mr. James is also too unlucky, right?"

"yes, it's really unlucky." Rabbit River means something.

"Indeed, there is a high probability that Mr. James will be kidnapped." Conan pulled up the banner on the key ring, "Look, the three symbols P, &, and A on it are all stained with blood, I think this should be the distress message left by James."

Mitsuhiko said nervously: "Oh, don't say this, let's hurry up and call the police, right?"

"Nope." Rabbit Chuan stopped Mitsuhiko, "We are just speculating now, and we have not seen it with our own eyes, there is no evidence, and we have not received a call from the kidnappers.

Mitsuhiko asked, "So what should we do?"

"You're stupid." Genta yelled at Mitsuhiko, "Of course, it's our turn to dispatch the juvenile detective team."

"Yes!" Mitsuhiko and Ayumi shouted in unison, "Young detective group, go out~

" Genta raised his arms and shouted: "Let's go, let's go together to rescue that unlucky foreign uncle and let him invite us to dinner." "

They want to see, who dares to stir up the dinner of their juvenile detective team?"

The three little ones stood in a row, walked imposingly, walked all the way to the end of the avenue, and retreated in ashes.

Rabbit Chuan glared: "What's the drop?" What's back? The

three little ones had a shy, shy, and twisted: "Oh, brother Rabbit Chuan, you say it quickly, where are we going to find him?"

"Oh, think of me now."

"Brother Rabbitchuan~

" "Stop, stop!" Rabbit Chuan couldn't stand it anymore, and quickly called a stop, "Okay, stop, don't ask me, go ask Conan, he knows." "

Huh?" Conan looked up in surprise, "But I haven't figured out what these three symbols mean?"

"Isn't a P&A PANDA?" Oops, let's leave that alone, let's use technology and ruthlessness this time, I remember Mr. James took Ayumi's detective badge, which had a transmitter in it. Rabbit Chuan pointed to the eye socket, "Let's save some brains and find it directly with tracking glasses." "

Oh." Conan was stunned, put down his brain to solve the code, and turned on the tracker of technology, "The target is heading north along the Wuzu River towards the Shengmao Highway, according to the movement speed of the gangsters, they should have escaped by car." "

Didi - Dr. Agasa drove the Beetle over, and a black Chevrolet C-1500 overtook him.

Haibara trembled slightly, and turned back sharply.

Ayumi shouted, "Haibara-san, hurry up and get on the bus!" "

Oh, I'll do it." Haihara sat in the car, tense, was it an illusion, it seemed that someone was staring at her just now.

Conan was calling Officer Takagi: "Hey, Officer Takagi, listen to me..."

You want me to set up a jam on Shengmao Highway to stop vehicles? Takagi explained with a look of embarrassment, "No, we can't engage in such a big move because there is no real evidence."

Miwako Sato, who happened to be passing by, grabbed the phone and said, "Do you mean the Ikumoto Highway?" There happened to be a traffic accident there, Yumi is on duty over there, I asked her to help you pay attention.

Conan looked thankful, really helped me, and quickly told Officer Sato about James' characteristics.

"Male, height... Bearded foreigners, that's all? Miwako Sato asked, "Is there anything else?"

Rabbit Chuan took the phone and said, "They were in a police car." "

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