Rabbikawa and his party spent three days in Izu before returning to Tokyo, but the next two days were calm and nothing happened.

Presumably to ease Tokyo's real estate market, the day after returning from Shizuoka Prefecture, Mori Kogoro booked a medical forest inn and planned to go on a three-day, two-night tour.

It's a pity that they just arrived at the hotel, and before they had time to eat a meal, they sent the village chief away, and then sent the owner of the hotel in.

Rabbit Chuan covered his face, alas, this is not a trip for nothing, fortunately he did not go.

It was also a coincidence that Rabbit River happened to have an appointment, because Yoko Okino was coming to visit him.

This time, Yoko Okino dumped her agent and came to visit alone.

Yoko Okino is not the first time to visit Rabbit River, compared to the last time, this time is quite calm.

Yoko Okino also counted in her heart, Rabbit-sama is unreasonable... Not reasonable... It's not ignoring, ahem, Rabbit-sama is reasonable, and will not casually pick up the neck of the monster ... Won't you just rip the yokai around your neck?

Yoko Okino slapped her head directly, she practiced well at home, why was she incoherent as soon as she arrived in front of Lord Rabbit-kawa?

It happened that Conan was not in Tokyo today, and Kenji Hagiwara freely served tea and poured water at home: "Please use tea."

"Thank you very much!" Yoko Okino immediately bowed, forgetting that she was sitting on the sofa, and banged her head on the coffee table.

"Are you all right?" Rabbit Chuan sighed, so painful.

Yoko Okino raised her head and raised a smiling face: "Rabbit-sama, I'm fine, I feel much calmer now." "

Oh, that's good." Rabbit Chuan picked up the teacup, he didn't seem to have done anything, right?

Yoko Okino knows in her heart that Rabbit-sama's nature is difficult to move, and she is talking about Rabbit-sama's gentle and kind heart, but the growing awe of the yokai makes Rabbit-sama more and more daunting, and under the "fear", they dare not make a second attempt.

Yoko Okino picked up the teacup, slowed down, and finally said the purpose of her trip: "I suspect that one of my girlfriends wants to kill my other girlfriend, because my girlfriend is getting engaged, and the engagement object is another girlfriend's crush, but they are not really going to get engaged, but to anger my girlfriend's crush... In short, this is a four-cornered love. "

Yoko Okino's best friends Kaoru Kusano, Kaoru Kusano, Yuki Yuki, and Terumi Hoshino, the four of them originally belonged to the same girl idol group, and the once popular Earth Lady Team.

The names of the members of the Earth Ladies Team represent different beauties on earth, Kaoru Kusano, a savannah full of flowers, Yukino Snow is the white snow on the top of a mountain, Hino Terumi is a sky full of stars twinkling in the night sky, and finally Yoko Okino is a sparkling blue ocean.

Later, due to discord with ideas, the Earth Ladies team disbanded, and others went to show business to develop, only Yoko Okino continued to be an idol.

Kaoru Kusano's engagement is actor Osamu Kenzaki, but in fact she likes her agent, Ma Ma Atsushi.

And Xiong Du has always been secretly in love with his artist, but for various reasons he did not dare to confess, so Kusanofu wanted to stimulate him, and the result was stimulated, but it did not stimulate his crush, but his fiancé's crush, that is, his best friend Yue Ye Xue.

Yue Yexue likes Kenzaki Shu very much, but now both her role and Kenzaki Shu himself have been snatched away by her girlfriends, and she can't suppress her jealousy now.

The relationship between the four is complicated, but Rabbit Chuan just wants to say: "Don't you all know, then you just stab the window paper?" Yoko

Okino shook her head and said: "You are still young, you don't understand that the relationship between this man and woman needs to be sharpened, and if you don't go through a tribulation, the kind of relationship that is easy to get will not last, just like the male and female protagonists played in the TV series, how can they be easily together." Rabbit

Chuan glanced at Yoko Okino, hehe, women, whether they are people or not, they get carried away when they gossip, and they are not afraid now.

Rabbit Chuan said: "With your meaning, you still want them to experience a life-and-death love?"

Yoko Okino nodded sharply, and then shook his head and said: "Although I want to, but I have no experience, I'm afraid I can't hold it, in case of accidentally causing a fate, I don't know what to do, you look at you..."

Rabbit Chuan looked out the window and sighed: "Alas, the sky is getting cooler, I see that my wardrobe seems to be missing a bib." "

Yoko Okino: Hehehehe

Rabbit Chuan was given a headache, hmph, this group of little monsters saw that he was kind-hearted, and finally showed Yoko Okino a clear way.

"You go and invite Maori Kogoro, when the time comes, I will go with Maori Kogoro and guarantee to put on a good show!"

Yoko Okino: ... Is it guaranteed to kill people?

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